The fors_img_science recipe



Reduce imaging scientific exposure


Input files

DO category:               Type:       Explanation:                                   Number:
SCIENCE_IMG                 Raw         Science image                                  1
MASTER_BIAS                 FITS image  Master bias                                    1
MASTER_SKY_FLAT_IMG         FITS image  Master sky flat field                          1
PHOT_COEFF_TABLE            FITS table  Observed extinction coefficients       0+
EXTINCTION_PER_NIGHT        FITS table  Extinction per night                           0+
STATIC_PHOT_COEFF_TABLE     FITS table  Static filters photometry coefficients         0+
DETECTOR_ILLUMINATED_REGION FITS table  Table with detector illuminated regions        0+

Output files

DO category:               Data type:  Explanation:
SCIENCE_REDUCED_IMG        FITS image  Reduced science image
PHOT_BACKGROUND_SCI_IMG    FITS image  Reduced science image background
SOURCES_SCI_IMG            FITS image  Unfiltered SExtractor output
OBJECT_TABLE_SCI_IMG       FITS table  Extracted sources properties
SCIENCE_REDUCED_IMG_IDP    FITS image  Reduced science image in IDP-compliant format
SCIENCE_REDUCED_WEIGHT_IDP FITS image  Ancillary file with the weights for IDP the image
SCIENCE_REDUCED_ERR_IDP    FITS image  Ancillary file with the errors for IDP the image



Create an object for the recipe fors_img_science.

import cpl
fors_img_science = cpl.Recipe("fors_img_science")



Systematic error in magnitude (float; default: 0.01) [default=0.01].


SExtractor executable (str; default: ‘/usr/bin/source-extractor’) [default=”/usr/bin/source-extractor”].


SExtractor configuration file (str; default: ‘/usr/share/cpl- plugins/fors-5.5.6/config/’) [default=”/usr/share/cpl-plugins/fors-5.5.6/config/”].


SExtractor magnitude (str; default: ‘MAG_APER’) [default=”MAG_APER”].


SExtractor magnitude error (str; default: ‘MAGERR_APER’) [default=”MAGERR_APER”].


Background error map median filter radius (unbinned pixels) (int; default: 64) [default=64].


If TRUE compliant IDP science products are generated (bool; default: False) [default=False].


Every pixel in the MASTER_SKY_FLAT_IMG below the threshold will be put to 0 in the weight-map, 1 otherwise. Ignored if IDP generation is not requested (float; default: 0.5) [default=0.5].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
fors_img_science = cpl.Recipe("fors_img_science")

fors_img_science.param.magsyserr = 0.01
fors_img_science.param.sex_exe = "/usr/bin/source-extractor"
fors_img_science.param.sex_config = "/usr/share/cpl-plugins/fors-5.5.6/config/"
fors_img_science.param.sex_mag = "MAG_APER"
fors_img_science.param.sex_magerr = "MAGERR_APER"
fors_img_science.param.sex_radius = 64
fors_img_science.param.idp_generate = False
fors_img_science.param.idp_weights_threshold = 0.5

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
fors_img_science = cpl.Recipe("fors_img_science")
res = fors_img_science( ..., param = {"magsyserr":0.01, "sex_exe":"/usr/bin/source-extractor"})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to ESO PPS Group. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.