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programmer's documentation
vissst.f90 File Reference

Calculation of turbulent viscosity for the $ k - \omega $ SST model. More...


subroutine vissst

Detailed Description

Calculation of turbulent viscosity for the $ k - \omega $ SST model.

\[ \mu_T = \rho A1 \dfrac{k}{\max(A1 \omega; \; S f_2)} \]


\[ S = \sqrt{ 2 S_{ij} S_{ij}} \]

\[ S_{ij} = \dfrac{\der{u_i}{x_j} + \der{u_j}{x_i}}{2}\]

and $ f_2 = \tanh(arg2^2) $

\[ arg2^2 = \max(2 \dfrac{\sqrt{k}}{C_\mu \omega y}; \; 500 \dfrac{\nu}{\omega y^2}) \]

where $ y $ is the distance to the wall.

$ \divs{\vect{u}} $ is calculated at the same time than $ S $ for being reused in turbkm

Edge faces types are available at the previous time step (except at the first time step, when the itypfb and itrifb tables have not been filled).

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ vissst()

subroutine vissst ( )