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prehyd.f90 File Reference

Compute an "a priori" hydrostatic pressure and its gradient associated before the Navier Stokes equations (prediction and correction steps navstv.f90). More...


subroutine prehyd (grdphd, iterns)

Detailed Description

Compute an "a priori" hydrostatic pressure and its gradient associated before the Navier Stokes equations (prediction and correction steps navstv.f90).

This function computes a hydrostatic pressure $ P_{hydro} $ solving an a priori simplified momentum equation:

\[ \rho^n \dfrac{(\vect{u}^{hydro} - \vect{u}^n)}{\Delta t} = \rho^n \vect{g}^n - \grad P_{hydro} \]

and using the mass equation as following:

\[ \rho^n \divs \left( \delta \vect{u}_{hydro} \right) = 0 \]

with: $ \delta \vect{u}_{hydro} = ( \vect{u}^{hydro} - \vect{u}^n) $

finally, we resolve the simplified momentum equation below:

\[ \divs \left( K \grad P_{hydro} \right) = \divs \left(\vect{g}\right) \]

with the diffusion coefficient ( $ K $) defined as:

\[ K \equiv \dfrac{1}{\rho^n} \]

with a Neumann boundary condition on the hydrostatic pressure:

\[ D_\fib \left( K, \, P_{hydro} \right) = \vect{g} \cdot \vect{n}_\ib \]

(see the theory guide for more details on the boundary condition formulation).

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ prehyd()

subroutine prehyd ( double precision, dimension(ndim, ncelet)  grdphd,
integer  iterns 
[out]grdphdthe a priori hydrostatic pressure gradient $ \partial _x (P_{hydro}) $
[in]iternsNavier-Stokes iteration number