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post.f90 File Reference

Data Types

interface  cs_post_set_deformable
 Configure the post-processing output so that a mesh displacement field may be output automatically. More...
interface  post_activate_by_time_step
 Update "active" or "inactive" flag of writers based on the time step. More...
interface  cs_user_postprocess_activate
 User override of default frequency or calculation end based output. More...


module  post


subroutine post_write_var (mesh_id, var_name, var_dim, interleaved, use_parent, nt_cur_abs, t_cur_abs, cel_vals, i_face_vals, b_face_vals)
 Output a variable defined at cells or faces of a post-processing mesh using associated writers. More...
subroutine post_activate_writer (writer_id, activate)
 Force the "active" or "inactive" flag for a specific writer or for all writers for the current time step. More...


integer post_on_location
integer post_boundary_nr
integer post_monitor

Detailed Description

Module for post-processing related operations