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Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
numvar.f90 File Reference

Module for variable numbering. More...


module  numvar


elemental pure integer function iprpfl (f_id)
subroutine gas_mix_options_init
 Initialize Fortran gas mix API. This maps Fortran pointers to global C variables. More...


integer, save ipr
integer, save iu
integer, save iv
integer, save iw
integer, save ivolf2
integer, save ik
integer, save iep
integer, save ir11
integer, save ir22
integer, save ir33
integer, save ir12
integer, save ir23
integer, save ir13
integer, save irij
integer, save iphi
integer, save ifb
integer, save ial
integer, save iomg
integer, save inusa
integer, dimension(nscamx), save isca
integer, dimension(nscamx), save iscapp
integer, save nscaus
integer, save nscapp
integer(c_int), pointer, save nscasp
integer, save iuma
integer, save ivma
integer, save iwma
integer, save irom
 Density at the current time step (equal to icrom, kept for compatibility) More...
integer, save iviscl
 dynamic molecular viscosity (in kg/(m.s)) More...
integer, save ivisct
 dynamic turbulent viscosity More...
integer, dimension(nestmx), save iestim
 error estimator for Navier-Stokes More...
integer, save kimasf
 interior and boundary convective mass flux key ids of the variables More...
integer, save kbmasf
integer, save kvisl0
 constant diffusivity field id key for scalars More...
integer, save kivisl
 variable diffusivity field id key for scalars More...
integer, save kromsl
 variable density field id key for scalars More...
integer, save kstprv
 source terms at previous time step for 2nd order More...
integer, save kst
 source terms at the current time step (used for limiters) More...
integer, save ksigmas
 turbulent schmidt key for scalars More...
integer, dimension(nvarmx), save ifluaa
 convective mass flux of the variables at the previous time-step More...
integer, save icrom
 cell density field ids of the variables More...
integer, save ibrom
 boundary density field ids of the variables More...
integer, save ipori
 field ids of the cell porosity More...
integer, save iporf
integer, save ismago
 dynamic constant of Smagorinsky More...
integer, save ivsten
 field ids of the anisotropic viscosity More...
integer, save ivstes
integer, save icour
 Courant number. More...
integer, save ifour
 Fourier number. More...
integer, save iprtot
 Total pressure at cell centers $ P_{tot} = P^\star +\rho \vect{g} \cdot (\vect{x}-\vect{x}_0) $. More...
integer, save ivisma
 Mesh velocity viscosity for the ALE module. More...
integer, dimension(nscamx), save iustdy
 pointer for dilatation source terms More...
integer, save itsrho
 pointer for global dilatation source terms More...
integer, save ibeta
 pointer for thermal expansion coefficient More...
integer, save iddgas
 pointer for deduced mass fraction in case of gas mix More...
integer, save igmxml
 pointer for gas mix molar mass More...
integer, save iforbr
 field id of the stresses at boundary (if post-processed) More...
integer, save iyplbr
 field id of $y^+$ at boundary (if post-processed) More...
integer, save itempb
 field id of temperature at boundary More...
integer, save is2kw
 field id of the square of the norm of the deviatoric part of the deformation rate tensor ( $S^2=2S_{ij}^D S_{ij}^D$). Field defined only with the $k-\omega$ (SST) turbulence model More...
integer, save idivukw
 field id of the divergence of the velocity. More precisely, it is the trace of the velocity gradient (and not a finite volume divergence term). In the cell iel, $div(\vect{u})$ is given by divukw(iel1). This array is defined only with the $k-\omega$ SST turbulence model (because in this case it may be calculated at the same time as $S^2$) More...
integer, save istraio
 field id of the strain rate tensor at the previous time step More...
integer, save kwgrec
 Weighting for gradient calculation on variables. More...
integer, dimension(nvarmx), save ivarfl
 Field id for variable i. More...
integer, save idtten
 Field id for the dttens tensor. More...

Detailed Description

Module for variable numbering.