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Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
parall Module Reference

Data Types

interface  cs_parall_allgather_r
 Build a global array from each local array in each domain. More...
interface  parall_bcast_i
 Broadcast an integer in case of parellism. More...
interface  parall_bcast_r
 Broadcast a real number in case of parellism. More...
interface  parbar
 Set a barrier on all default communicator processes. More...
interface  parbci
 Broadcast an array of integers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parbcr
 Broadcast an array of real numbers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parcmn
 Compute the global minimum of an integer in case of parellism. More...
interface  parcmx
 Compute the global maximum of an integer in case of parellism. More...
interface  parcpt
 Compute the global sum of an integer in case of parellism. More...
interface  parfpt
 Given an (id, rank, value) tuple, return the local id, rank, and value corresponding to the global minimum value. More...
interface  parimn
 Compute the global minima of an array of integers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parimx
 Compute the global maxima of an array of integers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parism
 Compute the global sums of an array of integers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parmax
 Compute the global maximum of a real number in case of parellism. More...
interface  parmin
 Compute the global minimum of a real number in case of parellism. More...
interface  parmnl
 Minimum value of a real and the value of related array on all default communicator processes. More...
interface  parmxl
 Maximum value of a real and the value of related array on all default communicator processes. More...
interface  parrmn
 Compute the global minima of an array of real numbers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parrmx
 Compute the global maxima of an array of real numbers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parrsm
 Compute the global sums of an array of real numbers in case of parellism. More...
interface  parsom
 Compute the global sum of a real number in case of parellism. More...


subroutine paragv (n_elts, n_g_elts, array, g_array)
 Build a global array from each local array in each domain. More...


integer thr_n_min
 thr_n_min : minimum number of elements for loops on threads More...
integer, save irangp
 process rank More...
integer, save nrangp
 number of processes (=1 if sequental) More...
integer(kind=8), save ncelgb
 global number of cells More...
integer(kind=8), save nfacgb
 global number of interior faces More...
integer(kind=8), save nfbrgb
 global number of boundary faces More...
integer(kind=8), save nsomgb
 global number of vertices More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ paragv()

subroutine parall::paragv ( integer(c_int), value  n_elts,
integer(c_int), value  n_g_elts,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(in)  array,
real(c_double), dimension(:), intent(inout)  g_array 

Build a global array from each local array in each domain.

Local arrays are appened in order of owning MPI rank. The size of each local array may be different. Use of this function may be quite practical, but should be limited to user functions, as it may limit scalability (especially as regards memory usage).

[in]n_eltssize of the local array
[in]n_g_eltssize of the global array
[in]arraylocal array (size: n_elts)
[out]g_arrayglobal array (size: n_g_elts)