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entsor Module Reference


subroutine flush_nfecra ()
 Flush Fortran log. More...
subroutine listing_writing_period_init
 Map ntlist from C to Fortran. More...


integer, save nfecra
 standard output More...
integer, save impmvo
 unit of the upstream restart file for the vortex method. Useful if and only if isuivo=1 and ivrtex=1. More...
integer, save impvvo
 unit of the downstream restart file for the vortex method. Useful if and only if ivrtex=1. More...
integer, save impdvo
 unit of the ficvor data files for the vortex method. More...
character(len=13), save ficdat
 name of file, see usvort module. More...
integer, save ntsuit
 saving period of the restart filesy5 More...
integer, save keylbl = -1
 field key for output label More...
integer, save keylog = -1
 field key for logging
For every quantity (variable, physical or numerical property ...), indicator concerning the writing in the execution report file More...
integer, save keyvis = -1
  field key for postprocessing output. More...
character(len=32), save ficfpp
 name of the thermochemical data file for combustion. More...
integer, save impfpp
 logical unit of the thermochemical data file. Useful in case of gas or pulverized coal combustion or electric arcs; More...
integer, save indjon
 use Janaf (=1) or not (=0) More...
character(len=32), save ficmet
 Input files for the atmospheric specific physics (name of the meteo profile file) More...
integer, save impmet
 logical unit of the meteo profile file More...
character(len=80), save emphis
 directory in which the potential chronological record files generated by the Kernel will be written (path related to the execution directory) More...
character(len=80), save prehis
 prefix of history files More...
integer, dimension(2), save impsth
 mobile structure variables output unit More...
integer, save tplfmt
 time plot format (1: .dat, 2: .csv, 3: both) More...
integer, save nthist
 output period of the chronological record files: More...
double precision, save frhist
 frhist : output frequency in seconds More...
integer, save ihistr
 write indicator (O or 1) for history of internal mobile structures More...
integer nusrmx
 maximal number of user files More...
integer, dimension(nusrmx), save impusr
 unit numbers for potential user specified files. Useful if and only if the user needs files (therefore always useful, by security) More...
character(len=80), save nomva0
 temporary variable name for some algebraic operations More...
integer(c_int), pointer, save ntlist
 writing period in the execution report file. More...
integer, dimension(5), save ipstdv
 indicates the data to post-process on the boundary mesh (the boundary mesh must be associated with an active writer). ipstdv(key) indicates which fields should be created and output on the boundary, with key in ipstfo, ipstyp, ipsttp, ipstft, ipstnu. More...
integer ipstfo
 post-processed property: Efforts (0: none 1: all; 2: tangent; 4: normal) More...
integer ipstyp
 post-processed property: $ y^+ $ at the boundary More...
integer ipsttp
 post-processed property : $ T^+ $ at the boundary More...
integer ipstft
 post-processed property: thermal flux at the boundary (in $ W\,m^{-2} $), More...
integer ipstnu
 post-processed property: Nusselt More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ flush_nfecra()

subroutine entsor::flush_nfecra ( )

Flush Fortran log.

◆ listing_writing_period_init()

subroutine entsor::listing_writing_period_init ( )

Map ntlist from C to Fortran.