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programmer's documentation
Module for specific physics thermophysical data


double precision trefth
 reference temperature for the specific physics, in K More...
double precision prefth
 reference pressure for the specific physics, in Pa More...
double precision volmol
 molar volume under normal pressure and temperature conditions (1 atmosphere, 0 $\text{\degresC}$) in $m^{-3}$ More...
integer ngazgm
 maximal number of global species More...
integer ngazem
 maximal number of elementary gas components More...
integer npot
 maximal number of tabulation points More...
integer natom
 maximal number of atomic species More...
integer nrgazm
 maximal number of global reactions in gas phase More...
integer iatc
integer iath
integer iato
integer iatn
integer iats
character(len=150), dimension(ngazgmnomcog
 name of global species More...
character(len=12), dimension(ngazemnomcoe
 name of elementary species More...
integer, save npo
 number of tabulation points More...
integer, save ngaze
 number of elementary gas components More...
integer, save ngazg
 number of global species More...
integer, save nato
 number of atomic species More...
integer, save nrgaz
 number of global reactions in gas phase More...
integer, save iio2
 rank of O2 in gas composition More...
integer, save iih2o
 rank of H2O in gas composition More...
integer, save iico2
 rank of CO2 in gas composition More...
integer, save iico
 rank of CO in gas composition More...
integer, pointer, save iic
 rank of C in gas composition More...
integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igfuel
 rank of fuel in the r-th reaction More...
integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igoxy
 rank of oxydiser in the r-th reaction More...
integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igprod
 rank of products in the r-th reaction More...
double precision, dimension(ngazgm), save nreact
 stoechiometric coefficient of global species More...
double precision, dimension(npot), save th
 temperature (in K) More...
double precision, dimension(ngazem, npot), save ehgaze
 engaze(ij) is the massic enthalpy (J/kg) of the i-th elementary gas component at temperature th(j) More...
double precision, dimension(ngazgm, npot), save ehgazg
 engazg(ij) is the massic enthalpy (J/kg) of the i-th global secies at temperature th(j) More...
double precision, dimension(ngazgm, npot), save cpgazg
 cpgazg(ij) is the massic calorific capacity (J/kg/K) of the i-th global secies at temperature th(j) More...
real(c_double), dimension(:), pointer, save wmole
 molar mass of an elementary gas component More...
real(c_double), dimension(:), pointer, save wmolg
 molar mass of a global species More...
double precision, dimension(natom), save wmolat
 molar mass of atoms More...
double precision, dimension(ngazgm, nrgazm), save stoeg
 Stoichiometry in reaction global species. Negative for the reactants, and positive for the products. More...
double precision, dimension(nrgazm), save fs
 Mixing rate at the stoichiometry. More...
double precision, dimension(ngazgm), save ckabsg
 Absorption coefficient of global species. More...
real(c_double), pointer, save ckabs1
 Absorption coefficient of gas mixture. More...
double precision, save diftl0
real(c_double), pointer, save xco2
 Molar coefficient of CO2. More...
real(c_double), pointer, save xh2o
 Molar coefficient of H2O. More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ ckabs1

real(c_double), pointer, save ckabs1

Absorption coefficient of gas mixture.

◆ ckabsg

double precision, dimension(ngazgm), save ckabsg

Absorption coefficient of global species.

◆ cpgazg

double precision, dimension(ngazgm,npot), save cpgazg

cpgazg(ij) is the massic calorific capacity (J/kg/K) of the i-th global secies at temperature th(j)

◆ diftl0

double precision, save diftl0

molecular diffusivity for the enthalpy ( $kg.m^{-1}.s^{-1}$) for gas or coal combustion (the code then automatically sets visls0 to diftl0 for the scalar representing the enthalpy).

Always useful for gas or coal combustion.

◆ ehgaze

double precision, dimension(ngazem,npot), save ehgaze

engaze(ij) is the massic enthalpy (J/kg) of the i-th elementary gas component at temperature th(j)

◆ ehgazg

double precision, dimension(ngazgm,npot), save ehgazg

engazg(ij) is the massic enthalpy (J/kg) of the i-th global secies at temperature th(j)

◆ fs

double precision, dimension(nrgazm), save fs

Mixing rate at the stoichiometry.

◆ iatc

integer iatc

◆ iath

integer iath

◆ iatn

integer iatn

◆ iato

integer iato

◆ iats

integer iats

◆ igfuel

integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igfuel

rank of fuel in the r-th reaction

◆ igoxy

integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igoxy

rank of oxydiser in the r-th reaction

◆ igprod

integer, dimension(nrgazm), save igprod

rank of products in the r-th reaction

◆ iic

integer, pointer, save iic

rank of C in gas composition

◆ iico

integer, save iico

rank of CO in gas composition

◆ iico2

integer, save iico2

rank of CO2 in gas composition

◆ iih2o

integer, save iih2o

rank of H2O in gas composition

◆ iio2

integer, save iio2

rank of O2 in gas composition

◆ nato

integer, save nato

number of atomic species

◆ natom

integer natom

maximal number of atomic species

◆ ngaze

integer, save ngaze

number of elementary gas components

◆ ngazem

integer ngazem

maximal number of elementary gas components

◆ ngazg

integer, save ngazg

number of global species

◆ ngazgm

integer ngazgm

maximal number of global species

◆ nomcoe

character(len=12), dimension(ngazem) nomcoe

name of elementary species

◆ nomcog

character(len=150), dimension(ngazgm) nomcog

name of global species

◆ npo

integer, save npo

number of tabulation points

◆ npot

integer npot

maximal number of tabulation points

◆ nreact

double precision, dimension(ngazgm), save nreact

stoechiometric coefficient of global species

◆ nrgaz

integer, save nrgaz

number of global reactions in gas phase

◆ nrgazm

integer nrgazm

maximal number of global reactions in gas phase

◆ prefth

double precision prefth

reference pressure for the specific physics, in Pa

◆ stoeg

double precision, dimension(ngazgm,nrgazm), save stoeg

Stoichiometry in reaction global species. Negative for the reactants, and positive for the products.

◆ th

double precision, dimension(npot), save th

temperature (in K)

◆ trefth

double precision trefth

reference temperature for the specific physics, in K

◆ volmol

double precision volmol

molar volume under normal pressure and temperature conditions (1 atmosphere, 0 $\text{\degresC}$) in $m^{-3}$

◆ wmolat

double precision, dimension(natom), save wmolat

molar mass of atoms

◆ wmole

real(c_double), dimension(:), pointer, save wmole

molar mass of an elementary gas component

◆ wmolg

real(c_double), dimension(:), pointer, save wmolg

molar mass of a global species

◆ xco2

real(c_double), pointer, save xco2

Molar coefficient of CO2.

◆ xh2o

real(c_double), pointer, save xh2o

Molar coefficient of H2O.