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programmer's documentation
Module for definition of general parameters


integer nscamx
 maximum number of scalars solutions of an advection equation, apart from the variables of the turbulence model $ (k, \varepsilon, R_{ij}, \omega, \varphi, \overline{f}, \alpha, \nu_t$) , that is to say the temperature and other scalars (passive or not, user-defined or not) More...
integer nvarmx
 maximal number of variables = nscamx + 12 (u,v,w,P,Rij,e,alp) More...
integer ntypmx
 Maximal possible boundary condition types. More...
integer iindef
integer ientre
integer isolib
integer isymet
integer iparoi
integer iparug
integer iesicf
 if itypfb=iesicf: imposed inlet/outlet for compressible flow (for example, supersonic inlet). More...
integer isspcf
 if itypfb=isspcf: supersonic outlet for compressible flow. More...
integer isopcf
 if itypfb=isopcf: mixed outlet for compressible flow with a given pressure. More...
integer iephcf
 if itypfb=iephcf: mixed inlet for compressible flow with given total pressure and total enthalpy (reservoir boundary conditions). More...
integer ieqhcf
integer icscpl
integer icscpd
integer ifrent
integer ifresf
integer i_convective_inlet
integer nestmx
 maximal number of valuators for Navier-Stokes More...
integer iespre
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iespre: prediction, (default name: EsPre). After the velocity prediction step (yielding $\vect{u}^*$), the estimator $\eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)$, local variable calculated at every cell $ \Omega_i $, is created from $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*)$, which represents the residual of the equation solved during this step: $\vect{u}$ and $ P $: More...
integer iesder
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iesder: drift (default name: EsDer). The estimator $\eta^{\,der}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ is based on the following quantity (intrinsic to the code): More...
integer iescor
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iescor: correction, (default name: EsCor). The estimator $ \eta^{\,corr}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ comes directly from the mass flow calculated with the updated velocity field: More...
integer iestot
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iestot: total, (default name: EsTot). The estimator $ \eta^{\,tot}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, local variable calculated at every cell $\Omega_i$, is based on the quantity $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,tot}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, which represents the residual of the equation using the updated values of $\vect{u}$ and $P$: More...
integer ibfixe
integer igliss
integer ivimpo
integer nstrmx
 maximum number of structures in ALE More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ i_convective_inlet

integer i_convective_inlet

if itypfb=i_convective_inlet: inlet face where the total mass flux is prescribed.

  • Zero-flux condition for pressure and Dirichlet condition for all other variables. The value of the Dirichlet must be given in rcodcl(ifac,ivar,1) for every value of ivar, except for ivar = ipr. The other values of rcodcl and icodcl are filled automatically. The diffusive flux is CANCELLED (therefore the total mass flux is due to convection only).

◆ ibfixe

integer ibfixe

boundary condition type for mesh velocity in ALE: fixed wall

◆ icscpd

integer icscpd

code/code coupling condition with decentered flux

◆ icscpl

integer icscpl

code/code coupling condition

◆ ientre

integer ientre

if itypfb=ientre: inlet face.

  • Zero-flux condition for pressure and Dirichlet condition for all other variables. The value of the Dirichlet must be given in rcodcl(ifac,ivar,1) for every value of ivar, except for ivar = ipr. The other values of rcodcl and icodcl are filled automatically.

◆ iephcf

integer iephcf

if itypfb=iephcf: mixed inlet for compressible flow with given total pressure and total enthalpy (reservoir boundary conditions).

  • Boundary values are obtained by solving a Riemann problem between an inner (values at boundary cells center) and an outer state.
  • Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for the pressure (seen by the reconstruction gradients and the diffusion operator).
  • Dirichlet (icodcl=1) for velocity and total energy.
  • Analytical boundary convective fluxes of momentum and total energy are computed. Note that the pressure boundary value is needed to compute those two fluxes (seen by the pressure gradient of the momentum equation).
    • If the mass flow is coming in, Dirichlet condition for the scalars and the turbulent quantities is used (or zero-flux condition if no Dirichlet value has been specified).
  • If the mass flow is going out, zero-flux condition are set for the scalars and the turbulent quantities.

◆ ieqhcf

integer ieqhcf

◆ iescor

integer iescor

Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iescor: correction, (default name: EsCor). The estimator $ \eta^{\,corr}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ comes directly from the mass flow calculated with the updated velocity field:

\begin{eqnarray*} \eta^{\,corr}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})= |\Omega_i|^{\,\delta_{\,2,k}}\ |div (\rho^n \vect{u}^{n+1}) - \Gamma| \end{eqnarray*}

  • The velocities $\vect{u}^{n+1}$ are taken at the cell centers, the divergence is calculated after projection on the faces. $ \,\delta_{\,2,k}$ represents the Kronecker symbol.
  • The first family, k=1, is the absolute raw value of the divergence of the mass flow The second family, $k=2$, represents a physical property and allows to evaluate the difference in $kg.s^{\,-1}$.
  • Ideally, it is equal to zero when the Poisson equation is solved exactly and the projection from the mass flux at the faces to the velocity at the cell centers is made in a set of functions with null divergence.

◆ iesder

integer iesder

Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iesder: drift (default name: EsDer). The estimator $\eta^{\,der}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ is based on the following quantity (intrinsic to the code):

\begin{eqnarray*} \eta^{\,der}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1}) &=& {|\Omega_i|}^{(k-2)/2} || \divs (\text{corrected mass flow after the pressure step}) - \Gamma||_{{L}^{2}(\Omega_i)} \\ &=& {|\Omega_i|}^{(1-k)/2} | \divs (\text{corrected mass flow after the pressure step})- \Gamma| \end{eqnarray*}

  • Ideally, it is equal to zero when the Poisson equation related to the pressure is solved exactly. minus the mass source term.

◆ iesicf

integer iesicf

if itypfb=iesicf: imposed inlet/outlet for compressible flow (for example, supersonic inlet).

  • A boundary value has to be given for the following quantities:
    • velocity
    • two of the four thermodynamical properties: density, pressure, total energy, temperature
    • all other variables.
  • Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for the pressure (seen by the reconstruction gradients and the diffusion operator).
  • Dirichlet condition for the velocity and the total energy.
  • The boundary convective fluxes of momentum and total energy are computed from a Rusanov scheme for stability reasons. Note that the pressure boundary value is needed to compute those two fluxes (seen by the pressure gradient of the momentum equation).
  • If the mass flow is coming in, Dirichlet condition for the scalars and the turbulent quantities is used (or zero-flux condition if no Dirichlet value has been specified).
  • If the mass flow is going out, zero-flux condition are set for the scalars and the turbulent quantities.

◆ iespre

integer iespre

Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iespre: prediction, (default name: EsPre). After the velocity prediction step (yielding $\vect{u}^*$), the estimator $\eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)$, local variable calculated at every cell $ \Omega_i $, is created from $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*)$, which represents the residual of the equation solved during this step: $\vect{u}$ and $ P $:

\begin{eqnarray*} \vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*) & = & \rho^n \dfrac{\vect{u}^*-\vect{u}^n}{\Delta t} + \rho^n \vect{u}^n \cdot \gradt (\vect{u}^*) - \divv \left((\mu+\mu_t)^n \gradt (\vect{u}^*) \right) + \grad(P^n) \\ & - & \text{rest of the right-hand member } (\vect{u}^n, P^n, \text{other variables}^n) \end{eqnarray*}

  • By definition: $ \eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)= {|\Omega_i|}^{\,(k-2)/2}\ ||\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*)|| _{{IL}^{2}(\Omega_i)} $
  • The first family, k=1, suppresses the volume $ |\Omega_i| $ which intrinsicly appears with the norm $ {IL}^{2}(\Omega_i) $.
  • The second family, k=2, exactly represents the norm $ {IL}^{2}(\Omega_i) $. The size of the cell therefore appears in its calculation and induces a weighting effect.
  • $ \eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)$ is ideally equal to zero when the reconstruction methods are perfect and the associated system is solved exactly.

◆ iestot

integer iestot

Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iestot: total, (default name: EsTot). The estimator $ \eta^{\,tot}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, local variable calculated at every cell $\Omega_i$, is based on the quantity $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,tot}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, which represents the residual of the equation using the updated values of $\vect{u}$ and $P$:

\begin{eqnarray*} \vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*) & = & \rho^n \dfrac{\vect{u}^*-\vect{u}^n}{\Delta t} + \rho^n \vect{u}^n \cdot \gradt (\vect{u}^*) - \divv \left((\mu+\mu_t)^n \gradt (\vect{u}^*) \right) + \grad(P^n) \\ & - & \text{rest of the right-hand member } (\vect{u}^n, P^n, \text{other variables}^n) \end{eqnarray*}

  • By definition: $ \eta^{\,tot}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})= {|\Omega_i|}^{\,(k-2)/2}\ ||\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,tot}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})|| _{{I\hspace{-.25em}L}^{2}(\Omega_i)} $
  • The mass flux in the convective term is recalculated from $\vect{u}^{n+1}$ expressed at the cell centers (and not taken from the updated mass flow at the faces).
  • As for the prediction estimator:
    • The first family, k=1, suppresses the volume $ |\Omega_i| $ which intrinsicly appears with the norm $ {IL}^{2}(\Omega_i) $.
    • The second family, k=2, exactly represents the norm $ {IL}^{2}(\Omega_i) $. The size of the cell therefore appears in its calculation and induces a weighting effect.

◆ ifrent

integer ifrent

if itypfb=ifrent: free entrance based on Bernoulli equation when the flow is incoming, standard outlet when outgoing

◆ ifresf

integer ifresf

if itypfb=ifresf: free surface for mobile mesh boundary condition

  • Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for velocity and total energy (seen by the reconstruction gradients and the diffusion operator).
  • Dirichlet (icodcl=1) for the pressure. Alse a boundary condition type for mesh velocity in ALE for modelling free surface ( $ \vect{u} \cdot \vect{S} = \vect{w} \cdot \vect{S} $).

◆ igliss

integer igliss

boundary condition type for mesh velocity in ALE: sliding wall

◆ iindef

integer iindef

pointer for undefined type face (non-standard case)

◆ iparoi

integer iparoi

if itypfb=iparoi: smooth solid wall face, impermeable and with friction.

◆ iparug

integer iparug

if itypfb=iparug: rough solid wall face, impermeable and with friction.

◆ isolib

integer isolib

if itypfb=isolib: free outlet face (or more precisely free inlet/outlet with forced pressure)

  • The pressure is always treated with a Dirichlet condition, calculated with the constraint $\displaystyle \frac{\partial }{\partial n}\left(\frac{ \partial P}{\partial \tau}\right)=0$. The pressure is set to $P_0$ at the first isolib face met. The pressure calibration is always done on a single face, even if there are several outlets.
  • if the mass flow is coming in, the velocity is set to zero and a Dirichlet condition for the scalars and the turbulent quantities is used (or zero-flux condition if no Dirichlet value has been specified).
  • if the mass flow is going out, zero-flux condition are set for the velocity, the scalars and the turbulent quantities.
  • Nothing is written in icodcl or rcodcl for the pressure or the velocity. An optional Dirichlet condition can be specified for the scalars and turbulent quantities.
    A standard isolib outlet face amounts to a Dirichlet condition (icodcl=1) for the pressure, a free outlet condition (icodcl=9) for the velocity and a Dirichlet condition (icodcl=1) if the user has specified a Dirichlet value or a zero-flux condition (icodcl=3) for the other variables.

◆ isopcf

integer isopcf

if itypfb=isopcf: mixed outlet for compressible flow with a given pressure.

  • Boundary values are obtained by solving a Riemann problem between an inner (values at boundary cells center) and an outer state. The given pressure is considered as an outer value.
  • Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for the pressure (seen by the reconstruction gradients and the diffusion operator).
  • Dirichlet (icodcl=1) for the velocity and the total energy.
  • Analytical boundary convective fluxes of momentum and total energy are computed. Note that the pressure boundary value is needed to compute those two fluxes. (seen by the pressure gradient of the momentum equation).
  • If the mass flow is coming in, Dirichlet condition for the scalars and the turbulent quantities is used (or zero-flux condition if no Dirichlet value has been specified).
  • If the mass flow is going out, zero-flux condition are set for the scalars and the turbulent quantities.

◆ isspcf

integer isspcf

if itypfb=isspcf: supersonic outlet for compressible flow.

  • Nothing needs to be given. The imposed state at the boundary is the upstream state (values in boundary cells).
  • Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for the pressure (seen by the reconstruction gradients and the diffusion operator).
  • Dirichlet (icodcl=1) for the velocity and the total energy. (pressure boundary value seen by the pressure gradient of the momentum equation).
  • If the mass flow is coming in, Dirichlet condition for the scalars and the turbulent quantities is used (or zero-flux condition if no Dirichlet value has been specified).
  • If the mass flow is going out, zero-flux condition are set for the scalars and the turbulent quantities.

◆ isymet

integer isymet

if itypfb=isymet: symmetry face (or wall without friction).

◆ ivimpo

integer ivimpo

boundary condition type for mesh velocity in ALE: imposed velocity.

  • In the case where all the nodes of a face have a imposed displacement, it is not necessary to fill the tables with boundary conditions mesh velocity for this face, they will be erased. In the other case, the value of the Dirichlet must be given in rcodcl(ifac,ivar,1) for every value of ivar (iuma, ivma and iwma). The other boxes of rcodcl and icodcl are completed automatically. The tangential mesh velocity is taken like a tape speed under the boundary conditions of wall for the fluid, except if wall fluid velocity was specified by the user in the interface or cs_user_boundary_conditions (in which case it is this speed which is considered).

◆ nestmx

integer nestmx

maximal number of valuators for Navier-Stokes

◆ nscamx

integer nscamx

maximum number of scalars solutions of an advection equation, apart from the variables of the turbulence model $ (k, \varepsilon, R_{ij}, \omega, \varphi, \overline{f}, \alpha, \nu_t$) , that is to say the temperature and other scalars (passive or not, user-defined or not)

◆ nstrmx

integer nstrmx

maximum number of structures in ALE

◆ ntypmx

integer ntypmx

Maximal possible boundary condition types.

◆ nvarmx

integer nvarmx

maximal number of variables = nscamx + 12 (u,v,w,P,Rij,e,alp)