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Functions/Subroutines | Variables
Mesh Fortran structure, pointers to the C structure


elemental pure integer function ifacel (iside, ifac)
elemental pure integer function ifabor (ifac)
elemental pure integer function ipnfac (ifac)
elemental pure integer function nodfac (ipn)
elemental pure integer function ipnfbr (ifac)
elemental pure integer function nodfbr (ipn)
elemental pure integer function isolid (iporos, iel)


integer ndim
integer, save ncelet
integer, save ncel
integer, save nfac
integer, save nfabor
integer, save nnod
integer, save lndfac
integer, save lndfbr
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer ifacel_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer ifabor_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer ipnfac_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer nodfac_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer ipnfbr_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer nodfbr_0
integer, dimension(:), pointer ifmfbr
integer, dimension(:), pointer ifmcel
integer, dimension(:), pointer isympa
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer xyzcen
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer surfac
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer surfbo
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer suffac
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer suffbo
integer, dimension(:), pointer isolid_0
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer cdgfac
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer cdgfbo
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer xyznod
double precision, dimension(:), pointer volume
double precision, dimension(:), pointer cell_f_vol
double precision, dimension(:), pointer surfan
double precision, dimension(:), pointer surfbn
double precision, dimension(:), pointer suffan
double precision, dimension(:), pointer suffbn
double precision, dimension(:), pointer dist
double precision, dimension(:), pointer distb
double precision, dimension(:), pointer pond
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer dijpf
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer diipb
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer dofij

Detailed Description

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ ifabor()

elemental pure integer function mesh::ifabor ( integer, intent(in)  ifac)

index-number of the (unique) neighboring cell for each boundary face

◆ ifacel()

elemental pure integer function mesh::ifacel ( integer, intent(in)  iside,
integer, intent(in)  ifac 

Index-numbers of the two (only) neighboring cells for each internal face

◆ ipnfac()

elemental pure integer function mesh::ipnfac ( integer, intent(in)  ifac)

position of the first node of the each internal face in the array returned by nodfac (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

◆ ipnfbr()

elemental pure integer function mesh::ipnfbr ( integer, intent(in)  ifac)

position of the first node of the each boundary face in the array returned by nodfbr (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

◆ isolid()

elemental pure integer function mesh::isolid ( integer, intent(in)  iporos,
integer, intent(in)  iel 

integer to mark out the "solid" cells (where the fluid volume is 0). Only available when iposros > 0. When iporos = 0, this array has a unique value (isolid_0(1:1)=0).

◆ nodfac()

elemental pure integer function mesh::nodfac ( integer, intent(in)  ipn)

indexed-numbers of the nodes of each internal face (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

◆ nodfbr()

elemental pure integer function mesh::nodfbr ( integer, intent(in)  ipn)

indexed-numbers of the nodes of each boundary face (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

Variable Documentation

◆ cdgfac

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer cdgfac

coordinates of the centers of the internal faces

◆ cdgfbo

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer cdgfbo

coordinates of the centers of the boundary faces

◆ cell_f_vol

double precision, dimension(:), pointer cell_f_vol

fluid volume of each cell

◆ diipb

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer diipb

vector II' for interior faces for every boundary face, the three components of the vector $\vect{II'}$. I' is the orthogonal projection of I, center of the neighboring cell, on the straight line perpendicular to the face and passign through its center

◆ dijpf

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer dijpf

vector I'J' for interior faces for every internal face, the three components of the vector $\vect{I'J'}$, where I' and J' are respectively the orthogonal projections of the neighboring cell centers I and J on a straight line orthogonal to the face and passing through its center

◆ dist

double precision, dimension(:), pointer dist

for every internal face, dot product of the vectors $ \vect{IJ}$ and $\vect{n}$. I and J are respectively the centers of the first and the second neighboring cell. The vector $\vect{n}$ is the unit vector normal to the face and oriented from the first to the second cell

◆ distb

double precision, dimension(:), pointer distb

For every boundary face, dot product between the vectors $\vect{IF}$ and $\vect{n}$. I is the center of the neighboring cell. F is the face center. The vector $\vect{n}$ is the unit vector normal to the face and oriented to the exterior of the domain

◆ dofij

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer dofij

vector OF for interior faces for every internal face, the three components of the vector $\vect{OF}$. O is the intersection point between the face and the straight line joining the centers of the two neighboring cells. F is the face center

◆ ifabor_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer ifabor_0

◆ ifacel_0

integer, dimension(:,:), pointer ifacel_0

◆ ifmcel

integer, dimension(:), pointer ifmcel

family number of the elements. See Note 1: ghost cells - (halos)

◆ ifmfbr

integer, dimension(:), pointer ifmfbr

family number of the boundary faces. See Note 1: ghost cells - (halos)

◆ ipnfac_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer ipnfac_0

◆ ipnfbr_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer ipnfbr_0

◆ isolid_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer isolid_0

◆ isympa

integer, dimension(:), pointer isympa

integer to mark out the "symmetry" (itypfb=isymet) boundary faces where the mass flow has to be canceled when the ALE module is switched off (these faces are impermeable). For instance, if the face ifac is symmetry face, isympa(ifac)=0, otherwise isympa(ifac)=1.

◆ lndfac

integer, save lndfac

size of the array nodfac of internal faces - nodes connectivity (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

◆ lndfbr

integer, save lndfbr

size of the array nodfbr of boundary faces - nodes connectivity (see Note 3: faces-vertices connectivity)

◆ ncel

integer, save ncel

number of real cells in the mesh

◆ ncelet

integer, save ncelet

number of extended (real + ghost of the 'halo') cells. See Note 1: ghost cells - (halos)

◆ ndim

integer ndim

spatial dimension (3)

◆ nfabor

integer, save nfabor

number of boundary faces (see Note 2: internal faces)

◆ nfac

integer, save nfac

number of internal faces (see Note 2: internal faces)

◆ nnod

integer, save nnod

number of vertices in the mesh

◆ nodfac_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer nodfac_0

◆ nodfbr_0

integer, dimension(:), pointer nodfbr_0

◆ pond

double precision, dimension(:), pointer pond

weighting (Aij=pond Ai+(1-pond)Aj) for every internal face, $\displaystyle\frac{\vect{FJ}.\vect{n}}{\vect{IJ}.\vect{n}}$. With regard to the mesh quality, its ideal value is 0.5

◆ suffac

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer suffac

fluid surface vector of the internal faces. Its norm is the surface of the face and it is oriented from ifacel(1,.) to ifacel(2,.)

◆ suffan

double precision, dimension(:), pointer suffan

norm of the fluid surface vector of the internal faces

◆ suffbn

double precision, dimension(:), pointer suffbn

norm of the fluid surface of the boundary faces

◆ suffbo

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer suffbo

surface vector of the boundary faces. Its norm is the surface of the face and it is oriented outwards

◆ surfac

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer surfac

surface vector of the internal faces. Its norm is the surface of the face and it is oriented from ifacel(1,.) to ifacel(2,.)

◆ surfan

double precision, dimension(:), pointer surfan

norm of the surface vector of the internal faces

◆ surfbn

double precision, dimension(:), pointer surfbn

norm of the surface of the boundary faces

◆ surfbo

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer surfbo

surface vector of the boundary faces. Its norm is the surface of the face and it is oriented outwards

◆ volume

double precision, dimension(:), pointer volume

volume of each cell

◆ xyzcen

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer xyzcen

coordinate of the cell centers

◆ xyznod

double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer xyznod

coordinates of the mesh vertices