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Enthalpic variables pointers
Collaboration diagram for Enthalpic variables pointers:


integer, save ihm
 enthalpy, if transported or if deduced More...
double precision, save srrom

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ ihm

integer, save ihm

enthalpy, if transported or if deduced

◆ srrom

double precision, save srrom

with gas combustion, pulverised coal or the electric module, srrom is the sub-relaxation coefficient for the density, following the formula: $\rho^{n+1}$\,=\,srrom\,$\rho^n$+(1-srrom)\,$\rho^{n+1}$ hence, with a zero value, there is no sub-relaxation. With combustion and pulverized coal, srrom is initialized to -grand and the user must specify a proper value through the Interface or the initialization subroutine (cs_user_combustion). With gas combustion, pulverised coal or electric arcs, srrom is automatically used after the second time-step. With Joule effect, the user decides whether or not it will be used in cs_user_physical_properties from the coding law giving the density.

Always useful with gas combustion, pulverized coal or the electric module.