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programmer's documentation
Data setting for drift scalars


This page provides an example of code blocks that may be used to perform a calculation with drift scalars.

Physical properties

Local variables to be added

The following local variables need to be defined for the examples in this section:

integer ivart, iel, ifac
integer iscal, iflid, iscdri, ifcvsl
integer f_id, keydri, nfld, keysca
double precision rho, viscl
double precision diamp, rhop, cuning
double precision xvart, xk, xeps, beta1
double precision turb_schmidt
character*80 fname
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_taup
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_taufpt
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_rom
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cvar_k, cvar_ep, cvar_omg
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cvar_r11, cvar_r22, cvar_r33
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cpro_viscl, cpro_vscal
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: cvar_scalt

Initialization and finalization

The following initialization block needs to be added for the following examples:

call field_get_val_s(iviscl, cpro_viscl)
call field_get_val_s(icrom, cpro_rom)
! Key id for drift scalar
call field_get_key_id("drift_scalar_model", keydri)
! Key id for scalar id
call field_get_key_id("scalar_id", keysca)
! Number of fields
call field_get_n_fields(nfld)

In theory Fortran 95 deallocates locally-allocated arrays automatically, but deallocating arrays in a symmetric manner to their allocation is good practice, and it avoids using a different logic for C and Fortran.


This example set the scalar laminar diffusivity (for Brownian motion) to take thermophoresis into account.

Here is the corresponding code:

! Loop over fields which are scalar with a drift
do iflid = 0, nfld-1
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keydri, iscdri)
! We only handle here scalar with a drift
if (btest(iscdri, drift_scalar_add_drift_flux)) then
! Position of variables, coefficients
! -----------------------------------
! Index of the scalar
call field_get_key_int(iflid, keysca, iscal)
! --- Number of the thermal variable
if ( then
ivart = isca(iscalt)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ivart), cvar_scalt)
write(nfecra,9010) iscalt
call csexit (1)
! --- Scalar's diffusivity (Brownian motion)
call field_get_key_int(ivarfl(isca(iscal)), kivisl, ifcvsl)
if ( then
call field_get_val_s(ifcvsl, cpro_vscal)
cpro_vscal => null()
! --- Coefficients of drift scalar CHOSEN BY THE USER
! Values given here are fictitious
! diamp: is the diameter of the particle class
! cuning: is the Cuningham correction factor
! rhop: particle density
diamp = 1.d-4
cuning = 1.d0
rhop = 1.d4
! Name of the scalar with a drift
call field_get_name(iflid, fname)
! Index of the corresponding relaxation time (cpro_taup)
call field_get_id('drift_tau_'//trim(fname), f_id)
call field_get_val_s(f_id, cpro_taup)
! Index of the corresponding interaction time particle--eddies (cpro_taufpt)
if (btest(iscdri, drift_scalar_turbophoresis)) then
call field_get_id('drift_turb_tau_'//trim(fname), f_id)
call field_get_val_s(f_id, cpro_taufpt)
! Computation of the relaxation time of the particles
if (diamp.le.1.d-6) then
! Cuningham's correction for submicronic particules
do iel = 1, ncel
cpro_taup(iel) = cuning*diamp**2*rhop/(18.d0*cpro_viscl(iel))
do iel = 1, ncel
cpro_taup(iel) = diamp**2*rhop/(18.d0*cpro_viscl(iel))
! Compute the interaction time particle--eddies (tau_fpt)
if (btest(iscdri, drift_scalar_turbophoresis)) then
! k-epsilon or v2-f models
if (itytur.eq.2 .or. itytur.eq.5) then
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ik), cvar_k)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(iep), cvar_ep)
call field_get_key_double(ivarfl(isca(iscal)), ksigmas, turb_schmidt)
do iel = 1, ncel
xk = cvar_k(iel)
xeps = cvar_ep(iel)
cpro_taufpt(iel) = (3.d0/2.d0)*(cmu/turb_schmidt)*xk/xeps
! Rij-epsilon models
else if (itytur.eq.3) then
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ir11), cvar_r11)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ir22), cvar_r22)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ir33), cvar_r33)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(iep), cvar_ep)
beta1 = 0.5d0+3.d0/(4.d0*xkappa)
do iel = 1, ncel
xk = 0.5d0*( cvar_r11(iel) &
+cvar_r22(iel) &
+cvar_r33(iel) )
xeps = cvar_ep(iel)
cpro_taufpt(iel) = xk/xeps/beta1
! k-omega models
else if (iturb.eq.60) then
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(ik), cvar_k)
call field_get_val_s(ivarfl(iomg), cvar_omg)
call field_get_key_double(ivarfl(isca(iscal)), ksigmas, turb_schmidt)
do iel = 1, ncel
xk = cvar_k(iel)
xeps = cmu*xk*cvar_omg(iel)
cpro_taufpt(iel) = (3.d0/2.d0)*(cmu/turb_schmidt)*xk/xeps
! Brownian diffusion at cell centers
! --- Stop if the diffusivity is not variable
call field_get_key_int(ivarfl(isca(iscal)), kivisl, ifcvsl)
if ( then
write(nfecra,1010) iscal
call csexit (1)
! Homogeneous to a dynamic viscosity
do iel = 1, ncel
xvart = cvar_scalt(iel)
rho = cpro_rom(iel)
viscl = cpro_viscl(iel)
cpro_vscal(iel) = rho*kboltz*xvart*cuning/(3.d0*pi*diamp*viscl)
endif ! --- Tests on drift scalar
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:103