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driflu.f90 File Reference

Compute the modified convective flux for scalars with a drift. More...


subroutine driflu (iflid, dt, imasfl, bmasfl, divflu)

Detailed Description

Compute the modified convective flux for scalars with a drift.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ driflu()

subroutine driflu ( integer  iflid,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  dt,
double precision, dimension(nfac)  imasfl,
double precision, dimension(nfabor)  bmasfl,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  divflu 
[in]iflidindex of the current drift scalar field
[in]dttime step (per cell)
[in,out]imasflscalar mass flux at interior face centers
[in,out]bmasflscalar mass flux at boundary face centers
[in,out]divfludivergence of drift flux