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distyp.f90 File Reference

This subroutine computes the dimensionless distance to the wall solving a transport equation. More...


subroutine distyp (itypfb, visvdr)

Detailed Description

This subroutine computes the dimensionless distance to the wall solving a transport equation.

This function solves the following transport equation on $ \varia $:

\[ \dfrac{\partial \varia}{\partial t} + \divs \left( \varia \vect{V} \right) - \divs \left( \vect{V} \right) \varia = 0 \]

where the vector field $ \vect{V} $ is defined by:

\[ \vect{V} = \dfrac{ \grad y }{\norm{\grad y} } \]

The boundary conditions on $ \varia $ read:

\[ \varia = \dfrac{u_\star}{\nu} \textrm{ on walls} \]

\[ \dfrac{\partial \varia}{\partial n} = 0 \textrm{ elsewhere} \]

Then the dimensionless distance is deduced by:

\[ y^+ = y \varia \]


Then, Imposition of an amortization of Van Driest type for the LES. $ \nu_T $ is absorbed by $ (1-\exp(\dfrac{-y^+}{d^+}))^2 $ where $ d^+ $ is set at 26.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ distyp()

subroutine distyp ( integer, dimension(nfabor)  itypfb,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  visvdr 
[in]itypfbboundary face types
[in]visvdrdynamic viscosity in edge cells after driest velocity amortization