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Macros | Typedefs | Functions
cs_xdef_cw_eval.h File Reference
#include "cs_cdo_connect.h"
#include "cs_cdo_local.h"
#include "cs_cdo_quantities.h"
#include "cs_mesh.h"
#include "cs_quadrature.h"
#include "cs_xdef.h"
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#define _dp3   cs_math_3_dot_product


typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_xyz_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity at several locations in a cell defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure). The algorithm may use a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_int_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) which is hinged on integrals. More...
typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...


static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a scalar-valued quantity by a cellwise process. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a vector-valued quantity by a cellwise process. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a tensor-valued quantity by a cellwise process. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_value (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_array (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_drhm_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating at the center of the face a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) Since it's only an evaluation, the functions works for any dimension (assuming that the function is well defined) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_value (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_array (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_value (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_array (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_f_int_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, double t_eval, short int f, cs_analytic_func_t *ana, void *input, cs_quadrature_tria_integral_t *qfunc, cs_real_t *eval)
 Integrate an analytic function over a face. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_c_int_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, double t_eval, cs_analytic_func_t *ana, void *input, cs_quadrature_tetra_integral_t *qfunc, cs_real_t *eval)
 Integrate an analytic function over a cell. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_fc_int_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_analytic_func_t *ana, void *input, const short int dim, cs_quadrature_tetra_integral_t *q_tet, cs_quadrature_tria_integral_t *q_tri, cs_real_t *c_int, cs_real_t *f_int)
 Routine to integrate an analytic function over a cell and its faces. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals Vector-valued case. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_avg_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals Tensor-valued case. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_time_func (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a quantity by a cellwise process using a definition by time function. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a quantity defined using an analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_array (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a quantity at cells defined by an array. Array is assumed to be interlaced. Variation using a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_field (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Evaluate a quantity inside a cell defined using a field Variation using a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_at_xyz_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location (x, y, z) inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_array (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Vector-valued case. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_field (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by a field at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Vector-valued case. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_val (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. The normal flux is then added to each portion of face related to a vertex. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. The normal flux is then added to each portion of face related to a vertex. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Case of tensor-valued quantities. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scal_avg_reduction_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the reduction by averages of a analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals (faces first, then cell) Scalar-valued case. More...
void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vect_avg_reduction_by_analytic (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)
 Function pointer for evaluating the reduction by averages of a analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals (faces first, then cell) Vector-valued case. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _dp3

#define _dp3   cs_math_3_dot_product

Typedef Documentation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_t

typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, short int f, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_int_t

typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_int_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype, cs_real_t *eval)

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) which is hinged on integrals.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_t

typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_xyz_t

typedef void() cs_xdef_cw_eval_xyz_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_lnum_t n_points, const cs_real_t *xyz, cs_real_t time_eval, void *input, cs_real_t *eval)

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity at several locations in a cell defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure). The algorithm may use a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]n_pointsnumber of points where to compute the evaluation
[in]xyzwhere to compute the evaluation
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

Function Documentation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_at_xyz_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_at_xyz_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_lnum_t  n_points,
const cs_real_t xyz,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location (x, y, z) inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]n_pointsnumber of points where to compute the evaluation
[in]xyzwhere to compute the evaluation
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a quantity defined using an analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation at cell center

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_array()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_array ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a quantity at cells defined by an array. Array is assumed to be interlaced. Variation using a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation at cell center

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_field()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_field ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a quantity inside a cell defined using a field Variation using a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalvalue of the property at the cell center

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_time_func()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_by_time_func ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a quantity by a cellwise process using a definition by time function.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_c_int_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_c_int_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
double  t_eval,
cs_analytic_func_t ana,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_tetra_integral_t qfunc,
cs_real_t eval 

Integrate an analytic function over a cell.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which the function is evaluated
[in]anaanalytic function to integrate
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qfuncquadrature function to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_f_int_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_f_int_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
double  t_eval,
short int  f,
cs_analytic_func_t ana,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_tria_integral_t qfunc,
cs_real_t eval 

Integrate an analytic function over a face.

[in]cmpointer to cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which the function is evaluated
[in]anaanalytic function to integrate
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qfuncquadrature function to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation


[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which the function is evaluated
[in]fface id in the local cell numbering
[in]anaanalytic function to integrate
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qfuncquadrature function to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_drhm_by_analytic()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_face_drhm_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating at the center of the face a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure) Since it's only an evaluation, the functions works for any dimension (assuming that the function is well defined)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_fc_int_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_fc_int_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_analytic_func_t ana,
void *  input,
const short int  dim,
cs_quadrature_tetra_integral_t q_tet,
cs_quadrature_tria_integral_t q_tri,
cs_real_t c_int,
cs_real_t f_int 

Routine to integrate an analytic function over a cell and its faces.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]anaanalytic function to integrate
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]dimdimension of the function
[in]q_tetquadrature function to use on tetrahedra
[in]q_triquadrature function to use on triangles
[out]c_intresult of the evaluation on the cell
[out]f_intresult of the evaluation on the faces

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. The normal flux is then added to each portion of face related to a vertex. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (updated inside)
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (updated inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_val()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_at_vtx_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. The normal flux is then added to each portion of face related to a vertex. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (updated inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (set inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_flux_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (set inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scal_avg_reduction_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scal_avg_reduction_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the reduction by averages of a analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals (faces first, then cell) Scalar-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a scalar-valued quantity by a cellwise process.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_array()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_array ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_value()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_scalar_face_avg_by_value ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a scalar function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals Tensor-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a tensor-valued quantity by a cellwise process.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_array()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_array ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_value()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_face_avg_by_value ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a tensor function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by analytic function. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Case of tensor-valued quantities.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (set inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_tensor_flux_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the normal flux of a quantity defined by values. Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation (set inside)

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vect_avg_reduction_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vect_avg_reduction_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the reduction by averages of a analytic function by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals (faces first, then cell) Vector-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_array()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_array ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_lnum_t  n_points,
const cs_real_t xyz,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Vector-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]n_pointsnumber of points where to compute the evaluation
[in]xyzwhere to compute the evaluation
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_field()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_field ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_lnum_t  n_points,
const cs_real_t xyz,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by a field at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure. Vector-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]n_pointsnumber of points where to compute the evaluation
[in]xyzwhere to compute the evaluation
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_at_xyz_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_lnum_t  n_points,
const cs_real_t xyz,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined by analytic function at a precise location inside a cell Use of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]n_pointsnumber of points where to compute the evaluation
[in]xyzwhere to compute the evaluation
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating a quantity defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure). This evaluation hinges on the computation of integrals Vector-valued case.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]qtypequadrature type
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_by_val()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_by_val ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  time_eval,
void *  input,
cs_real_t eval 

Evaluate a vector-valued quantity by a cellwise process.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]time_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_analytic()

void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_analytic ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_array()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_array ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation

◆ cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_value()

static void cs_xdef_cw_eval_vector_face_avg_by_value ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
short int  f,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
void *  input,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype,
cs_real_t eval 

Function pointer for evaluating the average on a face of a vector function defined through a descriptor (cs_xdef_t structure) by a cellwise process (usage of a cs_cell_mesh_t structure)

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]flocal face id
[in]t_evalphysical time at which one evaluates the term
[in]inputpointer to an input structure
[in]qtypelevel of quadrature to use
[in,out]evalresult of the evaluation