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programmer's documentation
Macros | Functions
cs_xdef.c File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "bft_mem.h"
#include "cs_field.h"
#include "cs_flag.h"
#include "cs_log.h"
#include "cs_mesh_location.h"
#include "cs_xdef.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_xdef.c:


#define CS_XDEF_DBG   0


cs_xdef_tcs_xdef_volume_create (cs_xdef_type_t type, int dim, int z_id, cs_flag_t state, cs_flag_t meta, void *input)
 Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure based on volumic elements. More...
cs_xdef_tcs_xdef_boundary_create (cs_xdef_type_t type, int dim, int z_id, cs_flag_t state, cs_flag_t meta, void *input)
 Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure based on boundary elements. More...
cs_xdef_tcs_xdef_timestep_create (cs_xdef_type_t type, cs_flag_t state, cs_flag_t meta, void *input)
 Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure for setting the time step. More...
cs_xdef_tcs_xdef_free (cs_xdef_t *d)
 Free a cs_xdef_t structure. More...
cs_xdef_tcs_xdef_copy (cs_xdef_t *src)
 copy a cs_xdef_t structure More...
void cs_xdef_set_array (cs_xdef_t *d, bool is_owner, cs_real_t *array)
 In case of definition by array, set the array after having added this definition. More...
void cs_xdef_set_array_index (cs_xdef_t *d, cs_lnum_t *array_index)
 In case of definition by array, set the index to get access to the array values. More...
void cs_xdef_set_quadrature (cs_xdef_t *d, cs_quadrature_type_t qtype)
 Set the type of quadrature to use for evaluating the given description. More...
cs_quadrature_type_t cs_xdef_get_quadrature (cs_xdef_t *d)
 Get the type of quadrature to use for evaluating the given description. More...
cs_xdef_type_t cs_xdef_get_type (const cs_xdef_t *d)
 Retrieve the flag dedicated to the state. More...
cs_flag_t cs_xdef_get_state_flag (const cs_xdef_t *d)
 Retrieve the flag dedicated to the state. More...
void cs_xdef_log (const char *prefix, const cs_xdef_t *d)
 Output the settings related to a cs_xdef_t structure. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CS_XDEF_DBG   0

Function Documentation

◆ cs_xdef_boundary_create()

cs_xdef_t* cs_xdef_boundary_create ( cs_xdef_type_t  type,
int  dim,
int  z_id,
cs_flag_t  state,
cs_flag_t  meta,
void *  input 

Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure based on boundary elements.

[in]typetype of definition
[in]dimdimension of the values to define
[in]z_idvolume zone id
[in]stateflag to know if this uniform, cellwise, steady...
[in]metametadata associated to this description
[in]inputpointer to a structure
a pointer to the new cs_xdef_t structure

◆ cs_xdef_copy()

cs_xdef_t* cs_xdef_copy ( cs_xdef_t src)

copy a cs_xdef_t structure

[in]srcpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure to copy
a pointer to a new allocated cs_xdef_t structure

◆ cs_xdef_free()

cs_xdef_t* cs_xdef_free ( cs_xdef_t d)

Free a cs_xdef_t structure.

[in,out]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure

◆ cs_xdef_get_quadrature()

cs_quadrature_type_t cs_xdef_get_quadrature ( cs_xdef_t d)

Get the type of quadrature to use for evaluating the given description.

[in]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
the type of quadrature

◆ cs_xdef_get_state_flag()

cs_flag_t cs_xdef_get_state_flag ( const cs_xdef_t d)

Retrieve the flag dedicated to the state.

[in]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
the value of the flag

◆ cs_xdef_get_type()

cs_xdef_type_t cs_xdef_get_type ( const cs_xdef_t d)

Retrieve the flag dedicated to the state.

[in]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
the value of the flag

◆ cs_xdef_log()

void cs_xdef_log ( const char *  prefix,
const cs_xdef_t d 

Output the settings related to a cs_xdef_t structure.

[in]prefixoptional string
[in]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure

◆ cs_xdef_set_array()

void cs_xdef_set_array ( cs_xdef_t d,
bool  is_owner,
cs_real_t array 

In case of definition by array, set the array after having added this definition.

[in,out]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
[in]is_ownermanage or not the lifecycle of the array values

◆ cs_xdef_set_array_index()

void cs_xdef_set_array_index ( cs_xdef_t d,
cs_lnum_t array_index 

In case of definition by array, set the index to get access to the array values.

[in,out]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
[in]array_indexindex on array values

◆ cs_xdef_set_quadrature()

void cs_xdef_set_quadrature ( cs_xdef_t d,
cs_quadrature_type_t  qtype 

Set the type of quadrature to use for evaluating the given description.

[in,out]dpointer to a cs_xdef_t structure
[in]qtypetype of quadrature

◆ cs_xdef_timestep_create()

cs_xdef_t* cs_xdef_timestep_create ( cs_xdef_type_t  type,
cs_flag_t  state,
cs_flag_t  meta,
void *  input 

Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure for setting the time step.

[in]typetype of definition
[in]stateflag to know if this uniform, cellwise, steady...
[in]metametadata associated to this description
[in]inputpointer to a structure storing the parameters (cast on-the-fly according to the type of definition)
a pointer to the new cs_xdef_t structure

◆ cs_xdef_volume_create()

cs_xdef_t* cs_xdef_volume_create ( cs_xdef_type_t  type,
int  dim,
int  z_id,
cs_flag_t  state,
cs_flag_t  meta,
void *  input 

Allocate and initialize a new cs_xdef_t structure based on volumic elements.

[in]typetype of definition
[in]dimdimension of the values to define
[in]z_idvolume zone id
[in]stateflag to know if this uniform, cellwise, steady...
[in]metametadata associated to this description
[in]inputpointer to a structure
a pointer to the new cs_xdef_t structure