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cs_tagmro.f90 File Reference

The 1D thermal model to compute the temperature to impose at the cold wall. This one is used by the COPAIN model to estimate the heat flux at the wall where the condensation occurs. More...


subroutine cs_tagmro (nfbpcd, ifbpcd, izzftcd, dt)

Detailed Description

The 1D thermal model to compute the temperature to impose at the cold wall. This one is used by the COPAIN model to estimate the heat flux at the wall where the condensation occurs.

This subroutine is used to compute at each face the $T^{fb}_{\mbox{mur}} $ at cold wall.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cs_tagmro()

subroutine cs_tagmro ( integer  nfbpcd,
integer, dimension(nfbpcd)  ifbpcd,
integer, dimension(nfbpcd)  izzftcd,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  dt 
[in]nfbpcdnumber of faces with condensation source terms
[in]ifbpcdindex of faces with condensation source terms
[in]izzftcdfaces zone with condensation source terms imposed (at previous and current time steps)
[in]dttime step of the 1D thermal model