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cs_boundary.c File Reference

Handle the "physical" boundary conditions attached to a computational domain. More...

#include "cs_defs.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <bft_mem.h>
#include "cs_boundary_zone.h"
#include "cs_log.h"
#include "cs_mesh.h"
#include "cs_mesh_location.h"
#include "cs_parall.h"
#include "cs_boundary.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_boundary.c:


const char * cs_boundary_get_name (cs_boundary_type_t type)
 Get the name of the domain boundary condition This name is also used as a name for zone definition. More...
bool cs_boundary_has_pressure_boundary (const cs_boundary_t *boundaries)
 Check if there is a pressure-related boundary among the prescribed bounadries. More...
int cs_boundary_id_by_zone_id (const cs_boundary_t *boundaries, int z_id)
 Retrieve the related id associated to a boundary from its zone id. More...
void cs_boundary_set_default (cs_boundary_t *boundaries, cs_boundary_type_t type)
 Set the default boundary related to the given cs_boundary_t structure. More...
cs_boundary_tcs_boundary_create (cs_boundary_type_t type)
 Create a default boundary structure for the computational domain. More...
void cs_boundary_free (cs_boundary_t **p_boundaries)
 Free all metadate related to the domain boundaries. More...
void cs_boundary_add (cs_boundary_t *bdy, cs_boundary_type_t type, const char *zone_name)
 Add a new boundary type for a given boundary zone. More...
void cs_boundary_build_type_array (const cs_boundary_t *boundaries, cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, cs_boundary_type_t *bf_type)
 Build an array on boundary faces which specify the type of boundary for each face. More...
void cs_boundary_def_wall_zones (cs_boundary_t *bdy)
 Add a new zone gathering all CS_BOUNDARY_WALL zone type. More...
void cs_boundary_log_setup (const cs_boundary_t *bdy)
 Summarize the setup of the boundary of the computational domain. More...

Detailed Description

Handle the "physical" boundary conditions attached to a computational domain.

Function Documentation

◆ cs_boundary_add()

void cs_boundary_add ( cs_boundary_t bdy,
cs_boundary_type_t  type,
const char *  zone_name 

Add a new boundary type for a given boundary zone.

[in,out]bdypointer to a structure storing boundary info
[in]typetype of boundary to set
[in]zone_namename of the zone related to this boundary

◆ cs_boundary_build_type_array()

void cs_boundary_build_type_array ( const cs_boundary_t boundaries,
cs_lnum_t  n_b_faces,
cs_boundary_type_t bf_type 

Build an array on boundary faces which specify the type of boundary for each face.

[in]boundariespointer to the domain boundaries
[in]n_b_facesnumber of boundaries faces
[in,out]bf_typearray to define the type of boundary

◆ cs_boundary_create()

cs_boundary_t* cs_boundary_create ( cs_boundary_type_t  type)

Create a default boundary structure for the computational domain.

[in]typedefault type of boundary to set
a pointer to the new allocated structure

◆ cs_boundary_def_wall_zones()

void cs_boundary_def_wall_zones ( cs_boundary_t bdy)

Add a new zone gathering all CS_BOUNDARY_WALL zone type.

[in,out]boundariespointer to the domain boundaries

◆ cs_boundary_free()

void cs_boundary_free ( cs_boundary_t **  p_boundaries)

Free all metadate related to the domain boundaries.

[in,out]p_boundariespointer to the structure to free

◆ cs_boundary_get_name()

const char* cs_boundary_get_name ( cs_boundary_type_t  type)

Get the name of the domain boundary condition This name is also used as a name for zone definition.

Get the name of the domain boundary condition.

[in]typetype of boundary
the associated boundary name

◆ cs_boundary_has_pressure_boundary()

bool cs_boundary_has_pressure_boundary ( const cs_boundary_t boundaries)

Check if there is a pressure-related boundary among the prescribed bounadries.

[in]boundariespointer to a cs_boundary_t structure
true or false

◆ cs_boundary_id_by_zone_id()

int cs_boundary_id_by_zone_id ( const cs_boundary_t boundaries,
int  z_id 

Retrieve the related id associated to a boundary from its zone id.

[in]boundariespointer to a cs_boundary_t structure
[in]z_idid of the related zone
the associated boundary id in the boundary list

◆ cs_boundary_log_setup()

void cs_boundary_log_setup ( const cs_boundary_t bdy)

Summarize the setup of the boundary of the computational domain.

[in]bdypointer to a structure storing boundary info

◆ cs_boundary_set_default()

void cs_boundary_set_default ( cs_boundary_t boundaries,
cs_boundary_type_t  type 

Set the default boundary related to the given cs_boundary_t structure.

[in,out]boundariespointer to a structure storing boundary info
[in]typetype of boundary to set