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clprij.f90 File Reference


subroutine clprij (ncelet, ncel, iclip)
 \function clprij More...
subroutine clprij2 (ncelet, ncel, iclip)
 \function clprij2 More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ clprij()

subroutine clprij ( integer  ncelet,
integer  ncel,
integer  iclip 

\function clprij

Clipping of the turbulent Reynods stress tensor and the turbulent dissipation (segregated version).

[in]nceletnumber of extended (real + ghost) cells
[in]ncelnumber of cells
[in]iclipindicator = 0 if viscl0 is used otherwise viscl is used.

◆ clprij2()

subroutine clprij2 ( integer  ncelet,
integer  ncel,
integer  iclip 

\function clprij2

Clipping of the turbulent Reynods stress tensor and the turbulent dissipation (coupled version).

[in]nceletnumber of extended (real + ghost) cells
[in]ncelnumber of cells
[in]iclipindicator = 0 if viscl0 is used otherwise viscl is used.