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cavitation.f90 File Reference


module  cavitation


subroutine cavitation_model_init
 Initialize Fortran cavitation model API. This maps Fortran pointers to global C structure members and indicator. More...
subroutine cavitation_compute_source_term (pressure, voidf)
 Compute the vaporization source term $ \Gamma_V \left(\alpha, p\right) = m^+ + m^- $ using the Merkle model: More...
subroutine cavitation_correct_visc_turb (crom, voidf, visct)
 Modify eddy viscosity using the Reboud correction: More...


real(c_double), pointer, save presat
 reference saturation pressure (kg/(m s2)) More...
real(c_double), pointer, save uinf
 reference velocity of the flow (m/s) More...
real(c_double), pointer, save linf
 reference length scale of the flow (m) More...
real(c_double), pointer, save cdest
 constant Cdest of the condensation source term (Merkle model) More...
real(c_double), pointer, save cprod
 constant Cprod of the vaporization source term (Merkle model) More...
integer(c_int), pointer, save icvevm
 activation of the eddy-viscosity correction (Reboud correction) More...
real(c_double), pointer, save mcav
 constant mcav of the eddy-viscosity correction (Reboud correction) More...
integer(c_int), pointer, save itscvi
 implicitation in pressure of the vaporization/condensation model More...

Detailed Description

Module for cavitation modeling

Please refer to the cavitation model section of the theory guide for more informations.