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programmer's documentation
vislmg.f90 File Reference

Calculation of turbulent viscosity for a model of length of simple mixture. More...


subroutine vislmg

Detailed Description

Calculation of turbulent viscosity for a model of length of simple mixture.

\[ \mu_T = \rho (\kappa L)^2 \cdot \sqrt{2 S_{ij} S_{ij}} \]

\[ S_{ij} = \dfrac{\der{u_i}{x_j} + \der{u_j}{x_i}}{2}\]

Edge face types are available at previous time step (except at the first time step, when the itypfb and itrifb tables have not been filled).

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ vislmg()

subroutine vislmg ( )