integer | nmodmx |
| number of specific physics More...
integer(c_int), dimension(:), pointer, save | ippmod |
| global indicator for speciphic physics By default, all the indicators ippmod(i.....) are initialized to -1, which means that no specific physics is activated. More...
integer | iphpar |
| ippmod(iphpar) is a global indicator for the specific physics: More...
integer | icod3p |
| pointer for specific physics More...
integer | icoebu |
| pointer to specify Eddy Break Up pre-mixed flame with indicator ippmod(icoebu) More...
integer | icolwc |
| pointer to specify Libby-Williams pre-mixed flame withy indicator ippmod(icolwc) More...
integer(c_int), pointer, save | isoot |
integer | ieljou |
| pointer to specify Joule effect module (Laplace forces not taken into account) with indicator ippmod(ieljou): More...
integer | ielarc |
| pointer to specify Electric arcs module (Joule effect and Laplace forces) with indicator ippmod(ielarc): More...
integer | icpl3c |
| pointer to specify Lagrangian modelling of multi-coals and multi-classes pulverised coal combustion with indicator ippmod(icpl3c). The number of different coals must be inferior or equal to ncharm = 3. The number of particle size classes nclpch(icha) for the coal icha, must be inferior or equal to ncpcmx = 10. More...
integer | iccoal |
| pointer to specify multi-coals and multi-classes pulverised coal combustion with indicator ippmod(iccoal). The number of different coals must be inferior or equal to ncharm = 3. The number of particle size classes nclpch(icha) for the coal icha, must be inferior or equal to ncpcmx = 10. More...
integer | i_comb_drift |
| coal with drift (0: without drift (default), 1: with) More...
integer | icfuel |
| pointer to specify multi-classes pulverised heavy fuel combustion with indicator ippmod(icfuel) More...
integer | icompf |
| pointer to specify compressible module with indicator ippmod(icompf) More...
integer | iatmos |
| pointer to specify atmospheric flow module with indicator ippmod(iatmos) More...
integer | iaeros |
| pointer to specify cooling towers module with indicator ippmod(iaeros) More...
integer | igmix |
| pointer to specify gas mixture module with indicator ippmod(igmix) More...
integer | idarcy |
| pointer to specify richards model More...
integer, save | icondb |
| Specific condensation modelling if = -1 module not activated if = 0 condensation source terms activated. More...
integer, save | icondv |
| Specific condensation modelling if = -1 module not activated if = 0 condensation source terms with metal structures activate. More...
integer, save | ifm |
| pointer to specify the mixing rate in isca(ifm) More...
integer, save | ifp2m |
| pointer to specify the variance of the mixing rate in isca(ifp2m) More...
integer, save | iygfm |
| pointer to specify the fresh gas mass fraction in isca(iygfm) More...
integer, save | icm |
| the intersection computation mode. If its value is: More...
integer, save | icp2m |
| transported variable More...
integer, save | ifpcpm |
| transported variable More...
integer, save | iyfm |
| transported variable More...
integer, save | iyfp2m |
| transported variable More...
integer, save | icoyfp |
| transported variable More...
integer, dimension(ngazgm), save | iym |
| mass fractions : More...
integer, dimension(ngazgm), save | ibym |
integer, save | itemp |
| state variable (temperature) More...
integer, save | ifmin |
| state variable More...
integer, save | ifmax |
| state variable More...
integer, save | ickabs |
| state variable: absorption coefficient, when the radiation modelling is activated More...
integer, save | it3m |
| state variable: term, when the radiation modelling is activated More...
integer, save | it4m |
| state variable: term, when the radiation modelling is activated More...
integer, save | itsc |
integer, save | inpm |
| pointer for soot precursor number in isca (isoot = 1) More...
integer, save | ifsm |
| pointer for soot mass fraction in isca (isoot = 1) More...
integer, dimension(ncharm), save | if1m |
| mean value of the tracer 1 representing the light volatiles released by the coal icha More...
integer, dimension(ncharm), save | if2m |
| mean value of the tracer 2 representing the heavy volatiles released by the coal icha More...
integer, save | if3m |
| mean value of the tracer 3 representing the carbon released as CO during coke burnout More...
integer, save | if4m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if5m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if6m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if7m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if8m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if9m |
| transported variable of countinuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | if4p2m |
| the variance associated with the tracer 4 representing the air (the mean value of this tracer is not transported, it can be deduced directly from the three others) More...
integer, save | ifvp2m |
| f1f2 variance More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ixck |
| coke mass fraction related to the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ixch |
| reactive coal mass fraction related to the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | inp |
| number of particles of the class icla per kg of air-coal mixture More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ih2 |
| mass enthalpy of the coal of class icla , if we are in permeatic conditions More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ixwt |
| transported variable of dispersed phase (particle class) More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | inagecp |
| Pointer to Np*age(particles) More...
integer, save | iage |
| Pointer to age of bulk. More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | iv_p_x |
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | iv_p_y |
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | iv_p_z |
integer, dimension(ngazem), save | iym1 |
| mass fractions: More...
integer, save | itemp1 |
| temperature of the gas mixture More...
integer, save | irom1 |
| State variables of continuous phase (gas mixture) More...
integer, save | immel |
| molar mass of the gas mixture More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | itemp2 |
| temperature of the particles of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | irom2 |
| density of the particles of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | idiam2 |
| diameter of the particles of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ix2 |
| solid mass fraction of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmdch |
| disappearance rate of the reactive coal of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmhet |
| coke disappearance rate of the coke burnout of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmtr |
| Implicite part of the exchanges to the gas by molecular distribution. More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ighco2 |
| State variables of dispersed phase (particles class) More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmdv1 |
| mass transfer caused by the release of light volatiles of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmdv2 |
| mass transfer caused by the release of heavy volatiles of the class icla More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmsec |
| State variables of dispersed phase (particles class) More...
integer, save | ibcarbone |
| Used for bulk balance of Carbon. More...
integer, save | iboxygen |
| Used for bulk balance of Oxygen. More...
integer, save | ibhydrogen |
| Used for bulk balance of Hydrogen. More...
integer, save | ifvap |
| transported variable of continuous phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ihlf |
| transported variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ixkf |
| transported variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ixfol |
| transported variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ing |
| transported variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | iyfol |
| state variable of continuous phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | ih1hlf |
| state variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmhtf |
| state variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, dimension(nclcpm), save | igmeva |
| state variable of dispersed phase More...
integer, save | ienerg |
| specific total energy for compressible algorithm More...
integer, save | itempk |
| temperature deduced from the specific total energy More...
integer, save | ifracv |
integer, save | ifracm |
integer, save | ifrace |
integer, save | iviscv |
| additional property: More...
integer, save | irun |
| alias for boundary conditions More...
integer, save | irunh |
| alias for boundary conditions More...
double precision, save | viscv0 |
| reference volume viscosity (noted in the equation expressing in the paragraph dedicated to iviscv) always useful, it is the used value, unless the user specifies the volume viscosity in the user subroutine cs_user_physical_properties More...
integer, save | ippred |
| pressure predicion by an evolution equation More...
integer, save | igrdpp |
| indicates whether the pressure should be updated (=1) or not (=0) after the solution of the acoustic equation always usef More...
integer, save | icfgrp |
| indicates if the boundary conditions should take into account (=1) or not (=0) the hydrostatic balance. More...
double precision | molmass_rat |
| Molar mass ratio = Ratio of the molar mass (H2O) over the molar mass (air) More...
integer, save | iymw |
| Pointer to define the mass fraction of the water in array isca(iymw) More...
integer, save | iyml |
| Pointer to define mass fraction of liquid water which is injected in the packing. More...
integer, save | iy_p_l |
| Pointer to define mass fraction of liquid water which is injected in the rain zones. More...
integer, save | it_p_l |
| Pointer to define the temperature of liquide water in rain zone (in fact Y_l.T_l) More...
integer, save | itml |
| Pointer to define the temperature (property, deduced from enthalpy) of liquid water which is injected in the packing. More...
integer, save | ihml |
| Pointer to define the field enthalpy of liquid water. More...
integer, save | ihumid |
| Pointer to define the air humidity. More...
integer, save | ivertvel |
| Pointer to define the vertical velocity of liquid water. More...
integer, save | ihm |
| enthalpy, if transported or if deduced More...
double precision, save | srrom |
integer, dimension(nozppm), save | iqimp |
| imposed flow zone indicator in a way which is similar to the process described in the framework of the EBU module, the user chooses for every inlet face to impose the mass flow or not (iqimp(izone)=1 or 0). If the mass flow is imposed, the user must set the air mass flow value qimpat(izone), its direction in rcodcl(ifac,iu), rcodcl(ifac,iv) and rcodcl(ifac,iw) and the incoming air temperature timpat(izone) in Kelvin. If the velocity is imposed, he has to set rcodcl(ifac,iu), rcodcl(ifac,iv), and rcodcl(ifac,iw). More...
integer, dimension(nozppm), save | icalke |
| condition type turbulence indicator More...
double precision, dimension(nozppm), save | xintur |
| turbulent intensity (k=1.5(uref*xintur)**2) More...
double precision, dimension(nozppm), save | dh |
| hydraulic diameter More...
integer, save | nozapm |
| index of maximum reached boundary zone More...
integer, save | nzfppp |
| number of boundary zones on current process More...
integer, dimension(nbzppm), save | ilzppp |
| list of boundary zones index More...