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Modules | Variables
paramx.f90 File Reference

Module for definition of general parameters. More...


module  paramx


integer nscamx
 maximum number of scalars solutions of an advection equation, apart from the variables of the turbulence model $ (k, \varepsilon, R_{ij}, \omega, \varphi, \overline{f}, \alpha, \nu_t$) , that is to say the temperature and other scalars (passive or not, user-defined or not) More...
integer nvarmx
 maximal number of variables = nscamx + 12 (u,v,w,P,Rij,e,alp) More...
integer ntypmx
 Maximal possible boundary condition types. More...
integer iindef
integer ientre
integer isolib
integer isymet
integer iparoi
integer iparug
integer iesicf
 if itypfb=iesicf: imposed inlet/outlet for compressible flow (for example, supersonic inlet). More...
integer isspcf
 if itypfb=isspcf: supersonic outlet for compressible flow. More...
integer isopcf
 if itypfb=isopcf: mixed outlet for compressible flow with a given pressure. More...
integer iephcf
 if itypfb=iephcf: mixed inlet for compressible flow with given total pressure and total enthalpy (reservoir boundary conditions). More...
integer ieqhcf
integer icscpl
integer icscpd
integer ifrent
integer ifresf
integer i_convective_inlet
integer nestmx
 maximal number of valuators for Navier-Stokes More...
integer iespre
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iespre: prediction, (default name: EsPre). After the velocity prediction step (yielding $\vect{u}^*$), the estimator $\eta^{\,pred}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^*)$, local variable calculated at every cell $ \Omega_i $, is created from $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,pred}(\vect{u}^*)$, which represents the residual of the equation solved during this step: $\vect{u}$ and $ P $: More...
integer iesder
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iesder: drift (default name: EsDer). The estimator $\eta^{\,der}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ is based on the following quantity (intrinsic to the code): More...
integer iescor
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iescor: correction, (default name: EsCor). The estimator $ \eta^{\,corr}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$ comes directly from the mass flow calculated with the updated velocity field: More...
integer iestot
 Error estimator for Navier-Stokes. iest = iestot: total, (default name: EsTot). The estimator $ \eta^{\,tot}_{\,i,k}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, local variable calculated at every cell $\Omega_i$, is based on the quantity $\vect{\mathcal R}^{\,tot}(\vect{u}^{\,n+1})$, which represents the residual of the equation using the updated values of $\vect{u}$ and $P$: More...
integer ibfixe
integer igliss
integer ivimpo
integer nstrmx
 maximum number of structures in ALE More...
integer cs_user_boundary_conditions
integer cs_user_parameters
integer cs_user_initialization
integer cs_user_physical_properties
integer cs_user_extra_operations
integer ushist
integer cs_f_user_head_losses
integer usvpst

Detailed Description

Module for definition of general parameters.