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programmer's documentation


double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tmmet
 tmmet —> time (in sec) of the meteo profile More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zdmet
 zdmet —> altitudes of the dynamic profiles (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ztmet
 ztmet --> altitudes of the temperature profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable umet
 umet --> meteo u profiles (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable vmet
 vmet --> meteo v profiles (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable wmet
 wmet --> meteo w profiles - unused More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ekmet
 ekmet —> meteo turbulent kinetic energy profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable epmet
 epmet —> meteo turbulent dissipation profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ttmet
 ttmet —> meteo temperature (Celsius) profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable qvmet
 qvmet —> meteo specific humidity profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ncmet
 ncmet —> meteo specific drplet number profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable pmer
 pmer —> Sea level pressure (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable xmet
 xmet --> X axis cooordinates of the meteo profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ymet
 ymet --> Y axis cooordinates of the meteo profile (read in the input meteo file) More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rmet
 rmet --> density profile More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable tpmet
 tpmet --> potential temperature profile More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable phmet
 phmet --> hydrostatic pressure from Laplace integration More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable nebdia
 Diagnosed nebulosity. More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable nn
 fractional nebulosity More...
integer, save itotwt
 itotwt—> total water content (for humid atmosphere) More...
integer, save intdrp
 intdrp—> total number of droplets (for humid atmosphere) More...
integer, save itempc
 itempc—> temperature (in celsius) More...
integer, save iliqwt
 iliqwt—> liquid water content More...
integer, save imomst
 imomst --> momentum source term field id (useful when iatmst > 0) More...
integer, save imeteo
 imeteo --> flag for reading the meteo input file More...
integer, save nbmetd
 nbmetd --> numbers of altitudes for the dynamics More...
integer, save nbmett
 nbmett --> numbers of altitudes for the temperature and specific humidity More...
integer, save nbmetm
 nbmetm --> numbers of time steps for the meteo profiles More...
integer, dimension(nozppm), save iprofm
 iprofm --> read zone boundary conditions from profile More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable iautom
 iautom --> automatic inlet/outlet boundary condition flag (0: not auto (default); 1,2: auto) When meteo momentum source terms are activated (iatmst = 1), iautom = 1 corresponds to a Dirichlet on the pressure and a Neumann on the velocity, whereas iautom = 2 imposes a Dirichlet on both pressure and velocity More...
integer, save initmeteo
 initmeteo --> use meteo profile for variables initialization (0: not used; 1: used (default)) More...
integer, save iatmst
 iatmst --> add a momentum source term based on the meteo profile More...
integer, save theo_interp
 theo_interp --> flag for meteo velocity field interpolation 0: linear interpolation of the meteo profile 1: the user can directly impose the exact meteo velocity by declaring the 'meteo_velocity' field Useful for iatmst = 1 More...
double precision, save ps
 reference pressure (to compute potential temp: 1.0d+5) More...
double precision, save rvsra
 ratio gaz constant h2o/ dry air: 1.608d0 More...
double precision, save cpvcpa
 ratio Cp h2o/ dry air: 1.866d0 More...
double precision, save clatev
 latent heat of evaporation: 2.501d+6 More...
double precision, save gammat
 temperature gradient for the standard atmosphere (-6.5d-03 K/m) More...
double precision, save rvap
 rvsra*rair More...
integer, save syear
 syear --> starting year More...
integer, save squant
 squant --> starting quantile More...
integer, save shour
 shour --> starting hour More...
integer, save smin
 smin --> starting min More...
double precision, save ssec
 ssec --> starting second More...
double precision, save xlon
 xlon --> longitude of the domain origin More...
double precision, save xlat
 xlat --> latitude of the domain origin More...
integer, save nbmaxt
 Number of vertical levels (cf. 1D radiative scheme. More...
integer, save ihpm
 ihpm --> flag to compute the hydrostastic pressure by Laplace integration in the meteo profiles More...
integer, save ivert
 ivert --> flag for the definition of the vertical grid More...
integer, save nvert
 nvert --> number of vertical arrays More...
integer, save kvert
 kvert --> number of levels (up to the top of the domain) More...
integer, save kmx
 kmx --> Number of levels (up to 11000 m if ray1d used) (automatically computed) More...
integer, save iatra1
 iatra1 --> flag for the use of the 1d atmo radiative model More...
integer, save nfatr1
 nfatr1 --> 1d radiative model pass frequency More...
integer, save iqv0
 iqv0 --> flag for the standard atmo humidity profile More...
integer, save idrayi
 pointer for 1D infrared profile More...
integer, save idrayst
 pointer for 1D solar profile More...
integer, save igrid
 grid formed by 1D profiles More...
integer, save irdu
 Flag for the computation of downward and upward infrared radiative fluxes 0: disabled 1: enabled. More...
integer, save soldu
 Flag for storage of downward and upward solar radiative fluxes 0: disabled 1: enabled. More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable xyvert
 horizontal coordinates of the vertical grid More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zvert
 vertical grid for 1D radiative scheme initialize in cs_user_atmospheric_model.f90 More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acinfe
 absorption for CO2 + 03 More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacinfe
 differential absorption for CO2 + 03 More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable aco2
 absorption for CO2 only More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable aco2s
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable daco2
 differential absorption for CO2 only More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable daco2s
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acsup
 idem acinfe, flux descendant More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acsups
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacsup
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacsups
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tauzq
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tauz
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zq
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, save tausup
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zray
 internal variable for 1D radiative model More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rayi
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rayst
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable iru
 Upward and downward radiative fluxes (infrared, solar) along each vertical. More...
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ird
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable solu
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable sold
integer, save iatsoil
 iatsoil --> flag to use the ground model More...
double precision, save w1ini
 Water content of the first ground reservoir. More...
double precision, save w2ini
 Water content of the second ground reservoir. More...
integer, save modsub
 Option for subgrid models. More...
integer, save moddis
 Option for liquid water content distribution models. More...
integer, save modnuc
 Option for nucleation. More...
integer, save modsedi
 sedimentation flag More...
integer, save moddep
 deposition flag More...
double precision, save sigc
 adimensional : sigc=0.53 other referenced values are 0.28, 0.15 More...
integer, save init_at_chem
 force initilization in case of restart (this option is automatically set in lecamp) More...
integer, save kopint
 key id for optimal interpolation More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ acinfe

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acinfe

absorption for CO2 + 03

◆ aco2

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable aco2

absorption for CO2 only

◆ aco2s

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable aco2s

◆ acsup

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acsup

idem acinfe, flux descendant

◆ acsups

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable acsups

◆ clatev

double precision, save clatev

latent heat of evaporation: 2.501d+6

◆ cpvcpa

double precision, save cpvcpa

ratio Cp h2o/ dry air: 1.866d0

◆ dacinfe

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacinfe

differential absorption for CO2 + 03

◆ daco2

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable daco2

differential absorption for CO2 only

◆ daco2s

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable daco2s

◆ dacsup

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacsup

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ dacsups

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable dacsups

◆ ekmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ekmet

ekmet —> meteo turbulent kinetic energy profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ epmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable epmet

epmet —> meteo turbulent dissipation profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ gammat

double precision, save gammat

temperature gradient for the standard atmosphere (-6.5d-03 K/m)

◆ iatmst

integer, save iatmst

iatmst --> add a momentum source term based on the meteo profile

◆ iatra1

integer, save iatra1

iatra1 --> flag for the use of the 1d atmo radiative model

  • = 0 no use (default)
  • = 1 use

◆ iatsoil

integer, save iatsoil

iatsoil --> flag to use the ground model

◆ iautom

integer, dimension(:), allocatable iautom

iautom --> automatic inlet/outlet boundary condition flag (0: not auto (default); 1,2: auto) When meteo momentum source terms are activated (iatmst = 1), iautom = 1 corresponds to a Dirichlet on the pressure and a Neumann on the velocity, whereas iautom = 2 imposes a Dirichlet on both pressure and velocity

◆ idrayi

integer, save idrayi

pointer for 1D infrared profile

◆ idrayst

integer, save idrayst

pointer for 1D solar profile

◆ igrid

integer, save igrid

grid formed by 1D profiles

◆ ihpm

integer, save ihpm

ihpm --> flag to compute the hydrostastic pressure by Laplace integration in the meteo profiles

  • = 0 : bottom to top Laplace integration, based on P(sea level) (default)
  • = 1 : top to bottom Laplace integration based on P computed for the standard atmosphere at z(nbmaxt)

◆ iliqwt

integer, save iliqwt

iliqwt—> liquid water content

◆ imeteo

integer, save imeteo

imeteo --> flag for reading the meteo input file

  • = 0 -> no reading
  • = 1 -> reading

◆ imomst

integer, save imomst

imomst --> momentum source term field id (useful when iatmst > 0)

◆ init_at_chem

integer, save init_at_chem

force initilization in case of restart (this option is automatically set in lecamp)

◆ initmeteo

integer, save initmeteo

initmeteo --> use meteo profile for variables initialization (0: not used; 1: used (default))

◆ intdrp

integer, save intdrp

intdrp—> total number of droplets (for humid atmosphere)

◆ iprofm

integer, dimension(nozppm), save iprofm

iprofm --> read zone boundary conditions from profile

◆ iqv0

integer, save iqv0

iqv0 --> flag for the standard atmo humidity profile

  • = 0 : q = 0 (default)
  • = 1 : q = decreasing exponential

◆ ird

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ird

◆ irdu

integer, save irdu

Flag for the computation of downward and upward infrared radiative fluxes 0: disabled 1: enabled.

◆ iru

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable iru

Upward and downward radiative fluxes (infrared, solar) along each vertical.

◆ itempc

integer, save itempc

itempc—> temperature (in celsius)

◆ itotwt

integer, save itotwt

itotwt—> total water content (for humid atmosphere)

◆ ivert

integer, save ivert

ivert --> flag for the definition of the vertical grid

◆ kmx

integer, save kmx

kmx --> Number of levels (up to 11000 m if ray1d used) (automatically computed)

◆ kopint

integer, save kopint

key id for optimal interpolation

◆ kvert

integer, save kvert

kvert --> number of levels (up to the top of the domain)

◆ moddep

integer, save moddep

deposition flag

◆ moddis

integer, save moddis

Option for liquid water content distribution models.

  • moddis = 1 : all or nothing
  • moddis = 2 : Gaussian distribution

◆ modnuc

integer, save modnuc

Option for nucleation.

  • modnuc = 0 : without nucleation
  • modnuc = 1 : Pruppacher and Klett 1997
  • modnuc = 2 : Cohard et al. 1998,1999
  • modnuc = 3 : Abdul-Razzak et al. 1998,2000 logaritmic standard deviation of the log-normal law of the droplet spectrum

◆ modsedi

integer, save modsedi

sedimentation flag

◆ modsub

integer, save modsub

Option for subgrid models.

  • modsub = 0 : the simplest parameterization (for numerical verifications)
  • modsub = 1 : Bechtold et al. 1995 (Luc Musson-Genon)
  • modsub = 2 : Bouzereau et al. 2004
  • modsub = 3 : Cuijpers and Duynkerke 1993, Deardorff 1976, Sommeria and Deardorff 1977

◆ nbmaxt

integer, save nbmaxt

Number of vertical levels (cf. 1D radiative scheme.

◆ nbmetd

integer, save nbmetd

nbmetd --> numbers of altitudes for the dynamics

◆ nbmetm

integer, save nbmetm

nbmetm --> numbers of time steps for the meteo profiles

◆ nbmett

integer, save nbmett

nbmett --> numbers of altitudes for the temperature and specific humidity

◆ ncmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ncmet

ncmet —> meteo specific drplet number profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ nebdia

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable nebdia

Diagnosed nebulosity.

◆ nfatr1

integer, save nfatr1

nfatr1 --> 1d radiative model pass frequency

◆ nn

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable nn

fractional nebulosity

◆ nvert

integer, save nvert

nvert --> number of vertical arrays

◆ phmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable phmet

phmet --> hydrostatic pressure from Laplace integration

◆ pmer

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable pmer

pmer —> Sea level pressure (read in the input meteo file)

◆ ps

double precision, save ps

reference pressure (to compute potential temp: 1.0d+5)

◆ qvmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable qvmet

qvmet —> meteo specific humidity profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ rayi

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rayi

◆ rayst

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rayst

◆ rmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable rmet

rmet --> density profile

◆ rvap

double precision, save rvap


◆ rvsra

double precision, save rvsra

ratio gaz constant h2o/ dry air: 1.608d0

◆ shour

integer, save shour

shour --> starting hour

◆ sigc

double precision, save sigc

adimensional : sigc=0.53 other referenced values are 0.28, 0.15

◆ smin

integer, save smin

smin --> starting min

◆ sold

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable sold

◆ soldu

integer, save soldu

Flag for storage of downward and upward solar radiative fluxes 0: disabled 1: enabled.

◆ solu

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable solu

◆ squant

integer, save squant

squant --> starting quantile

◆ ssec

double precision, save ssec

ssec --> starting second

◆ syear

integer, save syear

syear --> starting year

◆ tausup

double precision, save tausup

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ tauz

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tauz

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ tauzq

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tauzq

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ theo_interp

integer, save theo_interp

theo_interp --> flag for meteo velocity field interpolation 0: linear interpolation of the meteo profile 1: the user can directly impose the exact meteo velocity by declaring the 'meteo_velocity' field Useful for iatmst = 1

◆ tmmet

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable tmmet

tmmet —> time (in sec) of the meteo profile

◆ tpmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable tpmet

tpmet --> potential temperature profile

◆ ttmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable ttmet

ttmet —> meteo temperature (Celsius) profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ umet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable umet

umet --> meteo u profiles (read in the input meteo file)

◆ vmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable vmet

vmet --> meteo v profiles (read in the input meteo file)

◆ w1ini

double precision, save w1ini

Water content of the first ground reservoir.

◆ w2ini

double precision, save w2ini

Water content of the second ground reservoir.

◆ wmet

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable wmet

wmet --> meteo w profiles - unused

◆ xlat

double precision, save xlat

xlat --> latitude of the domain origin

◆ xlon

double precision, save xlon

xlon --> longitude of the domain origin

◆ xmet

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable xmet

xmet --> X axis cooordinates of the meteo profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ xyvert

double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable xyvert

horizontal coordinates of the vertical grid

◆ ymet

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ymet

ymet --> Y axis cooordinates of the meteo profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ zdmet

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zdmet

zdmet —> altitudes of the dynamic profiles (read in the input meteo file)

◆ zq

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zq

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ zray

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zray

internal variable for 1D radiative model

◆ ztmet

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable ztmet

ztmet --> altitudes of the temperature profile (read in the input meteo file)

◆ zvert

double precision, dimension(:), allocatable zvert

vertical grid for 1D radiative scheme initialize in cs_user_atmospheric_model.f90