Local variables to be added
integer iel, ifac, izone, ii
integer ilelt, nlelt
double precision uref2, d2s3
double precision xkent, xeent
double precision dp, rho, S0, Kadm, radm, madm, Qadm, Padm, Ploc
double precision, dimension(:), pointer :: crom
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lstelt
Initialization and finalization
Initialization and finalization is similar to that of the base examples
Example 1
Definition of a fuel flow inlet for each face of colour 11
call getfbr(
'11', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
itypfb(ifac) = ientre
izone = 1
izfppp(ifac) = izone
ientfu(izone) = 1
tinfue = 436.d0
iqimp(izone) = 1
qimp(izone) = 2.62609d-4 / 72.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iu,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iv,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iw,1) = 21.47d0
icalke(izone) = 1
if(icalke(izone).eq.0) then
uref2 = rcodcl(ifac,iu,1)**2 &
+rcodcl(ifac,iv,1)**2 &
uref2 = max(uref2,1.d-12)
xkent = epzero
xeent = epzero
if (itytur.eq.2) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
elseif(itytur.eq.3) then
rcodcl(ifac,ir11,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir22,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir33,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir12,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,ir13,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,ir23,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
elseif (iturb.eq.50) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
rcodcl(ifac,iphi,1) = d2s3
rcodcl(ifac,ifb,1) = 0.d0
elseif (iturb.eq.60) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iomg,1) = xeent/cmu/xkent
elseif (iturb.eq.70) then
rcodcl(ifac,inusa,1) = cmu*xkent**2/xeent
dh(izone) = 0.032d0
xintur(izone) = 0.d0
Example 2
Definition of an air flow inlet for each face of colour 21
call getfbr(
'21', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
itypfb(ifac) = ientre
izone = 2
izfppp(ifac) = izone
ientox(izone) = 1
tinoxy = 353.d0
iqimp(izone) = 1
qimp(izone) = 4.282d-3 / 72.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iu,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iv,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iw,1) = 0.097d0
icalke(izone) = 1
if(icalke(izone).eq.0) then
uref2 = rcodcl(ifac,iu,1)**2 &
+rcodcl(ifac,iv,1)**2 &
uref2 = max(uref2,1.d-12)
xkent = epzero
xeent = epzero
if (itytur.eq.2) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
elseif(itytur.eq.3) then
rcodcl(ifac,ir11,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir22,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir33,1) = d2s3*xkent
rcodcl(ifac,ir12,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,ir13,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,ir23,1) = 0.d0
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
elseif (iturb.eq.50) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iep,1) = xeent
rcodcl(ifac,iphi,1) = d2s3
rcodcl(ifac,ifb,1) = 0.d0
elseif (iturb.eq.60) then
rcodcl(ifac,ik,1) = xkent
rcodcl(ifac,iomg,1) = xeent/cmu/xkent
elseif (iturb.eq.70) then
rcodcl(ifac,inusa,1) = cmu*xkent**2/xeent
dh(izone) = 0.218d0
xintur(izone) = 0.d0
Example 3
Definition of a wall for each face of colour 51 up to 59
call getfbr(
'51 to 59', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
itypfb(ifac) = iparoi
izone = 3
izfppp(ifac) = izone
Example 4
Definition of an exit for each face of colour 91
call getfbr(
'91', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
itypfb(ifac) = isolib
izone = 4
izfppp(ifac) = izone
Example 5
Definition of symmetric boundary conditions for each face of colour 41 and 4.
call getfbr(
'41 or 4', nlelt, lstelt)
do ilelt = 1, nlelt
ifac = lstelt(ilelt)
itypfb(ifac) = isymet
izone = 5
izfppp(ifac) = izone