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My Project
programmer's documentation
▼ docs | |
► doxygen | |
► examples | |
bft_error_example.c | |
cavitation.h | |
condensation.h | |
cs_f_user_parameters.h | |
cs_head_losses.h | |
cs_lagrangian_particle_tracking_module.h | |
cs_porosity.h | |
cs_remarks.h | |
cs_user_atmospheric_model.h | |
cs_user_boundary_conditions_ale.h | |
cs_user_boundary_conditions_examples.h | |
cs_user_cooling_towers.h | |
cs_user_coupling.h | |
cs_user_electric_scaling.h | |
cs_user_extra_operations-nusselt_calculation.h | |
cs_user_extra_operations_examples.h | |
cs_user_fluid_structure_interaction.h | |
cs_user_gwf.h | |
cs_user_initialization.h | |
cs_user_les_inflow.h | |
cs_user_mass_source_terms.h | |
cs_user_mesh.h | |
cs_user_modules.h | |
cs_user_parameters.h | |
cs_user_performance_tuning.h | |
cs_user_physical_properties.h | |
cs_user_postprocess.h | |
cs_user_radiative_transfer.h | |
cs_user_solver.h | |
cs_user_source_terms-scalar_in_a_channel.h | |
cs_user_source_terms.h | |
cs_user_tabs.h | |
cs_var_dico.h | |
drift_coal_scalars.h | |
drift_scalars.h | |
richards.h | |
turbomachinery.h | |
uspt1d.h | |
usthht.h | |
usvort.h | |
usvosy.h | |
mainpage.h | |
▼ src | |
► alge | |
cs_alge_headers.h | |
cs_bad_cells_regularisation.c | |
cs_bad_cells_regularisation.h | |
cs_balance.c | Wrapper to the function which adds the explicit part of the convection/diffusion terms of a transport equation of a field |
cs_balance.h | |
cs_balance_by_zone.c | |
cs_balance_by_zone.h | |
cs_benchmark.c | |
cs_benchmark.h | |
cs_blas.c | |
cs_blas.h | |
cs_bw_time_diff.c | |
cs_convection_diffusion.c | Convection-diffusion operators |
cs_convection_diffusion.h | |
cs_divergence.c | |
cs_divergence.h | |
cs_face_viscosity.c | Face viscosity |
cs_face_viscosity.h | |
cs_gradient.c | Gradient reconstruction |
cs_gradient.h | |
cs_gradient_perio.c | |
cs_gradient_perio.h | |
cs_grid.c | |
cs_grid.h | |
cs_matrix.c | Sparse Matrix Representation and Operations |
cs_matrix.h | |
cs_matrix_assembler.c | |
cs_matrix_assembler.h | |
cs_matrix_assembler_priv.h | |
cs_matrix_building.c | |
cs_matrix_building.h | |
cs_matrix_default.c | |
cs_matrix_default.h | |
cs_matrix_priv.h | |
cs_matrix_tuning.c | |
cs_matrix_tuning.h | |
cs_matrix_util.c | |
cs_matrix_util.h | |
cs_multigrid.c | |
cs_multigrid.h | |
cs_sles.c | Sparse linear equation solver driver |
cs_sles.h | |
cs_sles_default.c | |
cs_sles_default.h | |
cs_sles_it.c | |
cs_sles_it.h | |
cs_sles_pc.c | |
cs_sles_pc.h | |
cs_sles_petsc.c | Handling of PETSc-based linear solvers |
cs_sles_petsc.h | |
► apps | |
cs_check_syntax.c | |
cs_io_dump.c | |
cs_solver.c | |
► atmo | |
atchem.f90 | Module for chemistry in the atmospheric module |
atimbr.f90 | Atmospheric Imbrication module. This module contains the data structure and subroutines to perform atmospheric imbrication or nesting of a CFD domain within a large scale meteorological field. Starting from a set of large scale meteological profiles (in the format of meteo files) an interpolation is performed for each boundary face both spatially and temporally (using Cressman method) |
atincl.f90 | Module for atmospheric models - main variables |
atini0.f90 | Initialisation of variable options for Code_Saturne atmospheric module in addition to what is done previously in iniini function |
atini1.f90 | Initialisation of variable options for the atmospheric module in addition to what is done in usipsu function |
atiniv.f90 | Initialisation of calculation variables for the atmospheric module, it is the counterpart of usiniv.f90 |
atleca.f90 | Reads initial aerosol concentration and number |
atlecc.f90 | Reads the chemistry profile data for the atmospheric chemistry |
atlecm.f90 | Reads the meteo profile data for the atmospheric module |
atmcls.f90 | Compute friction velocity u* and surface sensible heat flux q0 for a non neutral atmospheric surface layer using the explicit formula developed for the ECMWF by Louis (1982) |
atmsol.f90 | Build constants and variables to describe the ground model |
atmstd.f90 | Compute standard atmospheric profile |
atphyv.f90 | Functions that compute physical variables for each cell for the atmospheric module |
atprke.f90 | Modify the ![]() |
atprop.f90 | Add if needed the variables fields for temperature and liquid water |
atr1vf.f90 | Compute radiative fluxes for the atmospheric model. Computes the source term for scalar equations from radiative forcing (UV and IR radiative fluxes) with a 1D scheme |
atsoil.f90 | Module for the atmospheric soil model adapted to the IGN "land use" file format |
attssc.f90 | Additional right-hand side source terms for scalar equations taking into account dry and humid atmospheric variables. If 1D atmospheric radiative module is used (iatra1 = 1) additional source terms for the thermal scalar equation to take into account the radiative forcing |
attycl.f90 | Automatic boundary conditions for atmospheric module (based on meteo file) |
atvarp.f90 | Declare additional transported variables for atmospheric module |
chem_luscheme1.f90 | Routines for atmospheric chemical scheme 1 |
chem_luscheme2.f90 | Routines for atmospheric chemical scheme 2 |
chem_luscheme3.f90 | Routines for atmospheric chemical scheme 3 |
chem_luscheme_siream.f90 | Routines for atmospheric chemical and aerosols scheme 3 |
chem_solvelu.f90 | Solver of AX=B with LU decomposition of A for atmospheric chemical systems |
chem_source_terms.f90 | Computes the explicit chemical source term for atmospheric chemistry in case of a semi-coupled resolution |
compute_gaseous_chemistry.f90 | Calls the rosenbrock resolution for atmospheric chemistry |
compute_siream.f90 | Computation of atmospheric aerosol chemistry |
cs_at_data_assim.c | |
cs_at_data_assim.h | |
cs_at_opt_interp.c | |
cs_at_opt_interp.h | |
cs_at_plugin.c | Plugin to dynamically load(*.so) the aerosol model (SIREAM) |
cs_at_plugin.h | Plugin to get aerosol and compute_coagulation_coefficient functions from SIREAM library (ENPC - INRIA - EDF R&D) |
cs_at_source_terms.f90 | |
cs_atmo_headers.h | |
etheq.f90 | Atmospheric module - humid atmosphere variables |
intprf.f90 | Temporal and z-axis interpolation for meteorological profiles An optimized linear interpolation is used |
kinrates.f90 | Calls the computation of reaction rates for atmospheric chemistry |
nuclea.f90 | Compute aerosol cloud droplets nucleation when using the atmospheric humid model using a microphysical model |
rayigc.f90 | Compute carbonic dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3) absorption in infrared (1D radiative scheme) |
rayir.f90 | Compute infrared flux divergence profile and downward flux at ground level relying on a 1D radiative scheme |
rayive.f90 | 1D Radiative scheme - IR H20 and dimere absorption |
rayso.f90 | Compute solar fluxes for both clear and cloudy atmosphere following Lacis and Hansen (1974). The multiple diffusion is taken into account by an addition method and overlapping between water vapor and liquid water with k distribution method. Some improvements from original version concerns: |
raysze.f90 | 1D Radiative scheme - Solar data + zenithal angle) |
roschem.f90 | Rosenbrock solver for atmospheric chemistry |
satfun.f90 | Computes the saturation mixing ratio (kg/kg) of water in the atmosphere |
siream.f90 | Module for atmospheric aerosol chemistry in the atmospheric module |
solcat.f90 | Atmo. - Ground level parameters computed from a "Land use" file |
soliva.f90 | Atmospheric soil module - soil variables initialisation |
solmoy.f90 | Atmospheric soil module - Initialize ground level parameters from land use |
solvar.f90 | Atmospheric soil module - Compute ground level variables |
spefun.f90 | Atmospheric module - Module for specific math functions |
► base | |
addfld.f90 | Add additional fields based on user options |
alaste.f90 | |
albase.f90 | |
alstru.f90 | |
altycl.f90 | Boundary condition code for the ALE module |
b_h_to_t.f90 | |
b_t_to_h.f90 | Convert enthalpy to temperature at boundary |
c_h_to_t.f90 | Convert enthalpy to temperature at cells |
calhyd.f90 | Poisson equation resolution for hydrostatic pressure: ![]() |
caltri.f90 | Main time loop |
catsma.f90 | Implicit and explicit sources terms from sources mass computation |
catsmt.f90 | Compute explicit and implicit source terms coming from mass source |
catsmv.f90 | Compute explicit and implicit source terms coming from mass source |
cavitation.f90 | |
cdomod.f90 | Store the mode of activation of CDO-HHO schemes |
clpsca.f90 | This subroutine clips the values of a given scalar or variance |
clptrg.f90 | Boundary conditions for rough walls (icodcl = 6) |
clptur.f90 | Boundary conditions for smooth walls (icodcl = 5) |
clsyvt.f90 | Symmetry boundary conditions for vectors and tensors |
condensation_source_terms.f90 | Explicit sources terms from sources condensation computation |
condli.f90 | Translation of the boundary conditions given by cs_user_boundary_conditions in a form that fits to the solver |
copain_model.f90 | The COPAIN correlations used to approximate the condensation source term and the thermal exchange coefficient to impose at the wall where condensation occurs |
cou1di.f90 | |
cou1do.f90 | |
coupbi.f90 | |
coupbo.f90 | |
covofi.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving the convection/diffusion equation (with eventually source terms and/or drift) for a scalar quantity over a time step |
covofv.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving the convection/diffusion equation (with eventually source terms and/or drift) for a vectorial quantity over a time step |
cplsat.f90 | Module for code/code coupling |
cptssy.f90 | |
cpvosy.f90 | |
cs_1d_wall_thermal.c | |
cs_1d_wall_thermal.h | |
cs_1d_wall_thermal_check.c | |
cs_1d_wall_thermal_check.h | |
cs_ale.c | |
cs_ale.h | |
cs_all_to_all.c | |
cs_all_to_all.h | |
cs_array_reduce.c | |
cs_array_reduce.h | |
cs_assert.h | |
cs_ast_coupling.c | |
cs_ast_coupling.h | |
cs_base.c | |
cs_base.h | |
cs_base_fortran.c | |
cs_base_fortran.h | |
cs_base_headers.h | |
cs_block_dist.c | |
cs_block_dist.h | |
cs_block_to_part.c | |
cs_block_to_part.h | |
cs_boundary.c | Handle the "physical" boundary conditions attached to a computational domain |
cs_boundary.h | |
cs_boundary_conditions.c | |
cs_boundary_conditions.h | |
cs_boundary_zone.c | |
cs_boundary_zone.h | |
cs_c_bindings.f90 | |
cs_calcium.c | |
cs_calcium.h | |
cs_control.c | |
cs_control.h | |
cs_coolprop.cxx | |
cs_coolprop.hxx | |
cs_coupling.c | |
cs_coupling.h | |
cs_crystal_router.c | |
cs_crystal_router.h | |
cs_defs.c | |
cs_defs.h | |
cs_eos.cxx | |
cs_eos.hxx | |
cs_equation_iterative_solve.c | This file gathers functions that solve advection diffusion equations with source terms for one time step for a scalar, vector or tensor variable |
cs_equation_iterative_solve.h | |
cs_ext_neighborhood.c | |
cs_ext_neighborhood.h | |
cs_f_interfaces.f90 | |
cs_fan.c | |
cs_fan.h | |
cs_field.c | |
cs_field.h | |
cs_field_default.c | |
cs_field_default.h | |
cs_field_operator.c | |
cs_field_operator.h | |
cs_field_pointer.c | |
cs_field_pointer.h | |
cs_file.c | |
cs_file.h | |
cs_flag_check.c | |
cs_flag_check.h | |
cs_fp_exception.c | |
cs_fp_exception.h | |
cs_gas_mix.c | |
cs_gas_mix.h | |
cs_gas_mix_initialization.f90 | Initialization of calculation variables for gas mixture modelling in presence of the steam gas or another gas used as variable deduced and not solved |
cs_gas_mix_physical_properties.f90 | This subroutine fills physical properties which are variable in time for the gas mixtures modelling with or without steam inside the fluid domain. In presence of steam, this one is deduced from the noncondensable gases transported as scalars (by means of the mass fraction of each species) |
cs_halo.c | |
cs_halo.h | |
cs_halo_perio.c | |
cs_halo_perio.h | |
cs_head_losses.c | |
cs_head_losses.h | |
cs_headers.h | |
cs_interface.c | |
cs_interface.h | |
cs_internal_coupling.c | |
cs_internal_coupling.h | |
cs_interpolate.c | |
cs_interpolate.h | |
cs_io.c | |
cs_io.h | |
cs_log.c | |
cs_log.h | |
cs_log_iteration.c | Log field and other array statistics at relevant time steps |
cs_log_iteration.h | |
cs_log_setup.c | Setup info at the end of the setup stage |
cs_log_setup.h | |
cs_map.c | |
cs_map.h | |
cs_math.c | |
cs_math.h | |
cs_measures_util.c | |
cs_measures_util.h | |
cs_medcoupling_remapper.cxx | |
cs_medcoupling_remapper.hxx | |
cs_medcoupling_utils.cxx | |
cs_medcoupling_utils.hxx | |
cs_mesh_tagmr.f90 | The subroutine is used to generate the 1-D mesh and initialize the temperature field of the thermal model coupled with condensation model |
cs_metal_structures_tag.f90 | The 0-D thermal model to compute the temperature at the metal structures wall and pass to the volume condensation modelling to be able to model the metal structures effects. This metal structures temperature computed is passed to the volume condensation model to estimate the heat flux at the metall structures wall where the condensation occurs |
cs_notebook.c | |
cs_notebook.h | |
cs_numbering.c | |
cs_numbering.h | |
cs_nz_condensation.f90 | |
cs_nz_tagmr.f90 | |
cs_opts.c | |
cs_opts.h | |
cs_order.c | |
cs_order.h | |
cs_parall.c | |
cs_parall.h | |
cs_paramedmem_coupling.cxx | |
cs_paramedmem_coupling.hxx | |
cs_paramedmem_remapper.cxx | |
cs_paramedmem_remapper.hxx | |
cs_parameters.c | |
cs_parameters.h | |
cs_parameters_check.c | |
cs_parameters_check.h | |
cs_part_to_block.c | |
cs_part_to_block.h | |
cs_physical_constants.c | |
cs_physical_constants.h | |
cs_physical_properties.c | |
cs_physical_properties.h | |
cs_post.c | Post-processing management |
cs_post.h | |
cs_post_default.c | |
cs_post_default.h | |
cs_post_util.c | |
cs_post_util.h | |
cs_preprocess.c | |
cs_preprocess.h | |
cs_preprocessor_data.c | |
cs_preprocessor_data.h | |
cs_probe.c | Probes and profiles management |
cs_probe.h | |
cs_prototypes.h | |
cs_random.c | |
cs_random.h | |
cs_range_set.c | Operations related to handling of an owning rank for distributed entities |
cs_range_set.h | |
cs_rank_neighbors.c | |
cs_rank_neighbors.h | |
cs_renumber.c | |
cs_renumber.h | |
cs_resource.c | Resource allocation management (available time) |
cs_resource.h | |
cs_restart.c | |
cs_restart.h | |
cs_restart_default.c | |
cs_restart_default.h | |
cs_restart_map.c | |
cs_restart_map.h | |
cs_rotation.c | |
cs_rotation.h | |
cs_sat_coupling.c | |
cs_sat_coupling.h | |
cs_search.c | |
cs_search.h | |
cs_selector.c | |
cs_selector.h | |
cs_selector_f2c.f90 | |
cs_sort.c | |
cs_sort.h | |
cs_sort_partition.c | |
cs_sort_partition.h | |
cs_stokes_model.c | |
cs_stokes_model.h | |
cs_syr4_coupling.c | |
cs_syr4_coupling.h | |
cs_syr_coupling.c | |
cs_syr_coupling.h | |
cs_system_info.c | |
cs_system_info.h | |
cs_tagmr.f90 | |
cs_tagmri.f90 | The 1D thermal model to compute the temperature to impose at the cold wall. This one is used by the COPAIN model to estimate the heat flux at the wall where the condensation occurs |
cs_tagmro.f90 | The 1D thermal model to compute the temperature to impose at the cold wall. This one is used by the COPAIN model to estimate the heat flux at the wall where the condensation occurs |
cs_tagms.f90 | |
cs_thermal_model.c | |
cs_thermal_model.h | |
cs_time_moment.c | Temporal moments management |
cs_time_moment.h | |
cs_time_plot.c | |
cs_time_plot.h | |
cs_time_step.c | |
cs_time_step.h | |
cs_timer.c | |
cs_timer.h | |
cs_timer_stats.c | |
cs_timer_stats.h | |
cs_tree.c | |
cs_tree.h | |
cs_turbomachinery.c | |
cs_turbomachinery.h | |
cs_vof.c | |
cs_vof.h | |
cs_volume_zone.c | |
cs_volume_zone.h | |
cs_wall_functions.c | |
cs_wall_functions.h | |
cs_zone.h | |
csc2cl.f90 | Translation of the "itypfb(*, *) = icscpl" condition |
csc2ts.f90 | Code-code coupling with source terms |
csccel.f90 | Exchange of coupling variables between to times of Code_Saturne thanks to boundary faces |
cscfbr.f90 | Exchange of variables for coupling two Code_Saturne intances with boundary faces |
cscini.f90 | Initialization of main variables for code_saturne / code_saturne coupling |
csclli.f90 | |
cscloc.f90 | Coupling interfaces localization (with FVM) |
cscpce.f90 | Preparation of sending velocity variables for coupling between two instances of Code_Saturne via boundary faces. Received indformation will be transformed into boundary condition in subroutine csc2cl |
cscpfb.f90 | Preparation of sending variables for coupling between two instances of Code_Saturne via boundary faces. Received indformation will be transformed into boundary condition in subroutine csc2cl |
csinit.f90 | |
csopli.f90 | |
csprnt.f90 | |
cstnum.f90 | Module for numerical constants |
cstphy.f90 | Module for physical constants |
diffst.f90 | |
dimens.f90 | Module for dimensions |
distpr.f90 | Compute distance to wall by solving a 3d diffusion equation. Solve |
distpr2.f90 | Compute distance to wall by a brute force geometric approach (serial only) |
distyp.f90 | This subroutine computes the dimensionless distance to the wall solving a transport equation |
driflu.f90 | Compute the modified convective flux for scalars with a drift |
dttvar.f90 | Compute the local time step and add the Courant and Fourier number to |
dvvpst.f90 | Standard output of variables on post-processing meshes (called after cs_user_extra_operations) |
ecrava.f90 | |
ecrlis.f90 | This subroutine writes log information on equation convergence |
entsor.f90 | Module for input/output |
field.f90 | |
field_operator.f90 | |
findpt.f90 | This subroutine looks for the nearest element to the position (xx, yy, zz) among the element of xyzcen array |
fldini.f90 | |
fldprp.f90 | Properties definition initialization, according to calculation type selected by the user |
fldtri.f90 | |
fldvar.f90 | Variables definition initialization, according to calculation type selected by the user |
haltyp.f90 | |
idrbla.f90 | |
ihmpre.f90 | Module for GUI parameter file flag We could avoid this module by querying a C structure |
impini.f90 | |
iniini.f90 | Commons default initialization before handing over the user |
initi1.f90 | Commons initialization |
initi2.f90 | End of commons initialization |
iniusi.f90 | |
iniva0.f90 | Computed variable initialization. The time step, the indicator of wall distance computation are also initialized just before reading a restart file or use the user initializations |
inivar.f90 | Initialization of calculation variables, time step and table that stores distance to the wall by the user (after reading a restart file) |
iprbla.f90 | |
lecamo.f90 | Reading of restart file |
lecamp.f90 | Reading of main restart file |
lecamx.f90 | Reading of auxiliary restart file |
majgeo.f90 | |
mesh.f90 | Module for mesh-related arrays |
metal_structures_copain_model.f90 | The COPAIN modelling to estimate the heat and mass transfer associated to the steam condensation phenomena at each cell corresponding to the metal structures volume identified by geometric criteria |
mmtycl.f90 | |
modini.f90 | Modify calculation parameters after user changes (module variables) |
navstv.f90 | Solving of NS equations for incompressible or slightly compressible flows for one time step. Both convection-diffusion and continuity steps are performed. The velocity components are solved together in once |
newmrk.f90 | |
numvar.f90 | Module for variable numbering |
optcal.f90 | |
parall.f90 | Module for basic MPI and OpenMP parallelism-related values |
paramx.f90 | Module for definition of general parameters |
period.f90 | Module for periodicity flags |
phyvar.f90 | This subroutine fills physical properties which are variable in time (mainly the eddy viscosity) |
pointe.f90 | Module for pointer variables |
post.f90 | |
post_util.f90 | |
precli.f90 | Preparation of boudary conditions determination Boundary faces of precedent step are used. Except at first time step, where arrays itypfb and itrifb are undefined |
predfl.f90 | Update the convective mass flux before the Navier Stokes equations (prediction and correction steps) |
predvv.f90 | This subroutine performs the velocity prediction step of the Navier Stokes equations for incompressible or slightly compressible flows for the coupled velocity components solver |
prehyd.f90 | Compute an "a priori" hydrostatic pressure and its gradient associated before the Navier Stokes equations (prediction and correction steps navstv.f90) |
pthrbm.f90 | Update the density ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ptrglo.f90 | |
resopv.f90 | This subroutine performs the pressure correction step of the Navier Stokes equations for incompressible or slightly compressible flows for the coupled velocity components solver |
resvoi.f90 | Solving the void fraction ![]() |
rotation.f90 | Module for rotating zones (rotors) |
scalai.f90 | Resolution of source term convection diffusion equations for scalars in a time step |
schtmp.f90 | Management of the mass flux, the viscosity, the density, the specific heat and the tsnsa array in case of a theta-scheme |
stdtcl.f90 | |
strdep.f90 | |
strhis.f90 | |
strini.f90 | |
strpre.f90 | |
tdesi1.f90 | |
tridim.f90 | Resolution of incompressible Navier Stokes and scalar transport equations for a time step |
tspdcv.f90 | This subroutine computes the explicit contribution of headlosses terms |
turbomachinery.f90 | Module for turbomachinery computations |
typecl.f90 | Handle boundary condition type code (itypfb) |
varpos.f90 | Variables location initialization, according to calculation type selected by the user |
vericl.f90 | Check boundary condition code |
verini.f90 | |
verlon.f90 | |
visecv.f90 | Computes the secondary viscosity contribution ![]() |
vof.f90 | |
► bft | |
bft_backtrace.c | |
bft_backtrace.h | |
bft_error.c | |
bft_error.h | |
bft_mem.c | |
bft_mem.h | |
bft_mem_usage.c | |
bft_mem_usage.h | |
bft_printf.c | |
bft_printf.h | |
cs_bft_headers.h | |
► cdo | |
cs_advection_field.c | |
cs_advection_field.h | |
cs_basis_func.c | |
cs_basis_func.h | |
cs_cdo_advection.c | Build discrete advection operators for CDO vertex-based schemes |
cs_cdo_advection.h | |
cs_cdo_bc.c | |
cs_cdo_bc.h | |
cs_cdo_connect.c | Build additional connectivities (or adjacencies) useful for building CDO or HHO schemes |
cs_cdo_connect.h | |
cs_cdo_diffusion.c | Build discrete stiffness matrices and handled boundary conditions for diffusion term in CDO vertex-based and vertex+cell schemes |
cs_cdo_diffusion.h | |
cs_cdo_headers.h | |
cs_cdo_local.c | Routines to handle low-level actions related to CDO local quantities: |
cs_cdo_local.h | |
cs_cdo_main.c | |
cs_cdo_main.h | |
cs_cdo_quantities.c | |
cs_cdo_quantities.h | |
cs_cdo_time.c | |
cs_cdo_time.h | |
cs_cdofb_ac.c | Build an algebraic CDO face-based system for the Navier-Stokes equations and solved it with an artificial compressibility algorithm |
cs_cdofb_ac.h | |
cs_cdofb_monolithic.c | Build an algebraic CDO face-based system for the Navier-Stokes equations and solved it with a monolithic approach |
cs_cdofb_monolithic.h | |
cs_cdofb_navsto.c | Shared routines among all face-based schemes for building and solving Stokes and Navier-Stokes problem |
cs_cdofb_navsto.h | |
cs_cdofb_predco.c | Build an algebraic CDO face-based system for the Navier-Stokes equations and solved it with a prediction/correction algorithm. A first equation related to the velocity prediction is solved and then a second equation related to the pressure correction is solved to project the velocity field into the space of divergence-free field |
cs_cdofb_predco.h | |
cs_cdofb_priv.h | |
cs_cdofb_scaleq.c | Build an algebraic CDO face-based system for unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction of scalar-valued equations with source terms |
cs_cdofb_scaleq.h | |
cs_cdofb_uzawa.c | Build an algebraic CDO face-based system for the Navier-Stokes equations and solved it with an Augmented Lagrangian-Uzawa algorithm |
cs_cdofb_uzawa.h | |
cs_cdofb_vecteq.c | |
cs_cdofb_vecteq.h | |
cs_cdovb_priv.h | Structures for building an algebraic CDO vertex-based system for unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction equations with source terms |
cs_cdovb_scaleq.c | Build an algebraic CDO vertex-based system for unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction of scalar-valued equations with source terms |
cs_cdovb_scaleq.h | |
cs_cdovb_vecteq.c | Build an algebraic CDO vertex-based system for unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction of vector-valued equations with source terms |
cs_cdovb_vecteq.h | |
cs_cdovcb_scaleq.c | Build an algebraic CDO vertex+cell-based system for unsteady convection diffusion reaction of scalar-valued equations with source terms |
cs_cdovcb_scaleq.h | |
cs_dbg.c | |
cs_dbg.h | |
cs_domain.c | Manage a computational domain |
cs_domain.h | |
cs_domain_op.c | |
cs_domain_op.h | |
cs_domain_setup.c | Routines to handle the setup of a computational domain High level interface for handling the computation |
cs_domain_setup.h | |
cs_equation.c | |
cs_equation.h | |
cs_equation_assemble.c | Assembly of local cellwise system into a cs_matrix_t structure through the cs_matrix_assembler_t and its related structures |
cs_equation_assemble.h | |
cs_equation_bc.c | |
cs_equation_bc.h | |
cs_equation_common.c | |
cs_equation_common.h | |
cs_equation_param.c | |
cs_equation_param.h | Structure and routines handling the specific settings related to a cs_equation_t structure |
cs_equation_priv.h | |
cs_evaluate.c | |
cs_evaluate.h | |
cs_flag.c | |
cs_flag.h | |
cs_gwf.c | Main functions dedicated to groundwater flows when using CDO schemes |
cs_gwf.h | |
cs_gwf_soil.c | Main functions dedicated to soil management in groundwater flows when using CDO schemes |
cs_gwf_soil.h | |
cs_gwf_tracer.c | |
cs_gwf_tracer.h | |
cs_hho_builder.c | |
cs_hho_builder.h | |
cs_hho_scaleq.c | |
cs_hho_scaleq.h | |
cs_hho_stokes.c | |
cs_hho_stokes.h | |
cs_hho_vecteq.c | |
cs_hho_vecteq.h | |
cs_hodge.c | Build discrete Hodge operators |
cs_hodge.h | |
cs_mesh_deform.c | |
cs_mesh_deform.h | |
cs_navsto_coupling.c | Routines to handle the settings of coupling algorithms |
cs_navsto_coupling.h | Routines to handle structures used as a context when solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Structures are cast on-the-fly according to the type of coupling. Routines to handle the settings of coupling algorithms |
cs_navsto_param.c | |
cs_navsto_param.h | |
cs_navsto_system.c | Routines to handle the cs_navsto_system_t structure |
cs_navsto_system.h | Routines to handle the cs_navsto_system_t structure |
cs_param.c | |
cs_param.h | |
cs_param_cdo.c | |
cs_param_cdo.h | |
cs_property.c | |
cs_property.h | |
cs_quadrature.c | |
cs_quadrature.h | |
cs_reco.c | |
cs_reco.h | |
cs_scheme_geometry.c | |
cs_scheme_geometry.h | |
cs_sdm.c | |
cs_sdm.h | |
cs_source_term.c | |
cs_source_term.h | |
cs_static_condensation.c | |
cs_static_condensation.h | |
cs_walldistance.c | |
cs_walldistance.h | |
cs_xdef.c | |
cs_xdef.h | |
cs_xdef_cw_eval.c | |
cs_xdef_cw_eval.h | |
cs_xdef_eval.c | |
cs_xdef_eval.h | |
► cfbl | |
cfdivs.f90 | |
cfdttv.f90 | |
cfener.f90 | Perform the solving of the convection/diffusion equation (with eventual source terms) for total energy over a time step. It is the third step of the compressible algorithm at each time iteration |
cffana.f90 | Computes the analytical flux at the boundary for Euler and Energy |
cfini1.f90 | |
cfiniv.f90 | Initialisation of the variables if the compressible flow model is enabled |
cfmsfp.f90 | |
cfmspr.f90 | Update the convective mass flux before the velocity prediction step. It is the first step of the compressible algorithm at each time iteration |
cfphyv.f90 | Computation of variable physical properties for the specific physics compressible |
cfpoin.f90 | |
cfprop.f90 | Properties definition initialization for the compressible module, according to calculation type selected by the user |
cfrusb.f90 | |
cfvarp.f90 | Variables definition initialization for the compressible module, according to calculation type selected by the user |
cfxtcl.f90 | Handle boundary condition type code (itypfb) when the compressible model is enabled |
cs_cf_bindings.f90 | |
cs_cf_model.c | |
cs_cf_model.h | |
cs_cf_thermo.c | |
cs_cf_thermo.h | |
cs_hgn_phase_thermo.c | Phase thermodynamic for compressible homogeneous two-phase model |
cs_hgn_phase_thermo.h | |
cs_hgn_source_terms_step.c | Return to equilibrium source terms computation for volume, mass, energy fractions in compressible homogeneous two-phase model |
cs_hgn_source_terms_step.h | |
cs_hgn_thermo.c | Thermodynamic of a compressible homogeneous two-phase flow |
cs_hgn_thermo.h | |
► cogz | |
coincl.f90 | |
coini1.f90 | |
colecd.f90 | |
coprop.f90 | |
cothht.f90 | |
covarp.f90 | |
d3phst.f90 | Specific physic subroutine: diffusion flame |
d3pini.f90 | |
d3pint.f90 | Specific physic subroutine: diffusion flame |
d3pphy.f90 | Specific physic subroutine: diffusion flame |
d3ptcl.f90 | Automatic boundary conditions for 3 PTHEM gas diffusion flame model |
d3pver.f90 | |
ebuini.f90 | |
ebuphy.f90 | |
ebutcl.f90 | Automatic boundary conditions for perfect premixed flame combustion model (EBU) |
ebutss.f90 | |
ebuver.f90 | |
gauss.f90 | |
lwcgfu.f90 | |
lwcini.f90 | |
lwcphy.f90 | |
lwctcl.f90 | Automatic boundary conditions for partially premixed flame combustion model (LWC) |
lwctss.f90 | |
lwcurl.f90 | |
lwcver.f90 | |
pdflwc.f90 | |
pdfpp3.f90 | |
pdfpp4.f90 | |
sootsc.f90 | Specific physic subroutine: two equations soot model |
yg2xye.f90 | Compute molar and mass fractions of elementary species Ye, Xe (fuel, O2, CO2, H2O, N2) from global species Yg (fuel, oxidant, products) |
► comb | |
cpincl.f90 | |
cplin1.f90 | |
cplini.f90 | |
cplph1.f90 | |
cplphy.f90 | |
cplpro.f90 | |
cpltcl.f90 | |
cpltss.f90 | |
cpltsv.f90 | |
cplvar.f90 | |
cplver.f90 | |
cplym1.f90 | |
cppdf4.f90 | |
cppdfr.f90 | |
cpteh1.f90 | |
cpthp1.f90 | |
cs_coal_bcond.f90 | Automatic boundary condition for pulverized coal combution |
cs_coal_fp2st.f90 | |
cs_coal_htconvers1.f90 |
cs_coal_htconvers2.f90 |
cs_coal_incl.f90 | |
cs_coal_masstransfer.f90 | Calculation of the terms of mass transfer between the continous phase and the dispersed phase |
cs_coal_noxst.f90 | |
cs_coal_param.f90 | |
cs_coal_physprop.f90 | Specific physics routine: combustion of pulverized coal Calculation of ![]() |
cs_coal_physprop1.f90 | Calculation of the physic propeties in gaseous phase |
cs_coal_physprop2.f90 | Calculation of the physical properties of the dispersed phase (classes of particules) |
cs_coal_prop.f90 | Define state variables for pulverized coal combustion |
cs_coal_radst.f90 | |
cs_coal_readata.f90 | |
cs_coal_scast.f90 | Specific physic routine: pulverized coal flame Souce terms have to be precised for a scalar PP on a step of time |
cs_coal_thfieldconv1.f90 | Calculation of the gas temperature Function with gas enthalpy and concentrations |
cs_coal_thfieldconv2.f90 | Calculation of the particles temperature Function with the solid enthalpy and concentrations |
cs_coal_varini.f90 | |
cs_coal_varpos.f90 | |
cs_coal_verify.f90 | |
cs_fuel_bcond.f90 | Automatic boundary conditions Fuel combustion |
cs_fuel_fp2st.f90 | |
cs_fuel_htconvers1.f90 |
cs_fuel_htconvers2.f90 |
cs_fuel_incl.f90 | |
cs_fuel_masstransfer.f90 | Calcultaion of mass transfer terms between the contineous phase and the dispersed phase |
cs_fuel_noxst.f90 | |
cs_fuel_param.f90 | |
cs_fuel_physprop.f90 | Specific physic routine: pulverized coal combustion. Calculation of ![]() |
cs_fuel_physprop1.f90 | Calculation of physic properties of the gaseous phase |
cs_fuel_physprop2.f90 | Calculation of the physical properties of the dispersed phase |
cs_fuel_prop.f90 | Define state variables for fuel combustion |
cs_fuel_radst.f90 | |
cs_fuel_readata.f90 | |
cs_fuel_scast.f90 | Specific physic routine: fuel oil flame. We indicate the source terms for a scalar PP on a step time |
cs_fuel_thfieldconv1.f90 | Calculation of the gas temperature Function with the gas enthalpy and concentrations |
cs_fuel_thfieldconv2.f90 | Calculation of the particles temperature Fonction with the fuel enthalpy and concentrations |
cs_fuel_varini.f90 | |
cs_fuel_varpos.f90 | |
cs_fuel_verify.f90 | |
cs_gascomb.f90 | |
cs_physical_properties_combustion_drift.f90 | Definition of physical variable laws for combustion with a drift |
► ctwr | |
cs_ctwr.c | |
cs_ctwr.h | |
cs_ctwr_air_props.c | |
cs_ctwr_air_props.h | |
cs_ctwr_bcond.f90 | Automatic boundary condition for cooling towers |
cs_ctwr_headers.h | |
ctincl.f90 | |
ctini1.f90 | |
ctiniv.f90 | Initialisation of calculation variables for the cooling tower module, it is the counterpart of usiniv.f90 |
ctphyv.f90 | |
ctvarp.f90 | Declare additional transported variables for cooling towers module |
► darc | |
cs_darc_headers.h | |
cs_gwf_parameters.c | |
cs_gwf_parameters.h | |
cs_gwf_physical_properties.c | |
cs_gwf_physical_properties.h | |
daini1.f90 | Initialize global settings for darcy module |
darcy_module.f90 | Module for Darcy calculation options |
richards.f90 | This routine solves the Richards equation, then compute the new velocities deducted from the gradients of hydraulic head and from the permeability. These velocities are used for post-processing, calculation of dispersion coefficients, convergence criterion of Newton scheme... but not for transport. In order to ensure the exact conservation of mass, the mass fluxes are computed following the procedure of the standard subroutine resopv (See the resopv section of the theory guide for more informations) |
► elec | |
cs_elec_headers.h | |
cs_elec_model.c | Base electrical model data |
cs_elec_model.h | |
► fvm | |
fvm_box.c | |
fvm_box.h | |
fvm_box_priv.h | |
fvm_box_tree.c | |
fvm_box_tree.h | |
fvm_convert_array.c | |
fvm_convert_array.h | |
fvm_defs.c | |
fvm_defs.h | |
fvm_group.c | |
fvm_group.h | |
fvm_headers.h | |
fvm_hilbert.c | |
fvm_hilbert.h | |
fvm_io_num.c | |
fvm_io_num.h | |
fvm_morton.c | |
fvm_morton.h | |
fvm_neighborhood.c | |
fvm_neighborhood.h | |
fvm_nodal.c | |
fvm_nodal.h | |
fvm_nodal_append.c | |
fvm_nodal_append.h | |
fvm_nodal_extract.c | |
fvm_nodal_extract.h | |
fvm_nodal_extrude.c | |
fvm_nodal_extrude.h | |
fvm_nodal_from_desc.c | |
fvm_nodal_from_desc.h | |
fvm_nodal_order.c | |
fvm_nodal_order.h | |
fvm_nodal_priv.h | |
fvm_nodal_project.c | |
fvm_nodal_project.h | |
fvm_nodal_triangulate.c | |
fvm_nodal_triangulate.h | |
fvm_periodicity.c | |
fvm_periodicity.h | |
fvm_point_location.c | |
fvm_point_location.h | |
fvm_selector.c | |
fvm_selector.h | |
fvm_selector_postfix.c | |
fvm_selector_postfix.h | |
fvm_tesselation.c | |
fvm_tesselation.h | |
fvm_to_catalyst.cxx | |
fvm_to_catalyst.h | |
fvm_to_ccm.c | |
fvm_to_ccm.h | |
fvm_to_cgns.c | |
fvm_to_cgns.h | |
fvm_to_ensight.c | |
fvm_to_ensight.h | |
fvm_to_ensight_case.c | |
fvm_to_ensight_case.h | |
fvm_to_histogram.c | |
fvm_to_histogram.h | |
fvm_to_med.c | |
fvm_to_med.h | |
fvm_to_medcoupling.cxx | |
fvm_to_medcoupling.h | |
fvm_to_melissa.c | |
fvm_to_melissa.h | |
fvm_to_plot.c | |
fvm_to_plot.h | |
fvm_to_time_plot.c | |
fvm_to_time_plot.h | |
fvm_to_vtk_histogram.cxx | |
fvm_to_vtk_histogram.h | |
fvm_trace.c | |
fvm_trace.h | |
fvm_triangulate.c | |
fvm_triangulate.h | |
fvm_writer.c | |
fvm_writer.h | |
fvm_writer_helper.c | |
fvm_writer_helper.h | |
fvm_writer_priv.h | |
► gui | |
cs_gui.c | |
cs_gui.h | |
cs_gui_boundary_conditions.c | |
cs_gui_boundary_conditions.h | |
cs_gui_conjugate_heat_transfer.c | |
cs_gui_conjugate_heat_transfer.h | |
cs_gui_headers.h | |
cs_gui_mesh.c | |
cs_gui_mesh.h | |
cs_gui_mobile_mesh.c | |
cs_gui_mobile_mesh.h | |
cs_gui_output.c | |
cs_gui_output.h | |
cs_gui_particles.c | |
cs_gui_particles.h | |
cs_gui_radiative_transfer.c | |
cs_gui_radiative_transfer.h | |
cs_gui_specific_physics.c | |
cs_gui_specific_physics.h | |
cs_gui_util.c | |
cs_gui_util.h | |
cs_gui_variables.h | |
cs_tree_xml.c | |
cs_tree_xml.h | |
► lagr | |
cs_lagr.c | |
cs_lagr.h | |
cs_lagr_adh.c | |
cs_lagr_adh.h | |
cs_lagr_agglo.c | |
cs_lagr_agglo.h | |
cs_lagr_car.c | |
cs_lagr_car.h | |
cs_lagr_clogging.c | |
cs_lagr_clogging.h | |
cs_lagr_coupling.c | |
cs_lagr_coupling.h | |
cs_lagr_deposition_model.c | |
cs_lagr_deposition_model.h | |
cs_lagr_dlvo.c | |
cs_lagr_dlvo.h | |
cs_lagr_event.c | |
cs_lagr_event.h | |
cs_lagr_extract.c | Extract information from lagrangian particles |
cs_lagr_extract.h | |
cs_lagr_fragmentation.c | |
cs_lagr_fragmentation.h | |
cs_lagr_geom.c | |
cs_lagr_geom.h | |
cs_lagr_gradients.c | |
cs_lagr_gradients.h | |
cs_lagr_head_losses.c | |
cs_lagr_head_losses.h | |
cs_lagr_headers.h | |
cs_lagr_injection.c | |
cs_lagr_injection.h | |
cs_lagr_lec.c | |
cs_lagr_lec.h | |
cs_lagr_log.c | |
cs_lagr_log.h | |
cs_lagr_new.c | |
cs_lagr_new.h | |
cs_lagr_options.c | |
cs_lagr_options.h | |
cs_lagr_particle.c | |
cs_lagr_particle.h | |
cs_lagr_poisson.c | |
cs_lagr_poisson.h | |
cs_lagr_post.c | |
cs_lagr_post.h | |
cs_lagr_precipitation_model.c | |
cs_lagr_precipitation_model.h | |
cs_lagr_print.c | |
cs_lagr_print.h | |
cs_lagr_prototypes.h | |
cs_lagr_query.c | |
cs_lagr_query.h | |
cs_lagr_restart.c | |
cs_lagr_restart.h | |
cs_lagr_resuspension.c | |
cs_lagr_resuspension.h | |
cs_lagr_roughness.c | |
cs_lagr_roughness.h | |
cs_lagr_sde.c | |
cs_lagr_sde.h | |
cs_lagr_sde_model.c | |
cs_lagr_sde_model.h | |
cs_lagr_stat.c | |
cs_lagr_stat.h | |
cs_lagr_tracking.c | |
cs_lagr_tracking.h | |
lagran.f90 | Module for Lagrangian model |
► meg | |
cs_meg_boundary_function.c | This function is used to compute user defined values for fields over a given boundary zone |
cs_meg_initialization.c | |
cs_meg_source_terms.c | This function is used to compute source terms over a volume zone |
cs_meg_volume_function.c | This function is used to compute user defined values for fields over a given volume zone |
► mei | |
mei_evaluate.c | Build an interpreter for a mathematical expression |
mei_evaluate.h | Build an interpreter for a mathematical expression |
mei_hash_table.c | Hash table, intended to provide a symbol table |
mei_hash_table.h | Hash table, intended to provide a symbol table |
mei_node.c | Nodal structure of the interpreter |
mei_node.h | Nodal structure of the interpreter |
mei_parser.c | |
mei_parser.h | |
mei_parser_glob.c | Define global variables useful for the mathematical expression parsing |
mei_parser_glob.h | Define global variables useful for the mathematical expression parsing |
mei_scanner.c | |
► mesh | |
cs_geom.c | |
cs_geom.h | |
cs_join.c | |
cs_join.h | |
cs_join_intersect.c | |
cs_join_intersect.h | |
cs_join_merge.c | |
cs_join_merge.h | |
cs_join_mesh.c | |
cs_join_mesh.h | |
cs_join_perio.c | |
cs_join_perio.h | |
cs_join_post.c | |
cs_join_post.h | |
cs_join_set.c | |
cs_join_set.h | |
cs_join_split.c | |
cs_join_split.h | |
cs_join_update.c | |
cs_join_update.h | |
cs_join_util.c | |
cs_join_util.h | |
cs_mesh.c | |
cs_mesh.h | |
cs_mesh_adjacencies.c | |
cs_mesh_adjacencies.h | |
cs_mesh_bad_cells.c | Detect bad cells within meshes |
cs_mesh_bad_cells.h | |
cs_mesh_boundary.c | |
cs_mesh_boundary.h | |
cs_mesh_boundary_layer.c | |
cs_mesh_boundary_layer.h | |
cs_mesh_builder.c | |
cs_mesh_builder.h | |
cs_mesh_coherency.c | |
cs_mesh_coherency.h | |
cs_mesh_connect.c | |
cs_mesh_connect.h | |
cs_mesh_extrude.c | |
cs_mesh_extrude.h | |
cs_mesh_from_builder.c | |
cs_mesh_from_builder.h | |
cs_mesh_group.c | |
cs_mesh_group.h | |
cs_mesh_halo.c | |
cs_mesh_halo.h | |
cs_mesh_headers.h | |
cs_mesh_location.c | |
cs_mesh_location.h | |
cs_mesh_quality.c | |
cs_mesh_quality.h | |
cs_mesh_quantities.c | Management of mesh quantities |
cs_mesh_quantities.h | |
cs_mesh_refine.c | |
cs_mesh_refine.h | |
cs_mesh_save.c | |
cs_mesh_save.h | |
cs_mesh_smoother.c | |
cs_mesh_smoother.h | |
cs_mesh_thinwall.c | |
cs_mesh_thinwall.h | |
cs_mesh_to_builder.c | |
cs_mesh_to_builder.h | |
cs_mesh_warping.c | |
cs_mesh_warping.h | |
cs_partition.c | |
cs_partition.h | |
► pprt | |
cs_combustion_model.c | |
cs_combustion_model.h | |
cs_physical_model.c | |
cs_physical_model.h | |
cs_pprt_headers.h | |
ppcpfu.f90 | |
ppincl.f90 | |
ppini1.f90 | |
ppinii.f90 | |
ppiniv.f90 | |
ppinv2.f90 | |
pplecd.f90 | |
pppdfr.f90 | Specific physic subroutine: Calculation of rectangle-Dirac pdf parameters |
ppphyv.f90 | These subroutineS fill physical properties which are variable in time for the dedicated physics modules (BEFORE and AFTER the user surbroutines) |
ppppar.f90 | |
ppprcl.f90 | |
ppprop.f90 | |
pptbht.f90 | |
ppthch.f90 | |
pptssc.f90 | This subroutine defines the source terms for scalars which are part of specific physics models. Source terms are defined over one time step |
pptsvv.f90 | |
pptycl.f90 | Boundary conditions for specific physics modules |
ppvarp.f90 | |
► rayt | |
cs_rad_headers.h | |
cs_rad_transfer.c | |
cs_rad_transfer.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_absorption.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_absorption.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_adf_models.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_adf_models.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_bcs.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_bcs.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_dir.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_dir.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_fsck.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_fsck.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_modak.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_modak.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_options.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_options.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_property_fields.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_property_fields.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_pun.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_pun.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_restart.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_restart.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_solve.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_solve.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_source_terms.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_source_terms.h | |
cs_rad_transfer_wall_flux.c | |
cs_rad_transfer_wall_flux.h | |
radiat.f90 | |
► turb | |
clipke.f90 | Clipping of the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent dissipation |
clipsa.f90 | |
clpalp.f90 | Clipping of alpha in the framwork of the Rij-EBRSM model. Also called for alpha of scalars for EB-DFM |
clprij.f90 | |
clpv2f.f90 | Clipping of ![]() ![]() ![]() |
cnlevm.f90 | Calculation of non linear terms of the quadratic k-epsilon model (Baglietto et al.) |
cs_les_filter.c | |
cs_les_filter.h | |
cs_les_inflow.c | |
cs_les_inflow.h | |
cs_turbulence_bc.c | |
cs_turbulence_bc.h | |
cs_turbulence_model.c | |
cs_turbulence_model.h | |
divrit.f90 | This subroutine perform add the divergence of turbulent flux to the transport equation of a scalar |
resalp.f90 | Solving the equation on alpha in the framwork of the Rij-EBRSM model. Also called for alpha of scalars for EB-DFM |
reseps.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving of epsilon in ![]() |
resrij.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving of the Reynolds stress components in ![]() |
resrij2.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving of the coupled Reynolds stress components in ![]() |
resrit.f90 | This subroutine perform the solving of the transport equation of the turbulent heat fluxes |
resssg.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving of the Reynolds stress components in ![]() |
resssg2.f90 | This subroutine performs the solving of the Reynolds stress components in ![]() |
resv2f.f90 | Resolution of source convection diffusion equations for ![]() ![]() |
rijech.f90 | Terms of wall echo for R_{ij} ![]() ![]() |
rijthe.f90 | Gravity terms For ![]() ![]() |
rijthe2.f90 | Gravity terms For ![]() |
rotcor.f90 | Computing rotation/curvature correction for eddy-viscosity models. The subroutine is called for the linear eddy viscosity RANS models, when the option irccor = 1 is verified |
tsepls.f90 | Calculation of the E term of the ![]() |
turbke.f90 | Solving the ![]() |
turbkw.f90 | Solving the ![]() |
turbsa.f90 | Solving op the equation of ![]() |
turrij.f90 | Solving the ![]() |
visdyn.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for a dynamic Smagorinsky LES model |
vislmg.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for a model of length of simple mixture |
visqke.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for the non-linear quadratic K-epsilon from Baglietto et al. (2005) |
vissma.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for a Smagorinsky LES model |
vissst.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for the ![]() |
visv2f.f90 | Calculation of turbulent viscosity for the V2F-BL model |
viswal.f90 | Compute the turbulent viscosity for the WALE LES model |
vor2cl.f90 | |
vordep.f90 | |
vorimp.f90 | |
vorin0.f90 | |
vorinc.f90 | |
vorini.f90 | |
vorlgv.f90 | |
vorpre.f90 | |
vortex.f90 | L.E.S Vortex method data management |
vorver.f90 | |
vorvit.f90 | |
► user | |
cs_user_1d_wall_thermal.c | Data Entry of the 1D wall thermal module |
cs_user_atmospheric_model.f90 | User subroutines dedicated to the atmospheric model |
cs_user_boundary_conditions.c | |
cs_user_boundary_conditions.f90 | User subroutine which fills boundary conditions arrays (icodcl , rcodcl ) for unknown variables |
cs_user_boundary_conditions_ale.f90 | User subroutine dedicated the use of ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) Method: |
cs_user_boundary_mass_source_terms.f90 | Source terms associated at the boundary faces and the neighboring cells with surface condensation |
cs_user_coupling.c | Code couplings definition with SYRTHES and Code_Saturne |
cs_user_electric_scaling.c | Define scaling parameter for electric model |
cs_user_extra_operations.c | This function is called at the end of each time step, and has a very general purpose (i.e. anything that does not have another dedicated user function) |
cs_user_extra_operations.f90 | This function is called at the end of each time step, and has a very general purpose (i.e. anything that does not have another dedicated user subroutine) |
cs_user_fluid_structure_interaction.f90 | User subroutines dedicated to Fluid-Structure interaction modeling |
cs_user_gwf.c | Set parameters for the groundwater flow module when the CDO kernel is used |
cs_user_head_losses.c | User head loss definitions |
cs_user_hgn.c | Define user properties for two-phase homogeneous compressible model |
cs_user_initialization.c | Initialization prior to solving time steps |
cs_user_initialization.f90 | Initialize variables |
cs_user_lagr_boundary_conditions.c | |
cs_user_lagr_model.c | |
cs_user_lagr_particle.c | |
cs_user_lagr_volume_conditions.c | |
cs_user_les_inflow.f90 | Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets initialization |
cs_user_mass_source_terms.f90 | Mass source term user subroutine |
cs_user_mesh.c | Definition and modification of the calculation mesh |
cs_user_metal_structures_source_terms.f90 | |
cs_user_modules.f90 | User-defined module: it allows to create any user array |
cs_user_parameters.c | User functions for input of calculation parameters |
cs_user_parameters.f90 | User subroutines for input of calculation parameters (Fortran modules). These subroutines are called in all cases |
cs_user_performance_tuning.c | Definition of advanced options relative to parallelism |
cs_user_physical_properties.c | User definition of physical properties |
cs_user_physical_properties.f90 | Definition of physical variable laws |
cs_user_porosity.c | User definitions of porous media |
cs_user_porosity.f90 | This function computes the porosity (volume factor ![]() |
cs_user_postprocess.c | |
cs_user_radiative_transfer.c | User function for input of radiative transfer parameters: absorption coefficient and net radiation flux |
cs_user_radiative_transfer_bcs.c | |
cs_user_solver.c | User solver setting and implementation |
cs_user_source_terms.c | Additional source terms for variable equations |
cs_user_source_terms.f90 | User subroutines for additional right-hand side source terms |
cs_user_turbomachinery.c | Definition of turbomachinery related options |
cs_user_zones.c | |
usatch.f90 | Routines for user defined atmospheric chemical scheme |
usthht.f90 | Enthalpy-temperature conversion law definition |
usvort.f90 | Unsteady inlet boundary condition for LES with the vortex method |
usvosy.f90 | Compute a volume exchange coefficient for SYRTHES coupling |