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programmer's documentation
cfbl Directory Reference


file  cfdivs.f90
file  cfdttv.f90
file  cfener.f90
 Perform the solving of the convection/diffusion equation (with eventual source terms) for total energy over a time step. It is the third step of the compressible algorithm at each time iteration.
file  cffana.f90
 Computes the analytical flux at the boundary for Euler and Energy.
file  cfini1.f90
file  cfiniv.f90
 Initialisation of the variables if the compressible flow model is enabled.
file  cfmsfp.f90
file  cfmspr.f90
 Update the convective mass flux before the velocity prediction step. It is the first step of the compressible algorithm at each time iteration.
file  cfphyv.f90
 Computation of variable physical properties for the specific physics compressible.
file  cfpoin.f90
file  cfprop.f90
 Properties definition initialization for the compressible module, according to calculation type selected by the user.
file  cfrusb.f90
file  cfvarp.f90
 Variables definition initialization for the compressible module, according to calculation type selected by the user.
file  cfxtcl.f90
 Handle boundary condition type code (itypfb) when the compressible model is enabled.
file  cs_cf_bindings.f90
file  cs_cf_model.c
file  cs_cf_model.h [code]
file  cs_cf_thermo.c
file  cs_cf_thermo.h [code]
file  cs_hgn_phase_thermo.c
 Phase thermodynamic for compressible homogeneous two-phase model.
file  cs_hgn_phase_thermo.h [code]
file  cs_hgn_source_terms_step.c
 Return to equilibrium source terms computation for volume, mass, energy fractions in compressible homogeneous two-phase model.
file  cs_hgn_source_terms_step.h [code]
file  cs_hgn_thermo.c
 Thermodynamic of a compressible homogeneous two-phase flow.
file  cs_hgn_thermo.h [code]