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cscpce.f90 File Reference

Preparation of sending velocity variables for coupling between two instances of Code_Saturne via boundary faces. Received indformation will be transformed into boundary condition in subroutine csc2cl. More...


subroutine cscpce (nptdis, ivar, locpts, vela, coefav, coefbv, coopts, rvdis)

Detailed Description

Preparation of sending velocity variables for coupling between two instances of Code_Saturne via boundary faces. Received indformation will be transformed into boundary condition in subroutine csc2cl.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cscpce()

subroutine cscpce ( integer  nptdis,
integer  ivar,
integer, dimension(nptdis)  locpts,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  vela,
double precision, dimension(3 ,nfabor)  coefav,
double precision, dimension(3,3,nfabor)  coefbv,
double precision, dimension(3,nptdis)  coopts,
double precision, dimension(3,nptdis)  rvdis 
[in]ivarvariable number
[in]velavariable value at time step beginning