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csccel.f90 File Reference

Exchange of coupling variables between to times of Code_Saturne thanks to boundary faces. More...


subroutine csccel (ivar, vela, coefav, coefbv, crvexp)

Detailed Description

Exchange of coupling variables between to times of Code_Saturne thanks to boundary faces.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ csccel()

subroutine csccel ( integer  ivar,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  vela,
double precision, dimension(3,nfabor)  coefav,
double precision, dimension(3,3,nfabor)  coefbv,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  crvexp 
[in]ivarvariable number
[in]velavariable value at time step beginning
[in]coefavboundary condition coefficient
[in]coefbvboundary condition coefficient
[out]crvexpworking table for explicit part