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programmer's documentation
Probes and profiles

About Probes and profiles

Sets of probes may also be defined through the cs_user_postprocess_probes function, to allow for extraction and output of values at specific mesh locations, often with a higher time frequency than for volume or surface meshes.

Probe sets, and profiles (which can be viewed as a series of probes lying on a user-defined curve) are handled as a point mesh, which can be associated with plot and time_plot 2D-plot writers, as well as any of the general (3D-output) writer types (the priviledged writer types being plot for a profile, and time_plot for other probes).

Probe sets may be defined using the cs_probe_set_create_from_array function. In some cases, it might be useful to define those in multiple stages, using first cs_probe_set_create then a series of calls to cs_probe_set_add_probe.

The following example shows how probes may be added using that function.

cs_probe_set_t *pset = cs_probe_set_create("Monitoring");
cs_probe_set_add_probe(pset, 0.25, 0.025, 0.025, "M1");
cs_probe_set_add_probe(pset, 0.50, 0.025, 0.025, "M2");
cs_probe_set_add_probe(pset, 0.75, 0.025, 0.025, "M3");

Probe set creation functions return a pointer to a cs_probe_set_t structure which can be used to specify additional options using the cs_probe_set_option function.

A writer (id = CS_POST_WRITER_PROBES) using the format "time_plot" is associated by default to a set of monitoring probes. This is not the case for profiles.

Advanced profile definitions

As with regular meshes, profiles may be defined using user functions.

Definition of a series of profiles

In this example, we define a series of profiles. To avoid redundant code, an array defining both the name of each profile and the matching x coordinate (as a text string) is defined. The code then loops along these array values to define the series:

static const char *line_defs[]
= {"-5.87", "buicesat-6",
"2.59", "buicesat03",
"5.98", "buicesat06",
"12.75", "buicesat13",
"13.56", "buicesat14",
"16.14", "buicesat16",
"16.93", "buicesat17",
"19.53", "buicesat19",
"20.32", "buicesat20",
"22.91", "buicesat23",
"23.71", "buicesat24",
"26.3", "buicesat26",
"27.09", "buicesat27",
"29.69", "buicesat29",
"30.48", "buicesat30",
"33.07", "buicesat33",
"33.87", "buicesat34",
"39.85", "buicesat40",
"46.62", "buicesat47",
"53.39", "buicesat53",
"60.17", "buicesat60",
"66.94", "buicesat67",
"73.71", "buicesat74"};
for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
/* Define profiles */
= cs_probe_set_create_from_local(line_defs[i*2+1],
(void *)line_defs[i*2]); /* input */
/* Associate writers */
const int writer_ids[] = {CS_POST_WRITER_PROFILES};
cs_probe_set_associate_writers(pset, 1, writer_ids);

As we observe here, the cs_probe_set_create_from_local requires a process-local definition, calling a user-defined function. This requires that the line_defs array be defined as static, so as to be available when this function is called. For this example, the function is defined as follows (before the calling function, preferably in the file's local function definitions section).

static void
_cell_x_profile_probes_define(void *input,
cs_lnum_t *n_elts,
cs_real_t **s)
/* Determine x value from input string, to define
associated segment (with fixed y and z values) */
const char *x_str = (const char *)input;
cs_real_t x = atof(x_str);
cs_real_t seg[6] = {x, 0.1, -0.05, x, -5, -0.05};
/* Call general cell selection function with adapted input */

Boundary profiles

Probes and profiles may also be associated to the mesh boundary.

In the following example, a profile is defined based on a mesh boundary selection criterion, using the predefined cs_b_face_criterion_probes_define (which assumes curvilinear coordinates based on the "x" direction):

= cs_probe_set_create_from_local("foil_profile", /* probes set name */
/* probe def. function */
(void *)"FOIL_WALL"); /* input */
/* Indicate that the probes are located on the boundary */
cs_probe_set_option(pset, "boundary", "true");
/* Associate profile writer to this probes set */
const int writer_ids[] = {CS_POST_WRITER_PROFILES};
cs_probe_set_associate_writers(pset, 1, writer_ids);

and in the below example using an array of 2 selection criteria:

static const char *wall_defs[]
= {"UP", "buicstr",
"DOWN", "buicinc"};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
= cs_probe_set_create_from_local(wall_defs[i*2+1],
(void *)wall_defs[i*2]); /* input */
cs_probe_set_option(pset, "boundary", "true");
/* Associate writers */
const int writer_ids[] = {CS_POST_WRITER_PROFILES};
cs_probe_set_associate_writers(pset, 1, writer_ids);
static int input(void)
void cs_cell_segment_intersect_probes_define(void *input, cs_lnum_t *n_elts, cs_real_3_t **coords, cs_real_t **s)
Define probes based on the centers of cells intersected by a given segment.
Definition: cs_post_util.c:314
void cs_probe_set_add_probe(cs_probe_set_t *pset, cs_real_t x, cs_real_t y, cs_real_t z, const char *label)
Add a new probe to an existing set of probes.
Definition: cs_probe.c:645
cs_real_t cs_real_3_t[3]
vector of 3 floating-point values
Definition: cs_defs.h:315
double cs_real_t
Floating-point value.
Definition: cs_defs.h:302
void cs_b_face_criterion_probes_define(void *input, cs_lnum_t *n_elts, cs_real_3_t **coords, cs_real_t **s)
Define a profile based on centers of faces defined by a given criterion.
Definition: cs_post_util.c:370
Definition: cs_post.h:73
int cs_lnum_t
local mesh entity id
Definition: cs_defs.h:298
struct _cs_probe_set_t cs_probe_set_t
Definition: cs_probe.h:53
void cs_probe_set_option(cs_probe_set_t *pset, const char *keyname, const char *keyval)
Set optional parameters related to the management of a set of probes.
Definition: cs_probe.c:931
cs_probe_set_t * cs_probe_set_create_from_local(const char *name, cs_probe_set_define_local_t *p_define_func, void *p_define_input)
Define a new set of probes from rank-local definition function.
Definition: cs_probe.c:801
void const cs_int_t const cs_real_t const cs_real_t * coords
Definition: cs_measures_util.h:360
cs_probe_set_t * cs_probe_set_create(const char *name)
Create a new set of probes.
Definition: cs_probe.c:621
void cs_probe_set_associate_writers(cs_probe_set_t *pset, int n_writers, const int *writer_ids)
Associate a list of writers to a probe set.
Definition: cs_probe.c:847