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cs_vof.c File Reference
#include "cs_defs.h"
#include "bft_mem.h"
#include "bft_printf.h"
#include "cs_base.h"
#include "cs_boundary_conditions.h"
#include "cs_boundary_zone.h"
#include "cs_cdo_quantities.h"
#include "cs_cdo_connect.h"
#include "cs_cdo_main.h"
#include "cs_convection_diffusion.h"
#include "cs_domain.h"
#include "cs_domain_setup.h"
#include "cs_equation.h"
#include "cs_equation_iterative_solve.h"
#include "cs_face_viscosity.h"
#include "cs_divergence.h"
#include "cs_field.h"
#include "cs_field_pointer.h"
#include "cs_field_operator.h"
#include "cs_gui_mobile_mesh.h"
#include "cs_interface.h"
#include "cs_log.h"
#include "cs_physical_constants.h"
#include "cs_math.h"
#include "cs_mesh.h"
#include "cs_mesh_quantities.h"
#include "cs_mesh_bad_cells.h"
#include "cs_parall.h"
#include "cs_time_step.h"
#include "cs_rotation.h"
#include "cs_turbomachinery.h"
#include "cs_vof.h"
Include dependency graph for cs_vof.c:


cs_vof_parameters_tcs_get_glob_vof_parameters (void)
void cs_vof_compute_linear_rho_mu (const cs_domain_t *domain)
 Compute the mixture density, mixture dynamic viscosity given fluid volume fractions and the reference density and dynamic viscosity $ \rho_l, \mu_l $ (liquid), $ \rho_v, \mu_v $ (gas). More...
void cs_vof_update_phys_prop (const cs_domain_t *domain)
 Compute the mixture density, mixture dynamic viscosity and mixture mass flux given the volumetric flux, the volume fraction and the reference density and dynamic viscosity $ \rho_l, \mu_l $ (liquid), $ \rho_v, \mu_v $ (gas). More...
void cs_vof_log_mass_budget (const cs_domain_t *domain)
 Write in main log the global mixture mass budget: More...
cs_cavitation_parameters_tcs_get_glob_cavitation_parameters (void)

Detailed Description

VOF model data.

Function Documentation

◆ cs_get_glob_cavitation_parameters()

cs_cavitation_parameters_t* cs_get_glob_cavitation_parameters ( void  )

◆ cs_get_glob_vof_parameters()

cs_vof_parameters_t* cs_get_glob_vof_parameters ( void  )

◆ cs_vof_compute_linear_rho_mu()

void cs_vof_compute_linear_rho_mu ( const cs_domain_t domain)

Compute the mixture density, mixture dynamic viscosity given fluid volume fractions and the reference density and dynamic viscosity $ \rho_l, \mu_l $ (liquid), $ \rho_v, \mu_v $ (gas).

Computation is done as follows on cells:

\[ \rho_\celli = \alpha_\celli \rho_v + (1-\alpha_\celli) \rho_l, \]

\[ \mu_\celli = \alpha_\celli \mu_v + (1-\alpha_\celli) \mu_l, \]

A similar linear formula is followed on boundary using fluid volume fraction value on the boundary.

◆ cs_vof_log_mass_budget()

void cs_vof_log_mass_budget ( const cs_domain_t domain)

Write in main log the global mixture mass budget:

\[ \sum_i\left( |\Omega_i|\dfrac{\alpha_i^n - \alpha_i^{n-1}}{\Delta t} + \sum_{j\in\Face{\celli}}\left(\rho\vect{u}\vect{S}\right)_{ij}^n \right). \]

◆ cs_vof_update_phys_prop()

void cs_vof_update_phys_prop ( const cs_domain_t domain)

Compute the mixture density, mixture dynamic viscosity and mixture mass flux given the volumetric flux, the volume fraction and the reference density and dynamic viscosity $ \rho_l, \mu_l $ (liquid), $ \rho_v, \mu_v $ (gas).

For the computation of mixture density, mixture dynamic viscosity, see cs_vof_compute_linear_rho_mu.

Computation of mass flux is as follows:

\[ \left( \rho\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S} \right)_\ij = \\ \left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \rho_\celli (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ij &\text{ if } (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ij>0, \\ \rho_\cellj (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ij &\text{ otherwise }, \end{array} \right. \]

\[ \left( \rho\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S} \right)_\ib = \\ \left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \rho_\celli (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ib &\text{ if } (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ib>0, \\ \rho_b (\vect{u}\cdot\vect{S})_\ib &\text{ otherwise }. \end{array} \right. \]