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cs_user_les_inflow.f90 File Reference

Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets initialization. More...


subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_init (nent)
subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_define (nument, typent, nelent, iverbo, nfbent, lfbent, vitent, enrent, dspent)
 Definition of the characteristics of the synthetic turbulence inlet nument. More...
subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_advanced (nument, nfbent, nvar, nscal, lfbent, dt, uvwent, rijent, epsent)
 Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets advanced mode. More...

Detailed Description

Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets initialization.

See Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets for examples.

nent and isuisy might be defined.

nent = Number of inlets isuisy = 1: Reading of the LES inflow module restart file = 0: not activated (synthetic turbulence reinitialized)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ cs_user_les_inflow_advanced()

subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_advanced ( integer  nument,
integer  nfbent,
integer  nvar,
integer  nscal,
integer, dimension(nfbent lfbent,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  dt,
double precision, dimension(ndim,nfbent uvwent,
double precision, dimension(6,nfbent rijent,
double precision, dimension(nfbent epsent 

Generation of synthetic turbulence at LES inlets advanced mode.

Accurate definition of mean velocity, Reynolds stresses and dissipation rate for each boundary face of the synthetic turbulence inlet nument


uvwent(ndim,nfbent) ! mean velocity vector
rijent( 6,nfbent) ! Reynolds stresses!
epsent( nfbent) ! dissipation rate

rijent components are ordonned as follows: 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23

Arrays are initialized before this subroutine is called by (see the user subroutine Caracteristics of one specific inlet):

uvwent(idim,ifac) = vitent(idim)
rijent(1,ifac) = 2.d0/3.d0*enrent
rijent(2,ifac) = 2.d0/3.d0*enrent
rijent(3,ifac) = 2.d0/3.d0*enrent
rijent(4,ifac) = 0.d0
rijent(5,ifac) = 0.d0
rijent(6,ifac) = 0.d0
epsent(ifac) = dspent
[in]numentid of the inlet
[in]nfbentnumb. of bound. faces of the inlet
[in]nvarnumber of variables
[in]nscalnumber of scalars
[in]lfbentlist of bound. faces of the inlet
[in]dttime step
[out]uvwentmean velocity at the inlet faces
[out]rijentturb. kin. ener. at the inlet faces
[out]epsentturb. dissipation at the inlet faces

◆ cs_user_les_inflow_define()

subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_define ( integer  nument,
integer  typent,
integer  nelent,
integer  iverbo,
integer  nfbent,
integer, dimension(nfabor)  lfbent,
double precision, dimension(3)  vitent,
double precision  enrent,
double precision  dspent 

Definition of the characteristics of the synthetic turbulence inlet nument.

For each LES inlet, the following parameters might be defined:

  1. Data relatve to the method employed
    • typent indicates the synthetic turbulence method:
      • 0: laminar, no turbulent fluctations
      • 1: random gaussian noise
      • 2: Batten method, based on Fourier mode decomposition
      • 3: Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM)
    • nelent indicates the number of "entities" relative to the method (useful only for the Batten method and the SEM):
      • for Batten : number of Fourier modes of the turbulent fluctuations
      • for SEM : number of synthetic eddies building the fluctuations
    • iverbo indicates the verbosity level (log)
      • 0 no specific output
      • > 0 additionnal output (only for SEM)
  2. Data relative to the LES inflow boundary faces
    • nfbent: number of boundary faces of the LES inflow
    • lfbent: list of boundary faces of the LES inflow
  3. Data relative to the flow
    • vitent(3): reference mean velocity vector
    • enrent : reference turbulent kinetic energy
    • dspent : reference dissipation rate

      • dspent useful only for typent = 2 (Batten) or typent = 3 (SEM).
      • Strictly positive values are required for enrent and dspent.
      • Accurate specification of the statistics of the flow at LES inlet can be made via the user subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_advanced.
      [in]numentid of the inlet
      [out]typenttype of inflow method at the inlet
      [out]nelentnumb. of entities of the inflow meth
      [out]iverboverbosity level
      [out]nfbentnumb. of bound. faces of the inlet
      [out]lfbentlist of bound. faces of the inlet
      [out]vitentref. mean velocity at the inlet
      [out]enrentref. turb. kin. ener. at the inlet
      [out]dspentref. turb. dissipation at the inlet

◆ cs_user_les_inflow_init()

subroutine cs_user_les_inflow_init ( integer  nent)
[out]nentnumber of synthetic turbulence inlets