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cs_cdo_advection.h File Reference
#include "cs_advection_field.h"
#include "cs_cdo_connect.h"
#include "cs_cdo_local.h"
#include "cs_cdo_quantities.h"
#include "cs_equation_param.h"
#include "cs_property.h"
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typedef void() cs_cdofb_advection_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)
 Define the local convection operator in CDO-Fb schemes. More...
typedef void() cs_cdofb_advection_bc_t(const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes. More...
typedef void() cs_cdovb_advection_t(const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
typedef void() cs_cdovb_advection_bc_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Compute the BC contribution for the advection operator in CDO vertex-based (or vertex+cell-based) schemes. More...


void cs_cdo_advection_set_cip_coef (double new_value)
 Set the value of the stabilization coefficient used in CIP scheme. More...
double cs_cdo_advection_get_cip_coef (void)
 Get the value of the stabilization coefficient used in CIP scheme. More...
void cs_cdofb_advection_build (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_cdofb_advection_t *build_func, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Build the cellwise advection operator for CDO-Fb schemes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (without diffusion) More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (with a diffusion term activated) More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_v (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (without diffusion). Vector-valued case. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi_v (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (with a diffusion term activated). Vector-valued case. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the conservative formulation. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv_di (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the conservative formulation. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the non-conservative formulation. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc_di (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the non-conservative formulation. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv_di (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when diffusion is activated and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme without diffusion and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_cencsv (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a centered scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_mcucsv (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a mixed centered/upwind scheme with a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc_di (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when diffusion is activated and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme without diffusion when an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_cennoc (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a centered scheme and a non-conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vcb_cw_cst (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex+cell-based scheme when the advection field is cellwise constant. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vcb (const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)
 Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex+cell-based scheme. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vb_bc (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Compute the BC contribution for the convection operator. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_vcb_bc (const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)
 Compute the BC contribution for the convection operator with CDO V+C schemes. More...
void cs_cdo_advection_cell_upwind_coef (const cs_cdo_quantities_t *cdoq, cs_param_advection_scheme_t scheme, cs_real_t coefval[])
 Compute the value of the upwinding coefficient in each cell knowing the related Peclet number. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ cs_cdofb_advection_bc_t

typedef void() cs_cdofb_advection_bc_t(const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)

Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdofb_advection_t

typedef void() cs_cdofb_advection_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_real_t fluxes[], cs_sdm_t *adv)

Define the local convection operator in CDO-Fb schemes.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]fluxesarray of advctive fluxes on primal faces
[in,out]advpointer to a cs_sdm_t structure to update

◆ cs_cdovb_advection_bc_t

typedef void() cs_cdovb_advection_bc_t(const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb, cs_cell_sys_t *csys)

Compute the BC contribution for the advection operator in CDO vertex-based (or vertex+cell-based) schemes.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]bpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdovb_advection_t

typedef void() cs_cdovb_advection_t(const cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_cell_mesh_t *cm, cs_real_t t_eval, cs_face_mesh_t *fm, cs_cell_builder_t *cb)

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

Function Documentation

◆ cs_cdo_advection_cell_upwind_coef()

void cs_cdo_advection_cell_upwind_coef ( const cs_cdo_quantities_t cdoq,
cs_param_advection_scheme_t  scheme,
cs_real_t  coefval[] 

Compute the value of the upwinding coefficient in each cell knowing the related Peclet number.

[in]cdoqpointer to the cdo quantities structure
[in]schemetype of scheme used for the advection term
[in,out]coefvalpointer to the pointer of real numbers to fill in: Peclet number in each cell out: value of the upwind coefficient

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (without diffusion)

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_v()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_v ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (without diffusion). Vector-valued case.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (with a diffusion term activated)

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi_v()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_bc_wdi_v ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Add the contribution of the boundary conditions to the local system in CDO-Fb schemes (with a diffusion term activated). Vector-valued case.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_real_t  fluxes[],
cs_sdm_t *  adv 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the conservative formulation.

  • upwind scheme
  • no diffusion is present Rely on the article: Di Pietro, Droniou, Ern (2015) A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]fluxesarray of computed fluxes across cell faces
[in,out]advpointer to a local matrix to build

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv_di()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwcsv_di ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_real_t  fluxes[],
cs_sdm_t *  adv 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the conservative formulation.

  • upwind scheme
  • diffusion is present Rely on the article: Di Pietro, Droniou, Ern (2015) A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]fluxesarray of computed fluxes across cell faces
[in,out]advpointer to a local matrix to build

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_real_t  fluxes[],
cs_sdm_t *  adv 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the non-conservative formulation.

  • upwind scheme
  • no diffusion is present Rely on the article: Di Pietro, Droniou, Ern (2015) A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]fluxesarray of computed fluxes across cell faces
[in,out]cbpointer to a local matrix to build

◆ cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc_di()

void cs_cdo_advection_fb_upwnoc_di ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_real_t  fluxes[],
cs_sdm_t *  adv 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO face-based scheme in the non-conservative formulation.

  • upwind scheme
  • diffusion is present Rely on the article: Di Pietro, Droniou, Ern (2015) A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]fluxesarray of computed fluxes across cell faces
[in,out]cbpointer to a local matrix to build

◆ cs_cdo_advection_get_cip_coef()

double cs_cdo_advection_get_cip_coef ( void  )

Get the value of the stabilization coefficient used in CIP scheme.

the value the stabilization coefficient

◆ cs_cdo_advection_set_cip_coef()

void cs_cdo_advection_set_cip_coef ( double  new_value)

Set the value of the stabilization coefficient used in CIP scheme.

[in]new_valuevalue of the stabilization coefficient


[in]new_valuevalue of the stabilization coefficient

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_bc()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_bc ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Compute the BC contribution for the convection operator.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a convection builder structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_cencsv()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_cencsv ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a centered scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_cennoc()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_cennoc ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a centered scheme and a non-conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_mcucsv()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_mcucsv ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when a mixed centered/upwind scheme with a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme without diffusion and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv_di()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwcsv_di ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when diffusion is activated and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme without diffusion when an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used. The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc_di()

void cs_cdo_advection_vb_upwnoc_di ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex-based scheme when diffusion is activated and an upwind scheme and a conservative formulation is used The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vcb()

void cs_cdo_advection_vcb ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex+cell-based scheme.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vcb_bc()

void cs_cdo_advection_vcb_bc ( const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb,
cs_cell_sys_t csys 

Compute the BC contribution for the convection operator with CDO V+C schemes.

[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure
[in,out]csyscell-wise structure storing the local system

◆ cs_cdo_advection_vcb_cw_cst()

void cs_cdo_advection_vcb_cw_cst ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_face_mesh_t fm,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Compute the convection operator attached to a cell with a CDO vertex+cell-based scheme when the advection field is cellwise constant.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in,out]fmpointer to a cs_face_mesh_t structure
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure

◆ cs_cdofb_advection_build()

void cs_cdofb_advection_build ( const cs_equation_param_t eqp,
const cs_cell_mesh_t cm,
cs_real_t  t_eval,
cs_cdofb_advection_t build_func,
cs_cell_builder_t cb 

Build the cellwise advection operator for CDO-Fb schemes The local matrix related to this operator is stored in cb->loc.

[in]eqppointer to a cs_equation_param_t structure
[in]cmpointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
[in]t_evaltime at which one evaluates the advection field
[in]build_funcpointer to the function building the system
[in,out]cbpointer to a cs_cell_builder_t structure