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copain_model.f90 File Reference

The COPAIN correlations used to approximate the condensation source term and the thermal exchange coefficient to impose at the wall where condensation occurs. More...


subroutine condensation_copain_model (nvar, nfbpcd, ifbpcd, izzftcd, tpar, gam_s, hpcond)

Detailed Description

The COPAIN correlations used to approximate the condensation source term and the thermal exchange coefficient to impose at the wall where condensation occurs.

This subroutine is used to compute at each cell the $ \Lambda _{\mbox{cond}} $ and $ h_{\mbox{f,bf}} $.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ condensation_copain_model()

subroutine condensation_copain_model ( integer  nvar,
integer  nfbpcd,
integer, dimension(nfbpcd)  ifbpcd,
integer, dimension(nfbpcd)  izzftcd,
double precision  tpar,
double precision, dimension(nfbpcd,nvar gam_s,
double precision, dimension(nfbpcd)  hpcond 
[in]nvartotal number of variables
[in]nfbpcdnumber of faces with condensation source terms
[in]ifbpcdindex of faces with condensation source terms
[in]izzftcdfaces zone with condensation source terms imposed (at previous and current time steps)
[in]tpartemperature imposed at the cold wall as constant or variable in time with a 1D thermal model
[out]gam_svalue associated to each variable in the condensation source terms (Lambda_cond)
[out]hpcondvalue associated to the fluid exchange coeff. evaluated with empiric law at the BC face with condensation