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catsmv.f90 File Reference

Compute explicit and implicit source terms coming from mass source. More...


subroutine catsmv (ncelet, ncel, ncesmp, iterns, isnexp, icetsm, itpsmp, cell_f_vol, vela, smcelv, gamma, tsexpv, tsimpv, gavinj)

Detailed Description

Compute explicit and implicit source terms coming from mass source.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ catsmv()

subroutine catsmv ( integer  ncelet,
integer  ncel,
integer  ncesmp,
integer  iterns,
integer  isnexp,
integer, dimension(ncesmp)  icetsm,
integer, dimension(ncesmp)  itpsmp,
double precision, dimension(ncelet)  cell_f_vol,
double precision, dimension (3,ncelet)  vela,
double precision, dimension(ncesmp,3)  smcelv,
double precision, dimension (ncesmp)  gamma,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  tsexpv,
double precision, dimension(3,3,ncelet)  tsimpv,
double precision, dimension(3,ncelet)  gavinj 
[in]nceletnumber of extended (real + ghost) cells
[in]ncelnumber of cells
[in]ncesmpnumber of cells with mass source term
[in]iternsNavier-Stokes iteration number
[in]isnexpsources terms of treated phase extrapolation indicator
[in]icetsmsource mass cells pointer
[in]itpsmpmass source type for the working variable (cf. Examples of data settings for mass source terms (cs_user_mass_source_terms.f90))
[in]cell_f_volcells fluid volume
[in]velavariable value at time step beginning
[in]smcelvvalue of the variable associated to the mass source; NOT INTERLEAVED
[in]gammamass flow value
[in,out]tsexpvexplicit source term part linear in the variable
[in,out]tsimpvassociated value with tsexp to be stored in the matrix
[out]gavinjexplicit source term part independant of the variable