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programmer's documentation
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cconst_node_tConstants node
 Ccs_1d_wall_thermal_t1D wall thermal module descriptor
 Ccs_advection_field_tMain structure to handle an advection field
 Ccs_boundary_tStructure storing information related to the "physical" boundaries that one want to set on the computational domain
 Ccs_cavitation_parameters_tCavitation model parameters
 Ccs_cell_builder_tSet of local and temporary buffers useful for building the algebraic system with a cellwise process. This structure belongs to one thread
 Ccs_cell_mesh_tSet of local quantities and connectivities related to a mesh cell This is a key structure for all cellwise processes. This structure belongs to one thread and only. This structure used allows one to get a better memory locality. It maps the existing global mesh and other related structures into a more compact one dedicated to a cell. Arrays are allocated to the max number of related entities (e.g. n_max_vbyc or to n_max_ebyc). The cell-wise numbering is based on the c2v, c2e and c2f connectivity
 Ccs_cell_sys_tSet of arrays and local (small) dense matrices related to a mesh cell This is a key structure for building the local algebraic system. This structure belongs to one thread and only
 Ccs_cf_model_tCompressible model general options descriptor
 Ccs_data_elec_tPhysical properties for electric model descriptor
 Ccs_data_joule_effect_tStructure to read transformer parameters in dp_ELE
 Ccs_domain_cdo_context_tHigh-level metadata for handling CDO/HHO schemes
 Ccs_domain_tStructure storing the main features of the computational domain and pointers to the main geometrical structures
 Ccs_elec_option_tOption for electric model
 Ccs_equation_builder_tStore common elements used when building an algebraic system related to an equation
 Ccs_equation_param_tSet of parameters to handle an unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction equation with term sources
 Ccs_equation_tMain structure to handle the discretization and the resolution of an equation
 Ccs_face_mesh_tSet of local quantities and connectivities related to a mesh face Structure used to get a better memory locality. Map existing structure into a more compact one dedicated to a face. Arrays are allocated to n_max_vbyf (= n_max_ebyf). Face-wise numbering is based on the f2e connectivity
 Ccs_field_bc_coeffs_tField boundary condition descriptor (for variables)
 Ccs_field_tField descriptor
 Ccs_fluid_properties_tFluid properties descriptor
 Ccs_gas_mix_tGas mix descriptor
 Ccs_navsto_ac_tSet of parameters specific for solving the Navier-Stokes system with the "artificial compressibility" algorithm
 Ccs_navsto_ac_vpp_tSet of parameters specific for solving the Navier-Stokes system with the "artificial compressibility" solved by the VPP_eps algorithm
 Ccs_navsto_monolithic_tSet of parameters specific for solving the Navier-Stokes system with a fully coupled monolithic algorithm
 Ccs_navsto_param_tStructure storing the parameters related to the resolution of the Navier-Stokes system
 Ccs_navsto_projection_tSet of parameters specific for solving the Navier-Stokes system with an incremental projection algorithm
 Ccs_navsto_system_tStructure managing the Navier-Stokes system
 Ccs_navsto_uzawa_tSet of parameters specific for solving the Navier-Stokes system with a fully coupled algorithm using a Uzawa algorithm and an Augmented Lagrangian approach inside each sub-iteration
 Ccs_param_sles_tStructure storing all metadata related to the resolution of a linear system with an iterative solver
 Ccs_physical_constants_tPhysical constants descriptor
 Ccs_piso_tPISO options descriptor
 Ccs_rad_transfer_params_tStructure containing the radiation module parameters
 Ccs_rotation_tSubdomain rotation description
 Ccs_space_disc_tSpace discretisation options descriptor
 Ccs_stokes_model_tStokes equation model descriptor
 Ccs_thermal_model_tThermal model descriptor
 Ccs_time_step_options_tTime step options descriptor
 Ccs_time_step_tTime step descriptor
 Ccs_turb_les_model_tLES turbulence model descriptor
 Ccs_turb_model_tTurbulence model general options descriptor
 Ccs_turb_rans_model_tRANS turbulence model descriptor
 Ccs_var_cal_opt_tStructure containing the variable calculation options
 Ccs_vof_parameters_tVOF model parameters. Void fraction variable tracks fluid 2
 Ccs_wall_functions_tWall functions descriptor
 Ccs_xdef_analytic_input_tInput structure when an analytic function is used for the definition
 Ccs_xdef_array_input_tInput structure when an array is used for the definition
 Ccs_xdef_tStructure storing medata for defining a quantity in a very flexible way
 Ccs_xdef_time_func_input_tInput structure when a time step function is used for the definition
 Cdata_tType definition for data of each element contained in the hash table
 Cfunc2_node_tFunction with two arguments node
 Cfunc_node_tFunction with single argument node
 Chash_table_tStructure defining a hash table
 Cid_node_tIdentifiers node
 CitemType definition for each record of the hash table
 Cmei_node_tGeneral node definition
 Cmei_tree_tStructure defining an interpreter for a mathematical expression
 Cnode_type_tType of a node
 Copr_node_tOperators node