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3. Instances

You can make an instance of a class with MAKE-INSTANCE. It's similar to the MAKE-x functions defined by DEFSTRUCT but lets you pass the class to instantiate as an argument:

(MAKE-INSTANCE class {initarg value}*)

Instead of the class object itself, you can use its name. For example:

(make-instance 'person :age 100)

This person object would have age 100 and name BILL, the default.

It's often a good idea to define your own constructor functions, rather than call MAKE-INSTANCE directly, because you can hide implementation details and don't have to use keyword parameters for everything. For instance, you might want to define

(defun make-person (name age)
  (make-instance 'person :name name :age age))

if you wanted the name and age to be required, positional parameters, rather than keyword parameters.

The accessor functions can be used to get and set slot values:

<cl> (setq p1 (make-instance 'person :name 'jill :age 100))
#<person @ #x7bf826> 

<cl> (person-name p1)

<cl> (person-age p1)

<cl> (setf (person-age p1) 101)

<cl> (person-age p1)

Note that when you use DEFCLASS, the instances are printed using the #<...> notation, rather than as #s(person :name jill :age 100) . But you can change the way instances are printed by defining methods on the generic function PRINT-OBJECT.

Slots can also be accessed by name using (SLOT-VALUE instance slot-name):

<cl> (slot-value p1 'name)

<cl> (setf (slot-value p1 'name) 'jillian)

<cl> (person-name p1)

You can find out various things about an instance by calling DESCRIBE:

<cl> (describe p1)
#<person @ #x7bf826> is an instance 
 of class #<clos:standard-class person @ #x7ad8ae>:
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
age     101
name    jillian

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