#include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "world.h" Application app; int Application::main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Create a console window for text-output if not available CL_ConsoleWindow console("ClanLib RTS Demo", 80, 1000); // 1000 allows a y-scrollbar to be present console.redirect_stdio(); #endif try { // Init stuff CL_SetupCore setup_core; CL_SetupDisplay setup_display; CL_SetupSound setup_sound; CL_SetupGL setup_gl; // Create a window CL_DisplayWindow window("ClanLib RTS Demo", 1024, 768, false); CL_SoundOutput output(44100); // Create world World world; // Connect the Window close event CL_Slot slot_quit = window.sig_window_close().connect(&world, &World::on_quit); // Run the main loop world.run(); } catch (CL_Error e) { std::cout << e.message.c_str() << std::endl; #ifdef _DEBUG console.display_close_message(); #endif } return 0; }