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Class CL_StyleManager

Manages the overall style of the system. More...

Derived from: none
Derived by: CL_StyleManager_Silver
Group: GUI (Framework)

#include <ClanLib/gui.h>



Construct a style manager using the specified resources.



Returns style manager's resources.



Create a component based on a type name.


Connect component styles to component. The 'type' parameter indicates what type the component is.

Detailed description:

!group=GUI/Framework! !header=gui.h!

The style manager is responsible of attaching CL_ComponentStyle objects to CL_Component objects.

When a component is constructed, it will contact its style manager's connect_styles() function. The style manager will then construct and attach component styles to the component.

The style manager also works as a 'component factory' for the component manager. By using create_component(), it is possible to create a component based on a name and component options describing it.

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