Optionally, install and configure the backup service. For simplicity, this configuration uses the Block Storage node and the Object Storage (swift) driver, thus depending on the Object Storage service.
You must install and configure a storage node prior to installing and configuring the backup service.
Perform these steps on the Block Storage node.
Install the packages:
# apt install cinder-backup
Edit the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
and complete the following actions:
In the [DEFAULT]
section, configure backup options:
# ...
backup_driver = cinder.backup.drivers.swift.SwiftBackupDriver
backup_swift_url = SWIFT_URL
with the URL of the Object Storage service. The
URL can be found by showing the object-store API endpoints:
$ openstack catalog show object-store
Restart the Block Storage backup service:
# service cinder-backup restart
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