Client side of the volume backup RPC API.
Client side of the volume rpc API.
API version history:
1.0 - Initial version.
1.1 - Changed methods to accept backup objects instead of IDs.
1.2 - A version that got in by mistake (without breaking anything).
1.3 - Dummy version bump to mark start of having cinder-backup service
decoupled from cinder-volume.
... Mitaka supports messaging 1.3. Any changes to existing methods in
1.x after this point should be done so that they can handle version cap
set to 1.3.
2.0 - Remove 1.x compatibility
2.1 - Adds set_log_levels and get_log_levels
2.2 - Adds publish_service_capabilities
2.3 - Adds continue_backup call
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