

The policy.yaml file defines additional access controls that apply to the Block Storage service.

Prior to Cinder 12.0.0 (the Queens release), a JSON policy file was required to run Cinder. From the Queens release onward, the following hold:

  • It is possible to run Cinder safely without a policy file, as sensible default values are defined in the code.

  • If you wish to run Cinder with policies different from the default, you may write a policy file.

    • Given that JSON does not allow comments, we recommend using YAML to write a custom policy file. (Also, see next item.)

    • OpenStack has deprecated the use of a JSON policy file since the Wallaby release (Cinder 18.0.0). If you are still using the JSON format, there is a oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml tool that will migrate your existing JSON-formatted policy file to YAML in a backward-compatible way.

  • If you supply a custom policy file, you only need to supply entries for the policies you wish to change from their default values. For instance, if you want to change the default value of “volume:create”, you only need to keep this single rule in your policy config file.

  • The default policy file location is /etc/cinder/policy.yaml. You may override this by specifying a different file location as the value of the policy_file configuration option in the [oslo_policy] section of the the Cinder configuration file.

  • Instructions for generating a sample policy.yaml file directly from the Cinder source code can be found in the file README-policy.generate.md in the etc/cinder directory in the Cinder source code repository (or its github mirror).

The following provides a listing of the default policies. It is not recommended to copy this file into /etc/cinder unless you are planning on providing a different policy for an operation that is not the default.

The sample policy file can also be viewed in file form.

# DEPRECATED: This rule will be removed in the Yoga release.
# Default rule for most non-Admin APIs.
#"admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or (role:admin and is_admin_project:True) or project_id:%(project_id)s"

# DEPRECATED: This rule will be removed in the Yoga release.
# Default rule for admins of cloud, domain or a project.
#"system_or_domain_or_project_admin": "(role:admin and system_scope:all) or (role:admin and domain_id:%(domain_id)s) or (role:admin and project_id:%(project_id)s)"

# Decides what is required for the 'is_admin:True' check to succeed.
#"context_is_admin": "role:admin"

# Default rule for most Admin APIs.
#"admin_api": "is_admin:True or (role:admin and is_admin_project:True)"

# NOTE: this purely role-based rule recognizes only project scope
#"xena_system_admin_or_project_reader": "(role:admin) or (role:reader and project_id:%(project_id)s)"

# NOTE: this purely role-based rule recognizes only project scope
#"xena_system_admin_or_project_member": "(role:admin) or (role:member and project_id:%(project_id)s)"

# Create attachment.
# POST  /attachments
#"volume:attachment_create": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:attachment_create":"" has been deprecated since X in favor
# of "volume:attachment_create":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_mem
# ber".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update attachment.
# PUT  /attachments/{attachment_id}
#"volume:attachment_update": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:attachment_update":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume:attachment_update":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete attachment.
# DELETE  /attachments/{attachment_id}
#"volume:attachment_delete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:attachment_delete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume:attachment_delete":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Mark a volume attachment process as completed (in-use)
# POST  /attachments/{attachment_id}/action (os-complete)
#"volume:attachment_complete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:attachment_complete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:attachment_complete":"rule:xe
# na_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Allow multiattach of bootable volumes.
# POST  /attachments
#"volume:multiattach_bootable_volume": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:multiattach_bootable_volume":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:multiattach_bootable_volume":
# "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List messages.
# GET  /messages
#"message:get_all": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "message:get_all":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X
# in favor of
# "message:get_all":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show message.
# GET  /messages/{message_id}
#"message:get": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "message:get":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "message:get":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete message.
# DELETE  /messages/{message_id}
#"message:delete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "message:delete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X
# in favor of
# "message:delete":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List clusters.
# GET  /clusters
# GET  /clusters/detail
#"clusters:get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# Show cluster.
# GET  /clusters/{cluster_id}
#"clusters:get": "rule:admin_api"

# Update cluster.
# PUT  /clusters/{cluster_id}
#"clusters:update": "rule:admin_api"

# Clean up workers.
# POST  /workers/cleanup
#"workers:cleanup": "rule:admin_api"

# Show snapshot's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key.
# GET  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata
# GET  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key}
#"volume:get_snapshot_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_snapshot_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:get_snapshot_metadata":"rule:
# xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update snapshot's metadata or one specified metadata with a given
# key.
# POST  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata
# PUT  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key}
#"volume:update_snapshot_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:update_snapshot_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:update_snapshot_metadata":"ru
# le:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete snapshot's specified metadata with a given key.
# DELETE  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/metadata/{key}
#"volume:delete_snapshot_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:delete_snapshot_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:delete_snapshot_metadata":"ru
# le:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List snapshots.
# GET  /snapshots
# GET  /snapshots/detail
#"volume:get_all_snapshots": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_all_snapshots":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume:get_all_snapshots":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List or show snapshots with extended attributes.
# GET  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}
# GET  /snapshots/detail
#"volume_extension:extended_snapshot_attributes": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:extended_snapshot_attributes":"rule:admin_or_owner
# " has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:extended
# _snapshot_attributes":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create snapshot.
# POST  /snapshots
#"volume:create_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:create_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:create_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show snapshot.
# GET  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}
#"volume:get_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:get_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update snapshot.
# PUT  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}
#"volume:update_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:update_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:update_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete snapshot.
# DELETE  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}
#"volume:delete_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:delete_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:delete_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Reset status of a snapshot.
# POST  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-reset_status)
#"volume_extension:snapshot_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api"

# Update database fields of snapshot.
# POST  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (update_snapshot_status)
#"snapshot_extension:snapshot_actions:update_snapshot_status": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "snapshot_extension:snapshot_actions:update_snapshot_status":"" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "snapshot_extension:snapshot_act
# ions:update_snapshot_status":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_memb
# er".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Force delete a snapshot.
# POST  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-force_delete)
#"volume_extension:snapshot_admin_actions:force_delete": "rule:admin_api"

# List (in detail) of snapshots which are available to manage.
# GET  /manageable_snapshots
# GET  /manageable_snapshots/detail
#"snapshot_extension:list_manageable": "rule:admin_api"

# Manage an existing snapshot.
# POST  /manageable_snapshots
#"snapshot_extension:snapshot_manage": "rule:admin_api"

# Stop managing a snapshot.
# POST  /snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action (os-unmanage)
#"snapshot_extension:snapshot_unmanage": "rule:admin_api"

# List backups.
# GET  /backups
# GET  /backups/detail
#"backup:get_all": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "backup:get_all":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X
# in favor of
# "backup:get_all":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List backups or show backup with project attributes.
# GET  /backups/{backup_id}
# GET  /backups/detail
#"backup:backup_project_attribute": "rule:admin_api"

# Create backup.
# POST  /backups
#"backup:create": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "backup:create":"" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "backup:create":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show backup.
# GET  /backups/{backup_id}
#"backup:get": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "backup:get":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "backup:get":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update backup.
# PUT  /backups/{backup_id}
#"backup:update": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "backup:update":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "backup:update":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete backup.
# DELETE  /backups/{backup_id}
#"backup:delete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "backup:delete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "backup:delete":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Restore backup.
# POST  /backups/{backup_id}/restore
#"backup:restore": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "backup:restore":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X
# in favor of
# "backup:restore":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Import backup.
# POST  /backups/{backup_id}/import_record
#"backup:backup-import": "rule:admin_api"

# Export backup.
# POST  /backups/{backup_id}/export_record
#"backup:export-import": "rule:admin_api"

# Reset status of a backup.
# POST  /backups/{backup_id}/action (os-reset_status)
#"volume_extension:backup_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api"

# Force delete a backup.
# POST  /backups/{backup_id}/action (os-force_delete)
#"volume_extension:backup_admin_actions:force_delete": "rule:admin_api"

# List groups.
# GET  /groups
# GET  /groups/detail
#"group:get_all": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "group:get_all":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "group:get_all":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create group.
# POST  /groups
#"group:create": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:create":"" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "group:create":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show group.
# GET  /groups/{group_id}
#"group:get": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "group:get":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "group:get":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update group.
# PUT  /groups/{group_id}
#"group:update": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:update":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "group:update":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List groups or show group with project attributes.
# GET  /groups/{group_id}
# GET  /groups/detail
#"group:group_project_attribute": "rule:admin_api"

# Create a group type.
# POST  /group_types/
#"group:group_types:create": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "group:group_types:create":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_manage has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_manage": "rule:group:group_types:create"

# Update a group type.
# PUT  /group_types/{group_type_id}
#"group:group_types:update": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "group:group_types:update":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_manage has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_manage": "rule:group:group_types:update"

# Delete a group type.
# DELETE  /group_types/{group_type_id}
#"group:group_types:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "group:group_types:delete":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_manage has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_manage": "rule:group:group_types:delete"

# Show group type with type specs attributes.
# GET  /group_types/{group_type_id}
#"group:access_group_types_specs": "rule:admin_api"

# Show a group type spec.
# GET  /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
#"group:group_types_specs:get": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_specs":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of "group:group_types_specs:get":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_specs has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_specs": "rule:group:group_types_specs:get"

# List group type specs.
# GET  /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs
#"group:group_types_specs:get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_specs":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of "group:group_types_specs:get_all":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_specs has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_specs": "rule:group:group_types_specs:get_all"

# Create a group type spec.
# POST  /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs
#"group:group_types_specs:create": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_specs":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of "group:group_types_specs:create":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_specs has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_specs": "rule:group:group_types_specs:create"

# Update a group type spec.
# PUT  /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
#"group:group_types_specs:update": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_specs":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of "group:group_types_specs:update":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_specs has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_specs": "rule:group:group_types_specs:update"

# Delete a group type spec.
# DELETE  /group_types/{group_type_id}/group_specs/{g_spec_id}
#"group:group_types_specs:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# "group:group_types_specs":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of "group:group_types_specs:delete":"rule:admin_api".
# group:group_types_specs has been replaced by more granular policies
# that separately govern GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "group:group_types_specs": "rule:group:group_types_specs:delete"

# List group snapshots.
# GET  /group_snapshots
# GET  /group_snapshots/detail
#"group:get_all_group_snapshots": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "group:get_all_group_snapshots":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:get_all_group_snapshots":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create group snapshot.
# POST  /group_snapshots
#"group:create_group_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:create_group_snapshot":"" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "group:create_group_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_pr
# oject_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show group snapshot.
# GET  /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
#"group:get_group_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "group:get_group_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "group:get_group_snapshot":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete group snapshot.
# DELETE  /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
#"group:delete_group_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:delete_group_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:delete_group_snapshot":"rule:x
# ena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update group snapshot.
# PUT  /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
#"group:update_group_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:update_group_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:update_group_snapshot":"rule:x
# ena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List group snapshots or show group snapshot with project attributes.
# GET  /group_snapshots/{group_snapshot_id}
# GET  /group_snapshots/detail
#"group:group_snapshot_project_attribute": "rule:admin_api"

# Reset status of group snapshot.
# POST  /group_snapshots/{g_snapshot_id}/action (reset_status)
#"group:reset_group_snapshot_status": "rule:admin_api"

# Delete group.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (delete)
#"group:delete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:delete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "group:delete":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Reset status of group.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (reset_status)
#"group:reset_status": "rule:admin_api"

# Enable replication.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (enable_replication)
#"group:enable_replication": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:enable_replication":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "group:enable_replication":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Disable replication.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (disable_replication)
#"group:disable_replication": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:disable_replication":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:disable_replication":"rule:xen
# a_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Fail over replication.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (failover_replication)
#"group:failover_replication": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:failover_replication":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:failover_replication":"rule:xe
# na_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List failover replication.
# POST  /groups/{group_id}/action (list_replication_targets)
#"group:list_replication_targets": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "group:list_replication_targets":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "group:list_replication_targets":"rul
# e:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List qos specs or list all associations.
# GET  /qos-specs
# GET  /qos-specs/{qos_id}/associations
#"volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# Show qos specs.
# GET  /qos-specs/{qos_id}
#"volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:get": "rule:admin_api"

# Create qos specs.
# POST  /qos-specs
#"volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:create": "rule:admin_api"

# Update qos specs (including updating association).
# PUT  /qos-specs/{qos_id}
# GET  /qos-specs/{qos_id}/disassociate_all
# GET  /qos-specs/{qos_id}/associate
# GET  /qos-specs/{qos_id}/disassociate
#"volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:update": "rule:admin_api"

# delete qos specs or unset one specified qos key.
# DELETE  /qos-specs/{qos_id}
# PUT  /qos-specs/{qos_id}/delete_keys
#"volume_extension:qos_specs_manage:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# Show project quota class.
# GET  /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id}
#"volume_extension:quota_classes:get": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:quota_classes":"rule:admin_api" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:quota_classes:get":"rule:admin_api".
# volume_extension:quota_classes has been replaced by more granular
# policies that separately govern GET and PUT operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:quota_classes": "rule:volume_extension:quota_classes:get"

# Update project quota class.
# PUT  /os-quota-class-sets/{project_id}
#"volume_extension:quota_classes:update": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:quota_classes":"rule:admin_api" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:quota_classes:update":"rule:admin_api".
# volume_extension:quota_classes has been replaced by more granular
# policies that separately govern GET and PUT operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:quota_classes": "rule:volume_extension:quota_classes:update"

# Show project quota (including usage and default).
# GET  /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
# GET  /os-quota-sets/{project_id}/default
# GET  /os-quota-sets/{project_id}?usage=True
#"volume_extension:quotas:show": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:quotas:show":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since None in favor of "volume_extension:quotas:show":"ru
# le:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".

# Update project quota.
# PUT  /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
#"volume_extension:quotas:update": "rule:admin_api"

# Delete project quota.
# DELETE  /os-quota-sets/{project_id}
#"volume_extension:quotas:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# Show backend capabilities.
# GET  /capabilities/{host_name}
#"volume_extension:capabilities": "rule:admin_api"

# List all services.
# GET  /os-services
#"volume_extension:services:index": "rule:admin_api"

# Update service, including failover_host, thaw, freeze, disable,
# enable, set-log and get-log actions.
# PUT  /os-services/{action}
#"volume_extension:services:update": "rule:admin_api"

# Freeze a backend host.
# PUT  /os-services/freeze
#"volume:freeze_host": "rule:admin_api"

# Thaw a backend host.
# PUT  /os-services/thaw
#"volume:thaw_host": "rule:admin_api"

# Failover a backend host.
# PUT  /os-services/failover_host
#"volume:failover_host": "rule:admin_api"

# List all backend pools.
# GET  /scheduler-stats/get_pools
#"scheduler_extension:scheduler_stats:get_pools": "rule:admin_api"

# List, update or show hosts for a project.
# GET  /os-hosts
# PUT  /os-hosts/{host_name}
# GET  /os-hosts/{host_id}
#"volume_extension:hosts": "rule:admin_api"

# Show limits with used limit attributes.
# GET  /limits
#"limits_extension:used_limits": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "limits_extension:used_limits":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "limits_extension:used_limits":"rule:
# xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List (in detail) of volumes which are available to manage.
# GET  /manageable_volumes
# GET  /manageable_volumes/detail
#"volume_extension:list_manageable": "rule:admin_api"

# Manage existing volumes.
# POST  /manageable_volumes
#"volume_extension:volume_manage": "rule:admin_api"

# Stop managing a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unmanage)
#"volume_extension:volume_unmanage": "rule:admin_api"

# Create volume type.
# POST  /types
#"volume_extension:type_create": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume_extension:type_create":"rule:admin_api".
# volume_extension:types_manage has been replaced by more granular
# policies that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:types_manage": "rule:volume_extension:type_create"

# Update volume type.
# PUT  /types
#"volume_extension:type_update": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume_extension:type_update":"rule:admin_api".
# volume_extension:types_manage has been replaced by more granular
# policies that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:types_manage": "rule:volume_extension:type_update"

# Delete volume type.
# DELETE  /types
#"volume_extension:type_delete": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:types_manage":"rule:admin_api" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume_extension:type_delete":"rule:admin_api".
# volume_extension:types_manage has been replaced by more granular
# policies that separately govern POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:types_manage": "rule:volume_extension:type_delete"

# Get one specific volume type.
# GET  /types/{type_id}
#"volume_extension:type_get": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:type_get":"" has been deprecated since X in favor
# of "volume_extension:type_get":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_re
# ader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List volume types.
# GET  /types/
#"volume_extension:type_get_all": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:type_get_all":"" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume_extension:type_get_all":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_
# project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Include the volume type's extra_specs attribute in the volume type
# list or show requests.  The ability to make these calls is governed
# by other policies.
# GET  /types/{type_id}
# GET  /types
#"volume_extension:access_types_extra_specs": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:access_types_extra_specs":"rule:admin_api" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:access_types_e
# xtra_specs":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Include the volume type's QoS specifications ID attribute in the
# volume type list or show requests.  The ability to make these calls
# is governed by other policies.
# GET  /types/{type_id}
# GET  /types
#"volume_extension:access_types_qos_specs_id": "rule:admin_api"

# DEPRECATED: This rule will be removed in the Yoga release.
#"volume_extension:volume_type_encryption": "rule:admin_api"

# Create volume type encryption.
# POST  /types/{type_id}/encryption
#"volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:create": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:create":"rule:volume_extens
# ion:volume_type_encryption" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:create":"rule:admin_api".
# Reason: 'volume_extension:volume_type_encryption' was a convenience
# policy that allowed you to set all volume encryption type policies
# to the same value.  We are deprecating this rule to prepare for a
# future release in which the default values for policies that read,
# create/update, and delete encryption types will be different from
# each other.

# Show a volume type's encryption type, show an encryption specs item.
# GET  /types/{type_id}/encryption
# GET  /types/{type_id}/encryption/{key}
#"volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:get": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:get":"rule:volume_extension
# :volume_type_encryption" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:get":"rule:admin_api".
# Reason: 'volume_extension:volume_type_encryption' was a convenience
# policy that allowed you to set all volume encryption type policies
# to the same value.  We are deprecating this rule to prepare for a
# future release in which the default values for policies that read,
# create/update, and delete encryption types will be different from
# each other.

# Update volume type encryption.
# PUT  /types/{type_id}/encryption/{encryption_id}
#"volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:update": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:update":"rule:volume_extens
# ion:volume_type_encryption" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:update":"rule:admin_api".
# Reason: 'volume_extension:volume_type_encryption' was a convenience
# policy that allowed you to set all volume encryption type policies
# to the same value.  We are deprecating this rule to prepare for a
# future release in which the default values for policies that read,
# create/update, and delete encryption types will be different from
# each other.

# Delete volume type encryption.
# DELETE  /types/{type_id}/encryption/{encryption_id}
#"volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:delete":"rule:volume_extens
# ion:volume_type_encryption" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:volume_type_encryption:delete":"rule:admin_api".
# Reason: 'volume_extension:volume_type_encryption' was a convenience
# policy that allowed you to set all volume encryption type policies
# to the same value.  We are deprecating this rule to prepare for a
# future release in which the default values for policies that read,
# create/update, and delete encryption types will be different from
# each other.

# Adds the boolean field 'os-volume-type-access:is_public' to the
# responses for these API calls.  The ability to make these calls is
# governed by other policies.
# GET  /types
# GET  /types/{type_id}
# POST  /types
#"volume_extension:volume_type_access": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_access":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_type_access"
# :"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Add volume type access for project.
# POST  /types/{type_id}/action (addProjectAccess)
#"volume_extension:volume_type_access:addProjectAccess": "rule:admin_api"

# Remove volume type access for project.
# POST  /types/{type_id}/action (removeProjectAccess)
#"volume_extension:volume_type_access:removeProjectAccess": "rule:admin_api"

# List private volume type access detail, that is, list the projects
# that have access to this volume type.
# GET  /types/{type_id}/os-volume-type-access
#"volume_extension:volume_type_access:get_all_for_type": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:volume_type_access:get_all_for_type":"volume_exten
# sion:volume_type_access" has been deprecated since X in favor of "vo
# lume_extension:volume_type_access:get_all_for_type":"rule:admin_api"
# .
# Reason: 'volume_extension:volume_type_access:get_all_for_type' is a
# new policy that protects an API call formerly governed by
# 'volume_extension:volume_type_access', but which has been separated
# for finer-grained policy control.

# Extend a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-extend)
#"volume:extend": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:extend":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume:extend":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Extend a attached volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-extend)
#"volume:extend_attached_volume": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:extend_attached_volume":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:extend_attached_volume":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Revert a volume to a snapshot.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (revert)
#"volume:revert_to_snapshot": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:revert_to_snapshot":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:revert_to_snapshot":"rule:xen
# a_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Reset status of a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reset_status)
#"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:reset_status": "rule:admin_api"

# Retype a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-retype)
#"volume:retype": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:retype":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume:retype":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update a volume's readonly flag.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-update_readonly_flag)
#"volume:update_readonly_flag": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:update_readonly_flag":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:update_readonly_flag":"rule:x
# ena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Force delete a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-force_delete)
#"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:force_delete": "rule:admin_api"

# Upload a volume to image with public visibility.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-volume_upload_image)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:upload_public": "rule:admin_api"

# Upload a volume to image.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-volume_upload_image)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:upload_image": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:upload_image":"rule:admin_or_owner"
# has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_act
# ions:upload_image":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Force detach a volume.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-force_detach)
#"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:force_detach": "rule:admin_api"

# migrate a volume to a specified host.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-migrate_volume)
#"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume": "rule:admin_api"

# Complete a volume migration.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-migrate_volume_completion)
#"volume_extension:volume_admin_actions:migrate_volume_completion": "rule:admin_api"

# Initialize volume attachment.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-initialize_connection)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:initialize_connection": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:initialize_connection":"rule:admin_
# or_owner" has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:
# volume_actions:initialize_connection":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_pro
# ject_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Terminate volume attachment.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-terminate_connection)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:terminate_connection": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:terminate_connection":"rule:admin_o
# r_owner" has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:v
# olume_actions:terminate_connection":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_proje
# ct_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Roll back volume status to 'in-use'.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-roll_detaching)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:roll_detaching": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:roll_detaching":"rule:admin_or_owne
# r" has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_
# actions:roll_detaching":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Mark volume as reserved.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reserve)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:reserve": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:reserve":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_actions
# :reserve":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Unmark volume as reserved.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unreserve)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:unreserve": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:unreserve":"rule:admin_or_owner"
# has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_act
# ions:unreserve":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Begin detach volumes.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-begin_detaching)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:begin_detaching": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:begin_detaching":"rule:admin_or_own
# er" has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume
# _actions:begin_detaching":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"
# .
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Add attachment metadata.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-attach)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:attach": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:attach":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_actions
# :attach":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Clear attachment metadata.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-detach)
#"volume_extension:volume_actions:detach": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_actions:detach":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_actions
# :detach":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Reimage a volume in 'available' or 'error' status.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reimage)
#"volume:reimage": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# Reimage a volume in 'reserved' status.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-reimage)
#"volume:reimage_reserved": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# List volume transfer.
# GET  /os-volume-transfer
# GET  /os-volume-transfer/detail
# GET  /volume_transfers
# GET  /volume-transfers/detail
#"volume:get_all_transfers": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_all_transfers":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume:get_all_transfers":"rule:xena_system_adm
# in_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create a volume transfer.
# POST  /os-volume-transfer
# POST  /volume_transfers
#"volume:create_transfer": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:create_transfer":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:create_transfer":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show one specified volume transfer.
# GET  /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}
# GET  /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}
#"volume:get_transfer": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_transfer":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:get_transfer":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Accept a volume transfer.
# POST  /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}/accept
# POST  /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}/accept
#"volume:accept_transfer": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:accept_transfer":"" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume:accept_transfer":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete volume transfer.
# DELETE  /os-volume-transfer/{transfer_id}
# DELETE  /volume-transfers/{transfer_id}
#"volume:delete_transfer": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:delete_transfer":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of
# "volume:delete_transfer":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show volume's metadata or one specified metadata with a given key.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key}
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action  (os-show_image_metadata)
#"volume:get_volume_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_volume_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:get_volume_metadata":"rule:xe
# na_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create volume metadata.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata
#"volume:create_volume_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:create_volume_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:create_volume_metadata":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Replace a volume's metadata dictionary or update a single metadatum
# with a given key.
# PUT  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata
# PUT  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key}
#"volume:update_volume_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:update_volume_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:update_volume_metadata":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete a volume's metadatum with the given key.
# DELETE  /volumes/{volume_id}/metadata/{key}
#"volume:delete_volume_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:delete_volume_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been
# deprecated since X in favor of "volume:delete_volume_metadata":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Include a volume's image metadata in volume detail responses.  The
# ability to make these calls is governed by other policies.
# GET  /volumes/detail
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}
#"volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:show": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_image_m
# etadata:show":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# volume_extension:volume_image_metadata has been replaced by more
# granular policies that separately govern show, set, and remove
# operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata": "rule:volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:show"

# Set image metadata for a volume
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-set_image_metadata)
#"volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:set": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_image_m
# etadata:set":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# volume_extension:volume_image_metadata has been replaced by more
# granular policies that separately govern show, set, and remove
# operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata": "rule:volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:set"

# Remove specific image metadata from a volume
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-unset_image_metadata)
#"volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:remove": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_image_m
# etadata:remove":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# volume_extension:volume_image_metadata has been replaced by more
# granular policies that separately govern show, set, and remove
# operations.
# WARNING: A rule name change has been identified.
#          This may be an artifact of new rules being
#          included which require legacy fallback
#          rules to ensure proper policy behavior.
#          Alternatively, this may just be an alias.
#          Please evaluate on a case by case basis
#          keeping in mind the format for aliased
#          rules is:
#          "old_rule_name": "new_rule_name".
# "volume_extension:volume_image_metadata": "rule:volume_extension:volume_image_metadata:remove"

# Update volume admin metadata. This permission is required to
# complete these API calls, though the ability to make these calls is
# governed by other policies.
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-update_readonly_flag)
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-attach)
#"volume:update_volume_admin_metadata": "rule:admin_api"

# List type extra specs.
# GET  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:index": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:types_extra_specs:index":"" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume_extension:types_extra_specs:index":"rule
# :xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create type extra specs.
# POST  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:create": "rule:admin_api"

# Show one specified type extra specs.
# GET  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key}
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:show": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:types_extra_specs:show":"" has been deprecated
# since X in favor of "volume_extension:types_extra_specs:show":"rule:
# xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Include extra_specs fields that may reveal sensitive information
# about the deployment that should not be exposed to end users in
# various volume-type responses that show extra_specs. The ability to
# make these calls is governed by other policies.
# GET  /types
# GET  /types/{type_id}
# GET  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs
# GET  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key}
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:read_sensitive": "rule:admin_api"

# Update type extra specs.
# PUT  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key}
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:update": "rule:admin_api"

# Delete type extra specs.
# DELETE  /types/{type_id}/extra_specs/{extra_spec_key}
#"volume_extension:types_extra_specs:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# Create volume.
# POST  /volumes
#"volume:create": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:create":"" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume:create":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create volume from image.
# POST  /volumes
#"volume:create_from_image": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:create_from_image":"" has been deprecated since X in favor
# of "volume:create_from_image":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_mem
# ber".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Show volume.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}
#"volume:get": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume:get":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List volumes or get summary of volumes.
# GET  /volumes
# GET  /volumes/detail
# GET  /volumes/summary
#"volume:get_all": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume:get_all":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X
# in favor of
# "volume:get_all":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Update volume or update a volume's bootable status.
# PUT  /volumes
# POST  /volumes/{volume_id}/action (os-set_bootable)
#"volume:update": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:update":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume:update":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Delete volume.
# DELETE  /volumes/{volume_id}
#"volume:delete": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:delete":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since X in
# favor of "volume:delete":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Force Delete a volume.
# DELETE  /volumes/{volume_id}
#"volume:force_delete": "rule:admin_api"

# List or show volume with host attribute.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}
# GET  /volumes/detail
#"volume_extension:volume_host_attribute": "rule:admin_api"

# List or show volume with tenant attribute.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}
# GET  /volumes/detail
#"volume_extension:volume_tenant_attribute": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:volume_tenant_attribute":"rule:admin_or_owner" has
# been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_tenant_
# attribute":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# List or show volume with migration status attribute.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}
# GET  /volumes/detail
#"volume_extension:volume_mig_status_attribute": "rule:admin_api"

# Show volume's encryption metadata.
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}/encryption
# GET  /volumes/{volume_id}/encryption/{encryption_key}
#"volume_extension:volume_encryption_metadata": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader"

# "volume_extension:volume_encryption_metadata":"rule:admin_or_owner"
# has been deprecated since X in favor of "volume_extension:volume_enc
# ryption_metadata":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_reader".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Create multiattach capable volume.
# POST  /volumes
#"volume:multiattach": "rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member"

# "volume:multiattach":"rule:admin_or_owner" has been deprecated since
# X in favor of
# "volume:multiattach":"rule:xena_system_admin_or_project_member".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Set or update default volume type.
# PUT  /default-types
#"volume_extension:default_set_or_update": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:default_set_or_update":"rule:system_or_domain_or_p
# roject_admin" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:default_set_or_update":"rule:admin_api".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Get default types.
# GET  /default-types/{project-id}
#"volume_extension:default_get": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:default_get":"rule:system_or_domain_or_project_adm
# in" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:default_get":"rule:admin_api".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Get all default types. WARNING: Changing this might open up too much
# information regarding cloud deployment.
# GET  /default-types/
#"volume_extension:default_get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:default_get_all":"role:admin and system_scope:all"
# has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:default_get_all":"rule:admin_api".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.

# Unset default type.
# DELETE  /default-types/{project-id}
#"volume_extension:default_unset": "rule:admin_api"

# "volume_extension:default_unset":"rule:system_or_domain_or_project_a
# dmin" has been deprecated since X in favor of
# "volume_extension:default_unset":"rule:admin_api".
# Default policies now support the three Keystone default roles,
# namely 'admin', 'member', and 'reader' to implement three Cinder
# "personas".  See "Policy Personas and Permissions" in the "Cinder
# Service Configuration" documentation (Xena release) for details.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.