Contains the Whitespace checks that
are bundled with the main distribution.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractParenPadCheck Abstract class for checking the padding of parentheses.EmptyForInitializerPadCheck Checks the padding of an empty for initializer; that is whether a white space is required at an empty for initializer, or such white space is forbidden.EmptyForIteratorPadCheck Checks the padding of an empty for iterator; that is whether a white space is required at an empty for iterator, or such white space is forbidden.EmptyLineSeparatorCheck Checks for empty line separators after header, package, all import declarations, fields, constructors, methods, nested classes, static initializers and instance initializers.FileTabCharacterCheck Checks that there are no tab characters ('\t'
) in the source code.GenericWhitespaceCheck Checks that the whitespace around the Generic tokens (angle brackets) "<" and ">" are correct to the typical convention.MethodParamPadCheck Checks the padding between the identifier of a method definition, constructor definition, method call, or constructor invocation; and the left parenthesis of the parameter list.NoLineWrapCheck Checks that chosen statements are not line-wrapped.NoWhitespaceAfterCheck Checks that there is no whitespace after a token.NoWhitespaceBeforeCheck Checks that there is no whitespace before a token.OperatorWrapCheck Checks the policy on how to wrap lines on operators.ParenPadCheck Checks the policy on the padding of parentheses; that is whether a space is required after a left parenthesis and before a right parenthesis, or such spaces are forbidden.SeparatorWrapCheck Checks line wrapping with separators.SingleSpaceSeparatorCheck Checks that non-whitespace characters are separated by no more than one whitespace.TypecastParenPadCheck Checks the policy on the padding of parentheses for typecasts.WhitespaceAfterCheck Checks that a token is followed by whitespace, with the exception that it does not check for whitespace after the semicolon of an empty for iterator.WhitespaceAroundCheck Checks that a token is surrounded by whitespace. -
Enum Summary Enum Description PadOption Represents the options for whitespace around parentheses.WrapOption Represents the options for wrapping on an operator.