
Provides general XML-related functionality.

What I’m trying to do here is abstract much of the functionality that directly accesses the DOM tree. This is not so much to “protect” the other code from the DOM, but to standardize the way it’s used. It will also help extension authors write code that easily looks more like the rest of Cedar Backup.

Module Attributes


List of boolean values in XML representing True


List of boolean values in XML representing False


List of valid boolean values in XML


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES = ['Y', 'y']
CedarBackup3.xmlutil.FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES = ['N', 'n']
CedarBackup3.xmlutil.createInputDom(xmlData, name='cb_config')

Creates a DOM tree based on reading an XML string. :returns: Tuple (xmlDom, parentNode) for the parsed document


ValueError – If the document can’t be parsed


Creates a DOM tree used for writing an XML document. :param name: Base name of the document (root node name)


Tuple (xmlDom, parentNode) for the new document


Returns True or False depending on whether the XML node is an element node.

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readChildren(parent, name)

Returns a list of nodes with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

Underneath, we use the Python getElementsByTagName method, which is pretty cool, but which (surprisingly?) returns a list of all children with a given name below the parent, at any level. We just prune that list to include only children whose parentNode matches the passed-in parent.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of nodes to search for


List of child nodes with correct parent, or an empty list if

no matching nodes are found.

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readFirstChild(parent, name)

Returns the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


First properly-named child of parent, or None if no matching nodes are found

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readStringList(parent, name)

Returns a list of the string contents associated with nodes with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

First, we find all of the nodes using readChildren, and then we retrieve the “string contents” of each of those nodes. The returned list has one entry per matching node. We assume that string contents of a given node belong to the first TEXT_NODE child of that node. Nodes which have no TEXT_NODE children are not represented in the returned list.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


List of strings as described above, or None if no matching nodes are found

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readString(parent, name)

Returns string contents of the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node. We assume that string contents of a given node belong to the first TEXT_NODE child of that node.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


String contents of node or None if no matching nodes are found

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readInteger(parent, name)

Returns integer contents of the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


Integer contents of node or None if no matching nodes are found


ValueError – If the string at the location can’t be converted to an integer

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readLong(parent, name)

Returns long integer contents of the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


Long integer contents of node or None if no matching nodes are found


ValueError – If the string at the location can’t be converted to an integer

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readFloat(parent, name)

Returns float contents of the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


Float contents of node or None if no matching nodes are found


ValueError – If the string at the location can’t be converted to a

float value.

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.readBoolean(parent, name)

Returns boolean contents of the first child with a given name immediately beneath the parent.

By “immediately beneath” the parent, we mean from among nodes that are direct children of the passed-in parent node.

The string value of the node must be one of the values in VALID_BOOLEAN_VALUES.

  • parent – Parent node to search beneath

  • name – Name of node to search for


Boolean contents of node or None if no matching nodes are found


ValueError – If the string at the location can’t be converted to a boolean

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.addContainerNode(xmlDom, parentNode, nodeName)

Adds a container node as the next child of a parent node.

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent node to create child for

  • nodeName – Name of the new container node


Reference to the newly-created node

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.addStringNode(xmlDom, parentNode, nodeName, nodeValue)

Adds a text node as the next child of a parent, to contain a string.

If the nodeValue is None, then the node will be created, but will be empty (i.e. will contain no text node child).

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent node to create child for

  • nodeName – Name of the new container node

  • nodeValue – The value to put into the node


Reference to the newly-created node

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.addIntegerNode(xmlDom, parentNode, nodeName, nodeValue)

Adds a text node as the next child of a parent, to contain an integer.

If the nodeValue is None, then the node will be created, but will be empty (i.e. will contain no text node child).

The integer will be converted to a string using “%d”. The result will be added to the document via addStringNode.

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent node to create child for

  • nodeName – Name of the new container node

  • nodeValue – The value to put into the node


Reference to the newly-created node

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.addLongNode(xmlDom, parentNode, nodeName, nodeValue)

Adds a text node as the next child of a parent, to contain a long integer.

If the nodeValue is None, then the node will be created, but will be empty (i.e. will contain no text node child).

The integer will be converted to a string using “%d”. The result will be added to the document via addStringNode.

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent node to create child for

  • nodeName – Name of the new container node

  • nodeValue – The value to put into the node


Reference to the newly-created node

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.addBooleanNode(xmlDom, parentNode, nodeName, nodeValue)

Adds a text node as the next child of a parent, to contain a boolean.

If the nodeValue is None, then the node will be created, but will be empty (i.e. will contain no text node child).

Boolean True, or anything else interpreted as True by Python, will be converted to a string “Y”. Anything else will be converted to a string “N”. The result is added to the document via addStringNode.

  • xmlDom – DOM tree as from impl.createDocument()

  • parentNode – Parent node to create child for

  • nodeName – Name of the new container node

  • nodeValue – The value to put into the node


Reference to the newly-created node

CedarBackup3.xmlutil.serializeDom(xmlDom, indent=3)

Serializes a DOM tree and returns the result in a string. :param xmlDom: XML DOM tree to serialize :param indent: Number of spaces to indent, as an integer


String form of DOM tree, pretty-printed

class CedarBackup3.xmlutil.Serializer(stream=sys.stdout, encoding='UTF-8', indent=3)

Bases: object

XML serializer class.

This is a customized serializer that I hacked together based on what I found in the PyXML distribution. Basically, around release 2.7.0, the only reason I still had around a dependency on PyXML was for the PrettyPrint functionality, and that seemed pointless. So, I stripped the PrettyPrint code out of PyXML and hacked bits of it off until it did just what I needed and no more.

This code started out being called PrintVisitor, but I decided it makes more sense just calling it a serializer. I’ve made nearly all of the methods private, and I’ve added a new high-level serialize() method rather than having clients call visit().

Anyway, as a consequence of my hacking with it, this can’t quite be called a complete XML serializer any more. I ripped out support for HTML and XHTML, and there is also no longer any support for namespaces (which I took out because this dragged along a lot of extra code, and Cedar Backup doesn’t use namespaces). However, everything else should pretty much work as expected.

@copyright: This code, prior to customization, was part of the PyXML codebase, and before that was part of the 4DOM suite developed by Fourthought, Inc. It its original form, it was Copyright (c) 2000 Fourthought Inc, USA; All Rights Reserved.


Serialize the passed-in XML document. :param xmlDom: XML DOM tree to serialize


ValueError – If there’s an unknown node type in the document