
Provides general-purpose utilities.

Module Attributes


Size of an ISO image sector, in bytes


Number of bytes (B) per ISO sector


Number of bytes (B) per kilobyte (kB)


Number of bytes (B) per megabyte (MB)


Number of bytes (B) per megabyte (GB)


Number of kilobytes (kB) per megabyte (MB)


Number of megabytes (MB) per gigabyte (GB)


Number of seconds per minute


Number of minutes per hour


Number of hours per day


Number of seconds per day


Constant representing the byte (B) unit for conversion


Constant representing the kilobyte (kB) unit for conversion


Constant representing the megabyte (MB) unit for conversion


Constant representing the gigabyte (GB) unit for conversion


Constant representing the ISO sector unit for conversion


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents

CedarBackup3.util.ISO_SECTOR_SIZE = 2048.0
CedarBackup3.util.BYTES_PER_KBYTE = 1024.0
CedarBackup3.util.KBYTES_PER_MBYTE = 1024.0
CedarBackup3.util.MBYTES_PER_GBYTE = 1024.0
CedarBackup3.util.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60.0
CedarBackup3.util.MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60.0
CedarBackup3.util.HOURS_PER_DAY = 24.0
CedarBackup3.util.UNIT_BYTES = 0
CedarBackup3.util.UNIT_KBYTES = 1
CedarBackup3.util.UNIT_MBYTES = 2
CedarBackup3.util.UNIT_GBYTES = 4
CedarBackup3.util.UNIT_SECTORS = 3
CedarBackup3.util.MTAB_FILE = /etc/mtab
CedarBackup3.util.MOUNT_COMMAND = ['mount']
CedarBackup3.util.UMOUNT_COMMAND = ['umount']
CedarBackup3.util.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = C
CedarBackup3.util.LANG_VAR = LANG
class CedarBackup3.util.UnorderedList

Bases: list

Class representing an “unordered list”.

An “unordered list” is a list in which only the contents matter, not the order in which the contents appear in the list.

For instance, we might be keeping track of set of paths in a list, because it’s convenient to have them in that form. However, for comparison purposes, we would only care that the lists contain exactly the same contents, regardless of order.

I have come up with two reasonable ways of doing this, plus a couple more that would work but would be a pain to implement. My first method is to copy and sort each list, comparing the sorted versions. This will only work if two lists with exactly the same members are guaranteed to sort in exactly the same order. The second way would be to create two Sets and then compare the sets. However, this would lose information about any duplicates in either list. I’ve decided to go with option #1 for now. I’ll modify this code if I run into problems in the future.

We override the original __eq__, __ne__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__ and __lt__ list methods to change the definition of the various comparison operators. In all cases, the comparison is changed to return the result of the original operation but instead comparing sorted lists. This is going to be quite a bit slower than a normal list, so you probably only want to use it on small lists.


Definition of == operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self == other


Definition of != operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self != other


Definition of S{>=} operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self >= other


Definition of > operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self > other


Definition of S{<=} operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self <= other


Definition of < operator for this class. :param other: Other object to compare to


True/false depending on whether self < other

static mixedsort(value)

Sort a list, making sure we don’t blow up if the list happens to include mixed values. @see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26575183/how-can-i-get-2-x-like-sorting-behaviour-in-python-3-x

static mixedkey(value)

Provide a key for use by mixedsort()

class CedarBackup3.util.AbsolutePathList

Bases: UnorderedList

Class representing a list of absolute paths.

This is an unordered list.

We override the append, insert and extend methods to ensure that any item added to the list is an absolute path.

Each item added to the list is encoded using encodePath. If we don’t do this, we have problems trying certain operations between strings and unicode objects, particularly for “odd” filenames that can’t be encoded in standard ASCII.


Overrides the standard append method. :raises ValueError: If item is not an absolute path

insert(index, item)

Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item is not an absolute path


Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If any item is not an absolute path

class CedarBackup3.util.ObjectTypeList(objectType, objectName)

Bases: UnorderedList

Class representing a list containing only objects with a certain type.

This is an unordered list.

We override the append, insert and extend methods to ensure that any item added to the list matches the type that is requested. The comparison uses the built-in isinstance, which should allow subclasses of of the requested type to be added to the list as well.

The objectName value will be used in exceptions, i.e. C{“Item must be a CollectDir object.”} if objectName is "CollectDir".


Overrides the standard append method. :raises ValueError: If item does not match requested type

insert(index, item)

Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item does not match requested type


Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item does not match requested type

class CedarBackup3.util.RestrictedContentList(valuesList, valuesDescr, prefix=None)

Bases: UnorderedList

Class representing a list containing only object with certain values.

This is an unordered list.

We override the append, insert and extend methods to ensure that any item added to the list is among the valid values. We use a standard comparison, so pretty much anything can be in the list of valid values.

The valuesDescr value will be used in exceptions, i.e. C{“Item must be one of values in VALID_ACTIONS”} if valuesDescr is "VALID_ACTIONS".

Note: This class doesn’t make any attempt to trap for nonsensical arguments. All of the values in the values list should be of the same type (i.e. strings). Then, all list operations also need to be of that type (i.e. you should always insert or append just strings). If you mix types – for instance lists and strings – you will likely see AttributeError exceptions or other problems.


Overrides the standard append method. :raises ValueError: If item is not in the values list

insert(index, item)

Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item is not in the values list


Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item is not in the values list

class CedarBackup3.util.RegexMatchList(valuesRegex, emptyAllowed=True, prefix=None)

Bases: UnorderedList

Class representing a list containing only strings that match a regular expression.

If emptyAllowed is passed in as False, then empty strings are explicitly disallowed, even if they happen to match the regular expression. (None values are always disallowed, since string operations are not permitted on None.)

This is an unordered list.

We override the append, insert and extend methods to ensure that any item added to the list matches the indicated regular expression.

Note: If you try to put values that are not strings into the list, you will likely get either TypeError or AttributeError exceptions as a result.


Overrides the standard append method.

  • ValueError – If item is None

  • ValueError – If item is empty and empty values are not allowed

  • ValueError – If item does not match the configured regular expression

insert(index, item)

Overrides the standard insert method.

  • ValueError – If item is None

  • ValueError – If item is empty and empty values are not allowed

  • ValueError – If item does not match the configured regular expression


Overrides the standard insert method.

  • ValueError – If any item is None

  • ValueError – If any item is empty and empty values are not allowed

  • ValueError – If any item does not match the configured regular expression

class CedarBackup3.util.RegexList

Bases: UnorderedList

Class representing a list of valid regular expression strings.

This is an unordered list.

We override the append, insert and extend methods to ensure that any item added to the list is a valid regular expression.


Overrides the standard append method. :raises ValueError: If item is not an absolute path

insert(index, item)

Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If item is not an absolute path


Overrides the standard insert method. :raises ValueError: If any item is not an absolute path

class CedarBackup3.util.DirectedGraph(name)

Bases: object

Represents a directed graph.

A graph G=(V,E) consists of a set of vertices V together with a set E of vertex pairs or edges. In a directed graph, each edge also has an associated direction (from vertext v1 to vertex v2). A DirectedGraph object provides a way to construct a directed graph and execute a depth- first search.

This data structure was designed based on the graphing chapter in U{The Algorithm Design Manual<http://www2.toki.or.id/book/AlgDesignManual/>}, by Steven S. Skiena.

This class is intended to be used by Cedar Backup for dependency ordering. Because of this, it’s not quite general-purpose. Unlike a “general” graph, every vertex in this graph has at least one edge pointing to it, from a special “start” vertex. This is so no vertices get “lost” either because they have no dependencies or because nothing depends on them.


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Equals operator, implemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Less-than operator, implemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Greater-than operator, implemented in terms of original Python 2 compare operator.


Original Python 2 comparison operator. :param other: Other object to compare to


-1/0/1 depending on whether self is <, = or > other


Creates a named vertex. :param name: vertex name


ValueError – If the vertex name is None or empty

createEdge(start, finish)

Adds an edge with an associated direction, from start vertex to finish vertex. :param start: Name of start vertex :param finish: Name of finish vertex


ValueError – If one of the named vertices is unknown


Implements a topological sort of the graph.

This method also enforces that the graph is a directed acyclic graph, which is a requirement of a topological sort.

A directed acyclic graph (or “DAG”) is a directed graph with no directed cycles. A topological sort of a DAG is an ordering on the vertices such that all edges go from left to right. Only an acyclic graph can have a topological sort, but any DAG has at least one topological sort.

Since a topological sort only makes sense for an acyclic graph, this method throws an exception if a cycle is found.

A depth-first search only makes sense if the graph is acyclic. If the graph contains any cycles, it is not possible to determine a consistent ordering for the vertices.

Note: If a particular vertex has no edges, then its position in the final list depends on the order in which the vertices were created in the graph. If you’re using this method to determine a dependency order, this makes sense: a vertex with no dependencies can go anywhere (and will).


Ordering on the vertices so that all edges go from left to right


ValueError – If a cycle is found in the graph

class CedarBackup3.util.PathResolverSingleton

Bases: object

Singleton used for resolving executable paths.

Various functions throughout Cedar Backup (including extensions) need a way to resolve the path of executables that they use. For instance, the image functionality needs to find the mkisofs executable, and the Subversion extension needs to find the svnlook executable. Cedar Backup’s original behavior was to assume that the simple name ("svnlook" or whatever) was available on the caller’s $PATH, and to fail otherwise. However, this turns out to be less than ideal, since for instance the root user might not always have executables like svnlook in its path.

One solution is to specify a path (either via an absolute path or some sort of path insertion or path appending mechanism) that would apply to the executeCommand() function. This is not difficult to implement, but it seem like kind of a “big hammer” solution. Besides that, it might also represent a security flaw (for instance, I prefer not to mess with root’s $PATH on the application level if I don’t have to).

The alternative is to set up some sort of configuration for the path to certain executables, i.e. “find svnlook in /usr/local/bin/svnlook” or whatever. This PathResolverSingleton aims to provide a good solution to the mapping problem. Callers of all sorts (extensions or not) can get an instance of the singleton. Then, they call the lookup method to try and resolve the executable they are looking for. Through the lookup method, the caller can also specify a default to use if a mapping is not found. This way, with no real effort on the part of the caller, behavior can neatly degrade to something equivalent to the current behavior if there is no special mapping or if the singleton was never initialized in the first place.

Even better, extensions automagically get access to the same resolver functionality, and they don’t even need to understand how the mapping happens. All extension authors need to do is document what executables their code requires, and the standard resolver configuration section will meet their needs.

The class should be initialized once through the constructor somewhere in the main routine. Then, the main routine should call the fill method to fill in the resolver’s internal structures. Everyone else who needs to resolve a path will get an instance of the class using getInstance and will then just call the lookup method.


Holds a reference to the singleton


Internal mapping from resource name to path

lookup(name, default=None)

Looks up name and returns the resolved path associated with the name. :param name: Name of the path resource to resolve :param default: Default to return if resource cannot be resolved


Resolved path associated with name, or default if name can’t be resolved


Fills in the singleton’s internal mapping from name to resource. :param mapping: Mapping from resource name to path :type mapping: Dictionary mapping name to path, both as strings

class CedarBackup3.util.Pipe(cmd, bufsize=-1, ignoreStderr=False)

Bases: subprocess.Popen

Specialized pipe class for use by executeCommand.

The executeCommand function needs a specialized way of interacting with a pipe. First, executeCommand only reads from the pipe, and never writes to it. Second, executeCommand needs a way to discard all output written to stderr, as a means of simulating the shell 2>/dev/null construct.

class CedarBackup3.util.Diagnostics

Bases: object

Class holding runtime diagnostic information.

Diagnostic information is information that is useful to get from users for debugging purposes. I’m consolidating it all here into one object.


Official string representation for class instance.


Informal string representation for class instance.


Get a map containing all of the diagnostic values. :returns: Map from diagnostic name to diagnostic value

printDiagnostics(fd=sys.stdout, prefix='')

Pretty-print diagnostic information to a file descriptor. :param fd: File descriptor used to print information :param prefix: Prefix string (if any) to place onto printed lines

Note: The fd is used rather than print to facilitate unit testing.

logDiagnostics(method, prefix='')

Pretty-print diagnostic information using a logger method. :param method: Logger method to use for logging (i.e. logger.info) :param prefix: Prefix string (if any) to place onto printed lines


Returns the keys of the dictionary sorted by value. :param d: Dictionary to operate on


List of dictionary keys sorted in order by dictionary value

CedarBackup3.util.removeKeys(d, keys)

Removes all of the keys from the dictionary. The dictionary is altered in-place. Each key must exist in the dictionary. :param d: Dictionary to operate on :param keys: List of keys to remove


KeyError – If one of the keys does not exist

CedarBackup3.util.convertSize(size, fromUnit, toUnit)

Converts a size in one unit to a size in another unit.

This is just a convenience function so that the functionality can be implemented in just one place. Internally, we convert values to bytes and then to the final unit.

The available units are:

  • UNIT_BYTES - Bytes

  • UNIT_KBYTES - Kilobytes, where 1 kB = 1024 B

  • UNIT_MBYTES - Megabytes, where 1 MB = 1024 kB

  • UNIT_GBYTES - Gigabytes, where 1 GB = 1024 MB

  • UNIT_SECTORS - Sectors, where 1 sector = 2048 B

  • size (Integer or float value in units of fromUnit) – Size to convert

  • fromUnit (One of the units listed above) – Unit to convert from

  • toUnit (One of the units listed above) – Unit to convert to


Number converted to new unit, as a float


ValueError – If one of the units is invalid

CedarBackup3.util.displayBytes(bytes, digits=2)

Format a byte quantity so it can be sensibly displayed.

It’s rather difficult to look at a number like “72372224 bytes” and get any meaningful information out of it. It would be more useful to see something like “69.02 MB”. That’s what this function does. Any time you want to display a byte value, i.e.:

print "Size: %s bytes" % bytes

Call this function instead:

print "Size: %s" % displayBytes(bytes)

What comes out will be sensibly formatted. The indicated number of digits will be listed after the decimal point, rounded based on whatever rules are used by Python’s standard %f string format specifier. (Values less than 1 kB will be listed in bytes and will not have a decimal point, since the concept of a fractional byte is nonsensical.)

  • bytes (Integer number of bytes) – Byte quantity

  • digits (Integer value, typically 2-5) – Number of digits to display after the decimal point


String, formatted for sensible display

CedarBackup3.util.getFunctionReference(module, function)

Gets a reference to a named function.

This does some hokey-pokey to get back a reference to a dynamically named function. For instance, say you wanted to get a reference to the os.path.isdir function. You could use:

myfunc = getFunctionReference("os.path", "isdir")

Although we won’t bomb out directly, behavior is pretty much undefined if you pass in None or "" for either module or function.

The only validation we enforce is that whatever we get back must be callable.

I derived this code based on the internals of the Python unittest implementation. I don’t claim to completely understand how it works.

  • module (Something like "os.path" or "CedarBackup3.util") – Name of module associated with function

  • function (Something like "isdir" or "getUidGid") – Name of function


Reference to function associated with name

  • ImportError – If the function cannot be found

  • ValueError – If the resulting reference is not callable

@copyright: Some of this code, prior to customization, was originally part of the Python 2.3 codebase. Python code is copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved.

CedarBackup3.util.getUidGid(user, group)

Get the uid/gid associated with a user/group pair

This is a no-op if user/group functionality is not available on the platform.

  • user (User name as a string) – User name

  • group (Group name as a string) – Group name


Tuple (uid, gid) matching passed-in user and group


ValueError – If the ownership user/group values are invalid

CedarBackup3.util.changeOwnership(path, user, group)

Changes ownership of path to match the user and group.

This is a no-op if user/group functionality is not available on the platform, or if the either passed-in user or group is None. Further, we won’t even try to do it unless running as root, since it’s unlikely to work.

  • path – Path whose ownership to change

  • user – User which owns file

  • group – Group which owns file


Indicates whether the program is running as the root user.


Splits a command line string into a list of arguments.

Unfortunately, there is no “standard” way to parse a command line string, and it’s actually not an easy problem to solve portably (essentially, we have to emulate the shell argument-processing logic). This code only respects double quotes (") for grouping arguments, not single quotes ('). Make sure you take this into account when building your command line.

Incidentally, I found this particular parsing method while digging around in Google Groups, and I tweaked it for my own use.


commandLine (String, i.e. "cback3 --verbose stage store") – Command line string


List of arguments, suitable for passing to popen2


ValueError – If the command line is None


Resolves the real path to a command through the path resolver mechanism.

Both extensions and standard Cedar Backup functionality need a way to resolve the “real” location of various executables. Normally, they assume that these executables are on the system path, but some callers need to specify an alternate location.

Ideally, we want to handle this configuration in a central location. The Cedar Backup path resolver mechanism (a singleton called PathResolverSingleton) provides the central location to store the mappings. This function wraps access to the singleton, and is what all functions (extensions or standard functionality) should call if they need to find a command.

The passed-in command must actually be a list, in the standard form used by all existing Cedar Backup code (something like ["svnlook", ]). The lookup will actually be done on the first element in the list, and the returned command will always be in list form as well.

If the passed-in command can’t be resolved or no mapping exists, then the command itself will be returned unchanged. This way, we neatly fall back on default behavior if we have no sensible alternative.


command (List form of command, i.e. ["svnlook", ]) – Command to resolve


Path to command or just command itself if no mapping exists

CedarBackup3.util.executeCommand(command, args, returnOutput=False, ignoreStderr=False, doNotLog=False, outputFile=None)

Executes a shell command, hopefully in a safe way.

This function exists to replace direct calls to os.popen in the Cedar Backup code. It’s not safe to call a function such as os.popen() with untrusted arguments, since that can cause problems if the string contains non-safe variables or other constructs (imagine that the argument is $WHATEVER, but $WHATEVER contains something like C{”; rm -fR ~/; echo”} in the current environment).

Instead, it’s safer to pass a list of arguments in the style supported bt popen2 or popen4. This function actually uses a specialized Pipe class implemented using either subprocess.Popen or popen2.Popen4.

Under the normal case, this function will return a tuple of C{(status, None)} where the status is the wait-encoded return status of the call per the popen2.Popen4 documentation. If returnOutput is passed in as True, the function will return a tuple of (status, output) where output is a list of strings, one entry per line in the output from the command. Output is always logged to the outputLogger.info() target, regardless of whether it’s returned.

By default, stdout and stderr will be intermingled in the output. However, if you pass in ignoreStderr=True, then only stdout will be included in the output.

The doNotLog parameter exists so that callers can force the function to not log command output to the debug log. Normally, you would want to log. However, if you’re using this function to write huge output files (i.e. database backups written to stdout) then you might want to avoid putting all that information into the debug log.

The outputFile parameter exists to make it easier for a caller to push output into a file, i.e. as a substitute for redirection to a file. If this value is passed in, each time a line of output is generated, it will be written to the file using outputFile.write(). At the end, the file descriptor will be flushed using outputFile.flush(). The caller maintains responsibility for closing the file object appropriately.

Note: I know that it’s a bit confusing that the command and the arguments are both lists. I could have just required the caller to pass in one big list. However, I think it makes some sense to keep the command (the constant part of what we’re executing, i.e. "scp -B") separate from its arguments, even if they both end up looking kind of similar.

Note: You cannot redirect output via shell constructs (i.e. >file, 2>/dev/null, etc.) using this function. The redirection string would be passed to the command just like any other argument. However, you can implement the equivalent to redirection using ignoreStderr and outputFile, as discussed above.

Note: The operating system environment is partially sanitized before the command is invoked. See sanitizeEnvironment for details.

  • command (List of individual arguments that make up the command) – Shell command to execute

  • args (List of additional arguments to the command) – List of arguments to the command

  • returnOutput (Boolean True or False) – Indicates whether to return the output of the command

  • ignoreStderr (Boolean True or False) – Whether stderr should be discarded

  • doNotLog (Boolean True or False) – Indicates that output should not be logged

  • outputFile (File as from open or file, binary write) – File that all output should be written to


Tuple of (result, output) as described above


Calculates the age (in days) of a file.

The “age” of a file is the amount of time since the file was last used, per the most recent of the file’s st_atime and st_mtime values.

Technically, we only intend this function to work with files, but it will probably work with anything on the filesystem.


path – Path to a file on disk


Age of the file in days (possibly fractional)


OSError – If the file doesn’t exist

CedarBackup3.util.mount(devicePath, mountPoint, fsType)

Mounts the indicated device at the indicated mount point.

For instance, to mount a CD, you might use device path /dev/cdrw, mount point /media/cdrw and filesystem type iso9660. You can safely use any filesystem type that is supported by mount on your platform. If the type is None, we’ll attempt to let mount auto-detect it. This may or may not work on all systems.

Note: This only works on platforms that have a concept of “mounting” a filesystem through a command-line "mount" command, like UNIXes. It won’t work on Windows.

  • devicePath – Path of device to be mounted

  • mountPoint – Path that device should be mounted at

  • fsType – Type of the filesystem assumed to be available via the device


IOError – If the device cannot be mounted

CedarBackup3.util.unmount(mountPoint, removeAfter=False, attempts=1, waitSeconds=0)

Unmounts whatever device is mounted at the indicated mount point.

Sometimes, it might not be possible to unmount the mount point immediately, if there are still files open there. Use the attempts and waitSeconds arguments to indicate how many unmount attempts to make and how many seconds to wait between attempts. If you pass in zero attempts, no attempts will be made (duh).

If the indicated mount point is not really a mount point per os.path.ismount(), then it will be ignored. This seems to be a safer check then looking through /etc/mtab, since ismount() is already in the Python standard library and is documented as working on all POSIX systems.

If removeAfter is True, then the mount point will be removed using os.rmdir() after the unmount action succeeds. If for some reason the mount point is not a directory, then it will not be removed.

Note: This only works on platforms that have a concept of “mounting” a filesystem through a command-line "mount" command, like UNIXes. It won’t work on Windows.

  • mountPoint – Mount point to be unmounted

  • removeAfter – Remove the mount point after unmounting it

  • attempts – Number of times to attempt the unmount

  • waitSeconds – Number of seconds to wait between repeated attempts


IOError – If the mount point is still mounted after attempts are exhausted


Indicates whether a specific filesystem device is currently mounted.

We determine whether the device is mounted by looking through the system’s mtab file. This file shows every currently-mounted filesystem, ordered by device. We only do the check if the mtab file exists and is readable. Otherwise, we assume that the device is not mounted.

Note: This only works on platforms that have a concept of an mtab file to show mounted volumes, like UNIXes. It won’t work on Windows.


devicePath – Path of device to be checked


True if device is mounted, false otherwise


Safely encodes a filesystem path as a Unicode string, converting bytes to fileystem encoding if necessary. :param path: Path to encode


Path, as a string, encoded appropriately


ValueError – If the path cannot be encoded properly

@see: http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2013/7/2/the-updated-guide-to-unicode/

CedarBackup3.util.pathJoin(path, *paths)

Wraps os.path.join(), normalizing slashes in the result.

On Windows in particular, we often end up with mixed slashes, where parts of a path have forward slash and parts have backward slash. This makes it difficult to construct exclusions in configuration, because you never know what part of a path will have what kind of slash. I’ve decided to standardize on forward slashes.


Result as from os.path.join() but always with forward slashes.


Attempts to portably return the null device on this system.

The null device is something like /dev/null on a UNIX system. The name varies on other platforms.


Converts English day name to numeric day of week as from time.localtime.

For instance, the day monday would be converted to the number 0.


dayName (string, i.e. "monday", "tuesday", etc) – Day of week to convert


Integer, where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6; or -1 if no conversion is possible


Indicates whether “today” is the backup starting day per configuration.

If the current day’s English name matches the indicated starting day, then today is a starting day.


startingDay (string, i.e. "monday", "tuesday", etc) – Configured starting day


Boolean indicating whether today is the starting day


Returns a “normalized” path based on a path name.

A normalized path is a representation of a path that is also a valid file name. To make a valid file name out of a complete path, we have to convert or remove some characters that are significant to the filesystem – in particular, the path separator, the Windows drive separator, and any leading '.' character (which would cause the file to be hidden in a file listing).

Note that this is a one-way transformation – you can’t safely derive the original path from the normalized path.

To normalize a path, we begin by looking at the first character. If the first character is '/' or '\', it gets removed. If the first character is '.', it gets converted to '_'. Then, we look through the rest of the path and convert all remaining '/' or '\' characters '-', and all remaining whitespace or ':' characters to '_'.

As a special case, a path consisting only of a single '/' or '\' character will be converted to '_'. That’s better than '-', because a dash tends to get interpreted by shell commands as a switch.

As a special case, anything that looks like a leading Windows drive letter combination (like c:\ or c:/) will be converted to something like c-. This is needed because a colon isn’t a valid filename character on Windows.


path – Path to normalize


Normalized path as described above


ValueError – If the path is None


Sanitizes the operating system environment.

The operating system environment is contained in os.environ. This method sanitizes the contents of that dictionary.

Currently, all it does is reset the locale (removing $LC_*) and set the default language ($LANG) to DEFAULT_LANGUAGE. This way, we can count on consistent localization regardless of what the end-user has configured. This is important for code that needs to parse program output.

The os.environ dictionary is modifed in-place. If $LANG is already set to the proper value, it is not re-set, so we can avoid the memory leaks that are documented to occur on BSD-based systems.


Copy of the sanitized environment

Deference a soft link, optionally normalizing it to an absolute path. :param path: Path of link to dereference :param absolute: Whether to normalize the result to an absolute path


Dereferenced path, or original path if original is not a link

CedarBackup3.util.checkUnique(prefix, values)

Checks that all values are unique.

The values list is checked for duplicate values. If there are duplicates, an exception is thrown. All duplicate values are listed in the exception.

  • prefix – Prefix to use in the thrown exception

  • values – List of values to check


ValueError – If there are duplicates in the list


Parses a list of values out of a comma-separated string.

The items in the list are split by comma, and then have whitespace stripped. As a special case, if commaString is None, then None will be returned.


commaString – List of values in comma-separated string format


Values from commaString split into a list, or None