
Provides unit-testing utilities.

These utilities are kept here, separate from util.py, because they provide common functionality that I do not want exported “publicly” once Cedar Backup is installed on a system. They are only used for unit testing, and are only useful within the source tree.

Many of these functions are in here because they are “good enough” for unit test work but are not robust enough to be real public functions. Others (like removedir) do what they are supposed to, but I don’t want responsibility for making them available to others.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents


Sets up a screen logger for debugging purposes.

Normally, the CLI functionality configures the logger so that things get written to the right place. However, for debugging it’s sometimes nice to just get everything – debug information and output – dumped to the screen. This function takes care of that.


Optionally disable system logging based on configuration in the environment.


Set up any platform-specific overrides that might be required.

When packages are built, this is done manually (hardcoded) in customize.py and the overrides are set up in cli.cli(). This way, no runtime checks need to be done. This is safe, because the package maintainer knows exactly which platform (Debian or not) the package is being built for.

Unit tests are different, because they might be run anywhere. So, we attempt to make a guess about plaform using platformDebian(), and use that to set up the custom overrides so that platform-specific unit tests continue to work.

CedarBackup3.testutil.findResources(resources, dataDirs)

Returns a dictionary of locations for various resources. :param resources: List of required resources :param dataDirs: List of data directories to search within for resources


Dictionary mapping resource name to resource path


Exception – If some resource cannot be found


Indicates whether a command is available on $PATH somewhere. This should work on both Windows and UNIX platforms. :param command: Commang to search for


Boolean true/false depending on whether command is available


Builds a complete path from a list of components. For instance, constructs "/a/b/c" from ["/a", "b", "c"]. :param components: List of components


String path constructed from components


ValueError – If a path cannot be encoded properly


Recursively removes an entire directory. This is basically taken from an example on python.com. :param tree: Directory tree to remove


ValueError – If a path cannot be encoded properly

CedarBackup3.testutil.extractTar(tmpdir, filepath)

Extracts the indicated tar file to the indicated tmpdir. :param tmpdir: Temp directory to extract to :param filepath: Path to tarfile to extract


ValueError – If a path cannot be encoded properly

CedarBackup3.testutil.changeFileAge(filename, subtract=None)

Changes a file age using the os.utime function.

Note: Some platforms don’t seem to be able to set an age precisely. As a result, whereas we might have intended to set an age of 86400 seconds, we actually get an age of 86399.375 seconds. When util.calculateFileAge() looks at that the file, it calculates an age of 0.999992766204 days, which then gets truncated down to zero whole days. The tests get very confused. To work around this, I always subtract off one additional second as a fudge factor. That way, the file age will be at least as old as requested later on.

  • filename – File to operate on

  • subtract – Number of seconds to subtract from the current time


ValueError – If a path cannot be encoded properly


Returns the user’s current umask inverted to a mode. A mode is mostly a bitwise inversion of a mask, i.e. mask 002 is mode 775. :returns: Umask converted to a mode, as an integer


Returns the name of the currently-logged in user. This might fail under some circumstances - but if it does, our tests would fail anyway.

CedarBackup3.testutil.randomFilename(length, prefix=None, suffix=None)

Generates a random filename with the given length. @return Random filename

CedarBackup3.testutil.failUnlessAssignRaises(testCase, exception, obj, prop, value)

Equivalent of failUnlessRaises, but used for property assignments instead.

It’s nice to be able to use failUnlessRaises to check that a method call raises the exception that you expect. Unfortunately, this method can’t be used to check Python propery assignments, even though these property assignments are actually implemented underneath as methods.

This function (which can be easily called by unit test classes) provides an easy way to wrap the assignment checks. It’s not pretty, or as intuitive as the original check it’s modeled on, but it does work.

Let’s assume you make this method call:

testCase.failUnlessAssignRaises(ValueError, collectDir, "absolutePath", absolutePath)

If you do this, a test case failure will be raised unless the assignment:

collectDir.absolutePath = absolutePath

fails with a ValueError exception. The failure message differentiates between the case where no exception was raised and the case where the wrong exception was raised.

Note: Internally, the missed and instead variables are used rather than directly calling testCase.fail upon noticing a problem because the act of “failure” itself generates an exception that would be caught by the general except clause.

  • testCase – PyUnit test case object (i.e. self)

  • exception – Exception that is expected to be raised

  • obj – Object whose property is to be assigned to

  • prop – Name of the property, as a string

  • value – Value that is to be assigned to the property

@see: unittest.TestCase.failUnlessRaises


Captures the output (stdout, stderr) of a function or a method.

Some of our functions don’t do anything other than just print output. We need a way to test these functions (at least nominally) but we don’t want any of the output spoiling the test suite output.

This function just creates a dummy file descriptor that can be used as a target by the callable function, rather than stdout or stderr.

Note: This method assumes that callable doesn’t take any arguments besides keyword argument fd to specify the file descriptor.


c – Callable function or method


Output of function, as one big string


Returns boolean indicating whether this is the Debian platform.


Returns boolean indicating whether this is the Mac OS X platform.


Returns boolean indicating whether this is the Windows platform.

Whether the platform supports soft links


Returns a list of available locales on the system :returns: List of string locale names