
Provides the implementation for various knapsack algorithms.

Knapsack algorithms are “fit” algorithms, used to take a set of “things” and decide on the optimal way to fit them into some container. The focus of this code is to fit files onto a disc, although the interface (in terms of item, item size and capacity size, with no units) is generic enough that it can be applied to items other than files.

All of the algorithms implemented below assume that “optimal” means “use up as much of the disc’s capacity as possible”, but each produces slightly different results. For instance, the best fit and first fit algorithms tend to include fewer files than the worst fit and alternate fit algorithms, even if they use the disc space more efficiently.

Usually, for a given set of circumstances, it will be obvious to a human which algorithm is the right one to use, based on trade-offs between number of files included and ideal space utilization. It’s a little more difficult to do this programmatically. For Cedar Backup’s purposes (i.e. trying to fit a small number of collect-directory tarfiles onto a disc), worst-fit is probably the best choice if the goal is to include as many of the collect directories as possible.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>

Module Contents

CedarBackup3.knapsack.firstFit(items, capacity)

Implements the first-fit knapsack algorithm.

The first-fit algorithm proceeds through an unsorted list of items until running out of items or meeting capacity exactly. If capacity is exceeded, the item that caused capacity to be exceeded is thrown away and the next one is tried. This algorithm generally performs more poorly than the other algorithms both in terms of capacity utilization and item utilization, but can be as much as an order of magnitude faster on large lists of items because it doesn’t require any sorting.

The “size” values in the items and capacity arguments must be comparable, but they are unitless from the perspective of this function. Zero-sized items and capacity are considered degenerate cases. If capacity is zero, no items fit, period, even if the items list contains zero-sized items.

The dictionary is indexed by its key, and then includes its key. This seems kind of strange on first glance. It works this way to facilitate easy sorting of the list on key if needed.

The function assumes that the list of items may be used destructively, if needed. This avoids the overhead of having the function make a copy of the list, if this is not required. Callers should pass items.copy() if they do not want their version of the list modified.

The function returns a list of chosen items and the unitless amount of capacity used by the items.

  • items (dictionary, keyed on item, of item, size tuples, item as string and size as integer) – Items to operate on

  • capacity (integer) – Capacity of container to fit to


Tuple (items, used) as described above

CedarBackup3.knapsack.bestFit(items, capacity)

Implements the best-fit knapsack algorithm.

The best-fit algorithm proceeds through a sorted list of items (sorted from largest to smallest) until running out of items or meeting capacity exactly. If capacity is exceeded, the item that caused capacity to be exceeded is thrown away and the next one is tried. The algorithm effectively includes the minimum number of items possible in its search for optimal capacity utilization. For large lists of mixed-size items, it’s not ususual to see the algorithm achieve 100% capacity utilization by including fewer than 1% of the items. Probably because it often has to look at fewer of the items before completing, it tends to be a little faster than the worst-fit or alternate-fit algorithms.

The “size” values in the items and capacity arguments must be comparable, but they are unitless from the perspective of this function. Zero-sized items and capacity are considered degenerate cases. If capacity is zero, no items fit, period, even if the items list contains zero-sized items.

The dictionary is indexed by its key, and then includes its key. This seems kind of strange on first glance. It works this way to facilitate easy sorting of the list on key if needed.

The function assumes that the list of items may be used destructively, if needed. This avoids the overhead of having the function make a copy of the list, if this is not required. Callers should pass items.copy() if they do not want their version of the list modified.

The function returns a list of chosen items and the unitless amount of capacity used by the items.

  • items (dictionary, keyed on item, of item, size tuples, item as string and size as integer) – Items to operate on

  • capacity (integer) – Capacity of container to fit to


Tuple (items, used) as described above

CedarBackup3.knapsack.worstFit(items, capacity)

Implements the worst-fit knapsack algorithm.

The worst-fit algorithm proceeds through an a sorted list of items (sorted from smallest to largest) until running out of items or meeting capacity exactly. If capacity is exceeded, the item that caused capacity to be exceeded is thrown away and the next one is tried. The algorithm effectively includes the maximum number of items possible in its search for optimal capacity utilization. It tends to be somewhat slower than either the best-fit or alternate-fit algorithm, probably because on average it has to look at more items before completing.

The “size” values in the items and capacity arguments must be comparable, but they are unitless from the perspective of this function. Zero-sized items and capacity are considered degenerate cases. If capacity is zero, no items fit, period, even if the items list contains zero-sized items.

The dictionary is indexed by its key, and then includes its key. This seems kind of strange on first glance. It works this way to facilitate easy sorting of the list on key if needed.

The function assumes that the list of items may be used destructively, if needed. This avoids the overhead of having the function make a copy of the list, if this is not required. Callers should pass items.copy() if they do not want their version of the list modified.

The function returns a list of chosen items and the unitless amount of capacity used by the items.

  • items (dictionary, keyed on item, of item, size tuples, item as string and size as integer) – Items to operate on

  • capacity (integer) – Capacity of container to fit to


Tuple (items, used) as described above

CedarBackup3.knapsack.alternateFit(items, capacity)

Implements the alternate-fit knapsack algorithm.

This algorithm (which I’m calling “alternate-fit” as in “alternate from one to the other”) tries to balance small and large items to achieve better end-of-disk performance. Instead of just working one direction through a list, it alternately works from the start and end of a sorted list (sorted from smallest to largest), throwing away any item which causes capacity to be exceeded. The algorithm tends to be slower than the best-fit and first-fit algorithms, and slightly faster than the worst-fit algorithm, probably because of the number of items it considers on average before completing. It often achieves slightly better capacity utilization than the worst-fit algorithm, while including slighly fewer items.

The “size” values in the items and capacity arguments must be comparable, but they are unitless from the perspective of this function. Zero-sized items and capacity are considered degenerate cases. If capacity is zero, no items fit, period, even if the items list contains zero-sized items.

The dictionary is indexed by its key, and then includes its key. This seems kind of strange on first glance. It works this way to facilitate easy sorting of the list on key if needed.

The function assumes that the list of items may be used destructively, if needed. This avoids the overhead of having the function make a copy of the list, if this is not required. Callers should pass items.copy() if they do not want their version of the list modified.

The function returns a list of chosen items and the unitless amount of capacity used by the items.

  • items (dictionary, keyed on item, of item, size tuples, item as string and size as integer) – Items to operate on

  • capacity (integer) – Capacity of container to fit to


Tuple (items, used) as described above