Class TX3DUnknownNode



type TX3DUnknownNode = class(TX3DNode)


Not recognized VRML/X3D node type. Used for nodes found when parsing VRML/X3D file that are not implemented.

TX3DUnknownNode is parsed (in classic VRML encoding) in a special way, to be able to omit it gracefully. While such "unknown" node doesn't really do match in our graph, it works correctly with VRML/X3D DEF/USE mechanism.

Never instantiate this class by a standard constructor. Always use CreateUnknown constructor, this way we can safely assume that X3DType is always correctly set.




Protected function DeepCopyCreate(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; override;
Public function X3DType: string; override;
Public procedure Parse(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); override;
Public constructor Create(const AName: string; const ABaseUrl: string); override;
Public constructor CreateUnknown(const AName, ABaseUrl: string; const AX3DType :string);



Protected function DeepCopyCreate(CopyState: TX3DNodeDeepCopyState): TX3DNode; override;
Public function X3DType: string; override;
Public procedure Parse(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReaderNames); override;
Public constructor Create(const AName: string; const ABaseUrl: string); override;

base Create will throw exception. Always use CreateUnknown*

Public constructor CreateUnknown(const AName, ABaseUrl: string; const AX3DType :string);

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