Class TTogglerNode
type TTogglerNode = class(TAbstractChildNode)
Utility for setting and observing a boolean value in various ways.
constructor Create(const AX3DName: string = ''; const ABaseUrl: string = ''); override; |
procedure CreateNode; override; |
class function ClassX3DType: string; override; |
constructor Create(const AX3DName: string = ''; const ABaseUrl: string = ''); override; |
procedure CreateNode; override; |
class function ClassX3DType: string; override; |
property FdStatus: TSFBool read FFdStatus; |
Internal wrapper for property Status. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler Status instead.
property Status: Boolean read GetStatus write SetStatus; |
Stored Boolean value.
property FdNotStatus: TSFBool read FFdNotStatus; |
Internal wrapper for property NotStatus. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler NotStatus instead.
property NotStatus: Boolean read GetNotStatus write SetNotStatus; |
Always the negated value of Status. You can set either Status or NotStatus, changing one changes also the other to keep them being negated values of each other. Also events (like EventToggle) change both properties.
property EventToggle: TXFAnyEvent read FEventToggle; |
Send any value to this event (the value is ignored) to toggle Status between True and False .
property EventSet: TXFAnyEvent read FEventSet; |
Send any value to this event (the value is ignored) to set Status to True .
property EventReset: TXFAnyEvent read FEventReset; |
Send any value to this event (the value is ignored) to set Status to False .
property EventChanged: TSFBoolEvent read FEventChanged; |
Outputs a True value whenever the Status changed.
property EventOn: TSFBoolEvent read FEventOn; |
Outputs a True value whenever the Status changed to True .
property EventOff: TSFBoolEvent read FEventOff; |
Outputs a True value whenever the Status changed to False .
property FdEnabled: TSFBool read FFdEnabled; |
Internal wrapper for property Enabled. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler Enabled instead.
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