Class TMFNode
type TMFNode = class(TX3DMultField)
VRML/X3D field holding a list of nodes.
Just like SFNode, it's defined in this unit, as it uses TX3DNode. Note that items of MFNode cannot be nil (i.e. VRML/X3D doesn't allow to use NULL inside MFNode), contrary to SFNode.
Note that TMFNode
implementation doesn't use TX3DSimpleMultField. One reason is that we don't want to parse MFNode items by SFNode parser, because MFNode doesn't allow NULL items. (In the past, another argument was that we want to use TX3DNodeList and it wasn't compatible with TX3DSimpleMultField. But now TX3DNodeList descends from TFPSList, so it isn't a problem.)
Just like for TSFNode: Note that we store AllowedChildren list, which is a list of classes allowed as Items. But this is used only to produce warnings for a user. You should never assert that every item actually is one the requested classes.
constructor CreateUndefined(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string); override; |
Construct a field allowing any children class. Suitable only for special cases. For example, in instantiated prototypes, we must initially just allow all children, otherwise valid prototypes with SFNode/MFNode would cause warnings when parsing.
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DNode; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AAllowedChildrenClasses: array of TX3DNodeClass); overload; |
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DNode; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AAllowedChildrenClasses: TX3DNodeClassesList); overload; |
Constructor that takes a list of allowed children classes. Note that we copy the contents of AAllowedChildrenClasses, not the reference.
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DNode; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AnAllowedChildrenFunctionality: TNodeFunctionalityClass); overload; |
Constructor that allows as children any implementor of given functionality.
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure Replace(const Index: Integer; Node: TX3DNode); |
procedure Add(Node: TX3DNode); overload; |
procedure Add(Position: Integer; Node: TX3DNode); overload; |
procedure Delete(Index: Integer); |
function Remove(const Node: TX3DNode): Integer; |
Search list for given node, and, if found, remove it. Returns the index of removed item, or -1 if not found.
function Extract(Index: Integer): TX3DNode; |
Remove child with given Index, and return it, never freeing it. This is analogous to TX3DNode.ExtractChild, see there for more explanation.
procedure Clear; |
procedure AssignItems(const SourceItems: TX3DNodeList); overload; |
procedure AssignItems(const SourceItems: array of TX3DNode); overload; |
procedure ParseValue(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReader); override; |
procedure ParseXMLAttribute(const AttributeValue: string; Reader: TX3DReader); override; |
procedure ParseXMLElement(Element: TDOMElement; Reader: TX3DReader); override; |
function EqualsDefaultValue: boolean; override; |
function Equals(SecondValue: TX3DField): boolean; override; |
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; |
procedure AssignValue(Source: TX3DField); override; |
procedure AssignDefaultValueFromValue; override; |
procedure UnassignDefaultValue; override; |
class function X3DType: string; override; |
class function CreateEvent(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AName: string; const AInEvent: boolean): TX3DEvent; override; |
procedure WarningIfChildNotAllowed(Child: TX3DNode); |
Checks is Child allowed on the list of nodes of this MFNode, and makes WritelnWarning if not.
Check is allowed is done looking at AllowedChildrenAll and AllowedChildren properties.
Child must not be Nil .
WritelnWarning message will suggest that this Child is added to this node. In other words, you should only pass as Child a node that you want to add (e.g. by Add) to this field, otherwise WritelnWarning message will be a little unsensible.
function ChildAllowed(Child: TX3DNode): boolean; |
procedure ClearDefault; |
procedure Send(const AValue: array of TX3DNode); overload; |
Set the field's value in a correct way (by sending X3D event, or at least notifying the parent scene).
function IndexOfName(const AName: string): Integer; |
Find index of a node with given name, -1 if not found.
function IndexOf(const ANode: TX3DNode): Integer; |
Find index of a node , -1 if not found.
property Items[constIndex:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetItems write Replace; |
Items of this field.
property ItemsArray[Index:Integer]: TX3DNode read GetItems; deprecated 'use Items (default array property)'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Items (default array property) |
property ParentNode: TX3DNode read FParentNode; |
property DefaultItems: TX3DNodeList read FDefaultItems; |
Lists default items of this field.
Do not modify this list explicitly. Use only methods in this class like AssignDefaultItems (they take care of calling appropriate AddParentField / RemoveParentField, otherwise you could break reference-counting of nodes by ParentFields).
property DefaultValueExists: boolean
read FDefaultValueExists write FDefaultValueExists default false; |
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